Smoke filled the blood-red sky as the sound of fire could be heard dancing on top of its surroundings to the sounds of screams echoing throughout the sky. Grunts and roars could be heard as those who weren't lucky enough to be enveloped by the flames, were either slain or eaten.
The scene was nothing short of devastating as the carnage would only speak for itself. People ran for their lives as demons seemed to be on their heels as they attacked their prey. Some people managed to escape a few demons, only to be led into false hope as they were cut down by another.
The display of the world was so contorted that it would twist the heart of any human as the senseless slaughter of any and every human that was caught in their sights.
Man, women, children; no one was safe from this catastrophic annihilation and as the carnage continued a long demon walked amongst the waves of destruction that fell to the side of her.
Her tall figure strolled casually as the genocide around her continued. Her footsteps landed on the pavement, cracking the pavement with each step. Her Amber her eyes seemed to focus as she ignored those who screamed for her help and then forever silenced.
A long black tail slithered from her backside as it matched the set of dragon-like wings that arched from her back. The black scales appeared in several places along her body as it covered her hands up to her elbow, leaving her light fair-skinned shoulders exposed.
The scales covered her feet, up to her knees leaving the top portion of her legs bare. Her waist was also encased in the dragon-like armor that she wore, which also covered her breast, leaving her belly and her collarbone exposed.
Her long black hair shined as she walked as the flames continued to dance with the destruction around her.
The humans continued to run as passed her as they were trying to escape their fate, which she made no motion to either stop nor help as the demons rushed passed her, sinking their fangs in their victims.
The she-demons walk came to a halt as she stopped right in front of a house that was seemingly one of the few that were spared. No emotion appeared on her face as she gazed at the house before she took another step forward.
The sound of crying and begging could be heard from behind the door as the sound of a man and a woman could be heard.
"It's over, it's all over we're going to die!" the woman shrieked as her husband appeared to be frustrated as he rubbed his hand on the ground, coating the floor with blood that flowed from the palm of his hand.
The two dressed in simple attire. The husband with a pair of brown pants with a white button shirt with a pair of brown shoes and the wife; she was covered in a simple garment that appeared to be casual wear for the house with a pink apron that wrapped around her waist.
"What are you doing?" The wife asked terrifyingly. "Are you crazy that will never work! It's over!"
She screamed at him.
"Shut up!" The husband quickly turned towards her as the sound of a crying boy could be heard, causing the husband to turn back around, his eyes falling upon the child. "It will work! It has to!" He replied as he continued to draw his hand along the floor.
The house was dark, but the few candles that lit up around the circle that the husband was working on barely kept it lit, giving it an eerie feel as he finally completed the circle, standing back up with a satisfied smile on his face. "No matter what, if we sacrifice the child, then we can bypass all of this mess." He said to her. "Just don't show no fear and we can get through this." He told her.
"All we have to do is appease them, right? Then we'll be spared." The husband's lips twistedly smiled as the plan began to formulate in his head. "Once we do that, they won't bother us; we can get out of here and live our lives somewhere else, some place far beyond this hell hole." He bellowed as he went back to working on the pentagram he scribbled on to the floor.
"How can you be so sure?" She asked him, but she a response would not be what she would receive as the front door of their home quickly burst open flying across the room, slamming into her and driving her into the wall, crushing her body with force as the husband couldn't help but be shocked by the sheer power that graces their doorstep.
"Noā¦." He uttered to himself. "NO!" He turned around and came face to face with the tall dragon girl that stood in his doorway. "You damn demonsā¦" He gritted his teeth as he turned towards the boy that continued to sit in the middle of the circle, completely aghast by the ordeal as well.
The man quickly turned towards the dragon woman as she slowly stepped into the house. "Is this what you want?" The man shouted at her as he took a step back. "A sacrifice!" He growled at her. "Here, take my son! Take the boy! He should be more than enough for you to spare me!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, but the woman paid his words no mind as she continued to make her way towards the center of the room, where she stepped into the circle, her eyes quickly shooting over to the boy that sat in front of her.
