Chereads / The magical adventures of Galaxio / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2:Time to see the city

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2:Time to see the city

Galaxio yawns and wakes up his big sister.

Galaxio:Sis,wake up.Its morning.Wake up the other too,ok?I'm gonna go prepare breakfast.


Galaxia wakes up the others as well.

The rest of the group brushes their teeth and steps outside of the ship.

Thunder:I never knew this place was this spacious!

Galaxia:The city is even more spacious when you see it.

Flame:What's a city?

Iceo:I think its a place with huge metal towers and a lot of humans.

Leavio:Why don't we go check it out?

Galaxia:Sure,but we need to go wait for our breakfast.We can't go on a trip with an empty stomach.

Light:Yeah,and we might perish because of starvation.

Darkness:Anyways,what's the time?

Stone:Its...72:456 e.m.

Galaxia:So its 6:38 a.m. here.Still pretty early.

Liquid:Guys,do you smell that?

Wind:It smells delicious!

Galaxia:The smell isn't bad.Looks like Galaxio is doing a great job cooking.

Galaxio steps out of the ship and tells the group breakfast is ready.

Flame:Wow,Galaxio,you cook so well!

Thunder:These sweet miralis plants you cooked smells amazing!

Iceo:Nice job frying the arbitrary meat.They look awesome.

Galaxia:Alright,let's dig in!

They eat a hearty meal and clean up the ship.

Galaxia:All right,looks like were done cleaning the ship.

Flame:Can we go to the city now?

Thunder:I think we can now,but Flame,you need to change your hair.Its on fire.

Stone:Makes sense.

Galaxia:Ok,if you guys really wanna see the city,you might wanna change into something normal.


Galaxia:Were not.Now go ahead and change.


They all change into their human forms.

Galaxia:All right,now this is my style!

Galaxio:These clothes look a bit too normal....

Thunder:Flame,that head of yours still doesn't look normal....


Liquid:My bottoms have holes in them.

Wind:Mine too.

Stone:Can someone please explain why these clothes are so weird looking?

Light:This is actually kinda nice.

Darkness:Its a not bad for me.

Iceo:These clothes are melting me....

Leavio:Now this is what I like.

Galaxia:All right everyone,settle down,settle down.We need a ship guardian.So who's it gonna be?

Galaxio:Maybe Leavio?

Leavio:Nope,I'm coming.I wanna see those huge metal towers Iceo's talkin' bout'.

Galaxia:Any volunteers?

Galaxia:Sis,we probably should just turn the ship invisible so everyone can come.

Galaxia:Yeah,I guess thats for the best.After all,none of you have ever seen cities before.

Flame:I'm cool with that.Although,I really wanted to have thunder left behind....

Thunder:Really dude?Why me?

Liquid:Its because you always say his flaming head isn't normal.


Leavio:Anyways Galaxia,can we fly there?

Galaxia:We can't.The people would see us.We can't exactly use invisibility powers in the air.Birds might hit us.

Galaxio:Sis is absolutely right.We should just teleport to somewhere where there's no people around.But not somewhere really far from the city.

Stone:Well,we can go to a dark place near the city.Pretty sure no one will have the guts to go there.

Light:Let's do it.

Darkness:All right,we teleport together.Ok,1.2.3.GO!

They teleport to the darkest alley in the city.

Galaxia:Wow,I can't see a thing....

Galaxio:Light,give us some light.


Light raises his hand and a little light orb appears above his hand.

Darkness:I was already good with the darkness.Why light it up?

Flame:Well,we couldn't see a thing.

Thunder:I think Flame's burning head could have come in handy.

Liquid:Thunder,I'm pretty sure Flame wants you to shut up now.

Flame:Liquid,you read my mind!

Galaxia:All right,enough talking.Time to see the city.Also light,take away the orb.


Light takes away the orb.They then exit the alley and is shocked to see what is in front of them.

Iceo:So beautiful....

Light:Now this is home,alright.

(Go read the next chapter for more!)