Her golden eyes landed on the boy that sat there, his eyes nearly lifeless as her he could no longer scream. His body covered in bruises, cuts, and dirt. Her eyes widened a bit as the child could only look up at her as she eyed him back, not a word was said; but the anguish that he child had been through was apparent, causing the woman to slowly turn her attention towards the man.
Seemingly to think the opposite, the man nodded; a disgusting smirk sliding across his face. "There, you see he's pure enough right?" He took a step forward. "That's what you like right? Something pure that hasn't been corrupted by the world?" She didn't make a move. "So take him! Take him and get the hell out of my house! Leave me alone!" He screamed at her. "Take that bastard of a son away and spare my life you wretched Deā¦." A loud crack was heard as the dragon woman quickly appeared in front of the man balling up her fist to deliver a bone-crushing blow to the side of his face, sending him into the wall as his body slammed against it, sliding down to the floor with blood smearing the wall where his body hit.
She said nothing, but her intent was evident as she looked back at the blood pentagram that the man created and quickly disintegrated into nothing, the child falling over as a result.
The man slowly managed to lift his head to view the scene has it unfolded as he watched the scene unfold in front of him. "You damn demonsā¦You damn demons!" He shouted at her as he watched as she made his way towards him. "You were supposed to spare me! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO SPARE ME!" He screamed at the top of his lungs as she grabbed him by the neck and lifted him in the air. Her Amber eyes glowing as she glared at him.
The sounds of choking could be heard as the child could barely lift his head to see what was going on. The blurry vision was hard to make out, not like he could understand what was going on. All he heard was the screams of his father as he berated the woman with senseless insults as the demon dragoness made no attempts to reply. The boy could only see the legs of the female and those of his dads dangling in the air as his dad yelled once more only for his son to hear a loud pop and blood reign down as his body went limp as it left her hands and fell to the floor, headless.
She slowly turned around and her eyes focused on the boy once again as she made her way to him. He saw her footsteps, she was coming closer, his vision was getting hazier, her foot stopped just before his face as he tried his best to look up at her.
She leaned down towards him as his eyes closed once again, the last thing he heard was. "Don't worry, dying isn't so bad."
The Dragon-like woman looked down at him giving him for a second, gold lightning began to surround her hand as she stared at him. "I'll make it quickā¦" She raised her hand but was quickly caught off guard by a huge explosion that tore the roof off the house that she was in.
Quickly diverting her attention towards the source, her eyes landed on what could be the most single important battle that the world has ever had the privilege to hold.
Above the dark clouds, two colored energies Black and Gold clashed amongst each other, creating thunder and lightning each time they impacted each other. The two lights danced beautifully in a never-ending struggle with one another trying to gain the upper hand. It was a beautiful sight to uphold. The infinite patterns that the two energies provided across the sky would be something that humans would remember for ages if they had time to take it in.
The two energies collided once more, pushing each other back in a stalemate. Their colored glow faded immediately as two figures were seen in their place.
"How long do you plan to struggle against destruction, goddess?" A dark sinister voice taunted from the figure that replaced the cloak of black energy that vanished. A dark demonic, bipedal creature stood unfazed by the constant strain of attacks that were traded between the two. His long Blacktail waved calmly behind him as the two figures remained floating above the clouds. His arms crossed, slightly revealing his dark gray claws. His dark red eyes slowly tore away from his opponent as he looked down at the world below them. "How long do you think those human children of yours will last?" He asked his soulless eyes baring no sympathy towards humanity being slaughtered below.
"You better hurry and finish this, if you plan to save them." His eyes refocus their attention on the target in front of himā¦.A four-winged Angel woman that he was noticeably taller than. Her blonde hair reached down her back, draped over the four wings sticking out of her back. Her Golden eyes narrowed in anger as she eyed her enemy hatefully.
"How dare youā¦"She gritted her teeth as the eerie wind blew across the battlefield, blowing against her white dressed that covered her body itself, her arms and lower legs, which had golden bracelets wrapped around them. Her tan-skinned gleamed with life as the fire in her eyes was noticeable as she glared at the large demon that floated in front of her. "How dare you disrupt the balance of order and invade the human world like this?' She growled. "How dare you trample on human lives as if it means nothing to you?" She screamed at him. "Life is very sacred and full of meaning and understanding; it's not something that should be obliterated in the blink of an eye!" Her anger flared as she met the calm demeanor of her demonic counterpart.
"You've taken the very nature of this balance and completely crushed it." She hissed, her voice aggravated with sheer annoyance. "The human ideal is about slow progression."
"Foolish ideals goddess." The dark husky voice spoke. "Take a look around." He told her as her head slowly turned and saw, even more, carnage and chaos than she realized. "Your angels fall like rain, your humans stomped out like roaches, your animals burned and corrupted by my presence alone.
My army has completed taken over the planet in which your humans believed that you would protect." He laughed darkly as the anger of his angelic counterpart exceeded its limit as she quickly whipped her head around, glaring deadly at him.
Looking back down her eyes shot up in horror at the amount of destruction that remained as she saw not only her beloved human race slow decrease in numbers but saw the white snowflakes of her angels falling to their deaths as they were eliminated by the demonic forces that intercepted them.
"How does it feel to know that you are the cause of the extermination of your beloved creation? To know that the very sins you bestowed upon your humans are the very same source that fuels my power?" He continued to snicker at his owns words. "It was said that you, the all-knowing God is supposed to be light years ahead of any being, but yetā¦You foolishly guided your humans to their demiseā¦By feeding them to me."
Horror still filled her eyes as she realizes the truth of her own mistake. She continued to keep her eyes fixated on the destruction that layout before her. "Iā¦Iā¦This wasn't supposed to happen. "She stuttered as the destruction of her kingdom was evident by now. "Thisā¦Wasn't supposed to happenā¦Why?"
"Humans are full of sins. Pride, Wrath, Lust, Greed, Sloth, Envy, Gluttonyā¦The same sins that cause them to commit evil crimes that not even you can turn a blind eye to. The corruption of their civilization is what I thrive on. Giving me full reign to manipulate and repeat the cycle long enough to gain enough power just too overthrow you." His smirk widens as he continued to chastise his opponent on her ultimate downfall. "All it took was patience." He added. "Patience for you to continue to overlook your foolishness of entrusting free will to these creatures, hoping that they would follow in your footsteps. Your foolish teachings." He finished, his smile now reaching from ear to ear.
Her eyes snapped wide open as all his words hit home. She gritted her teeth in ultimate anger as she snapped her head away from the destruction from around her. Her growls could be heard as if thunder itself was traveling across the land. "Shut up." Her voice low and her eyes hidden by the bangs from her hair. "Shut up." Her ears relaying the mocking laughter back to her as his words continued to sink in and hit her very core. 'SHUT UP!" She hollered as she quickly unleashed a fury of lightning towards the demonic devil.
A smirk formed across his lips as he easily deflected the lightning blasts and dodged an oncoming onslaught from the female god herself. Her fists were engulfed by lightning as she tried her best to land a solid blow against the personification of evil itself. "YOU DID THIS! YOU DID THIS! I'LL ERASE YOU!" She screamed as she continued to let her anger blind her and drive her into a fit of rage.
His smirk ceasing to fade as he danced around her attacks, dodging each one of her blows, only blocking if he felt it was necessary. "Is a god supposed to feel emotions for its creatures?" He antagonized as she continued to try her best to land a hit on the devil that began to humiliate her.
Biting her lip she quickly delivered a thunderous right hand across the jaw of the demon, followed by a knee in the stomach, causing him to spit black blood from his mouth as she hammered the dark demon into the ground with another blow across the face. "I'll drive you out, all of your evil, all of your corruption, everything you've done." Her eyes began to glow brighter as a golden light surged throughout her body. "I'll cleanse everything and bring an end to all that evil that you brought to this world and restore its balance!" Her hair pushed upward as she quickly shot down towards her opponent like a missile. "I'LL CLEANSE EVERYTHING!" Her screams echoed throughout the world as she pulled her right arm back, ready to deliver the final blow to her foe.
Standing up from her previous onslaught the devil looked upward as his opponent crashed into him in a blink of an eye. A loud explosion erupted as the angelic being rammed into her target, releasing enough power to disintegrate anything close enough to nothing but ashes.
A thick cloud of smoke filled the air as it mimics that of the aftermath of an atomic bomb. It covered a large range of the area and made it completely unbearable for any human who was unfortunate to be caught in the blast radius and survived. Suddenly, a large wind formed within the smoke cleared it away instantly, as if it was nothing.
A large crater was formed as a result of the attack but standing in the center of it was the devil himself with his arm outstretched blocking the fist of the angelic goddess that tried to finish him. Her struggles could be heard as she tried to overpower him with sheer power alone but to no avail.
"It's overā¦" he spoke slowly as his soulless red eyes locking onto hers. "You've fallen." Her eyes slowly shot open has realization began to set in as she realized, that for the first time in history, there was being stronger than her. A goddess to some, A god to most, she; the being that stood above all creation was outmatched.
"Dieā¦" The demon quickly caught the goddess off guard and sent her flying through set buildings with a hard haymaker to the side of her face. Her body created holes in several crumbled buildings before she finally hit the ground, her white dress covered in dust and dirt. It was slightly torn from her top-down, but she still managed to pick herself back up slowly only for her face to shoved hard into the ground beneath her.
"Take one last look at your precious world." He instructed her as he lifted her off the ground to face the destruction that he caused once again. "Look at the countless lives that were taken by your foolish belief in the human race, take in everything and give in to despair as I eradicate what's left of this world and make it my own." His voice dragged on as a dark snicker mixed in with his sentence.
Fighting against reality, the angel gritted her teeth as her eyes fixated on the chaos that loomed over the world. She watched as the demons hovered above the land that was once cherished by humans.
They all laughed at her helplessness, mocked her for her trivial beliefs and rules that she implemented at the dawn of time. She took it all it in, realizing that there was nothing that can undo the destruction that she brought forth.
She closed her eyes one final time. "Noā¦There is still something I can do." She breathed as she slowly placed her right hand on the ground. "I may not be able to erase everything that you've done Belial, butā¦"
"What could you possibly hope to accomplish?" Belial screamed at her. "Even in the face of your eradication from this world you still struggle like the pitiful humans you created." He tried to force her head back into the ground but found her resistance to be problematic. No matter how hard he pushed, he couldn't force the angelic woman back to the ground.
"You're wrongā¦" She spoke out with a small smile spreading across her face as fragments of light began to drop from her hand and into the ground. "It's not my eradication that I'm faced with." She spoke softly as the ground began to light up from underneath them.
Belial eyes shot up as the light quickly expanded over a large area, quickly surrounding not only him but most of his demon horde as well. "What? What is this? What are you doing?" He bellowed as he quickly glared at the goddess on the ground before him.
"We no longer belong here Belial." Her voice rang softly." So I think It's time that we both leave this worldā¦" She closed her eyes calmly. "This is the last thing I can do for humanity and everything that I created; my last-ditch effort to bless the children that I believe in." Her eyes quickly snapped open as she started to exert more power into the ground. "Beliah! If I go down, then I'm taking everything with me! Including you! Errrrrrraaaaaaahhhh!!!!" The light quickly shot up from the ground, enveloping everything that it touched.
"What is this? No! No! How could you? You would leave everything to your precious humans?" He screamed as the holy light began to burn through his skin and incinerates the remaining demons that were in range in an instant.
"I created them Belial, everything that I have to offer I entrusted to them! Yes, their sins may be great, but I place my faith in their progression that they will overcome the darkness that you set out for them! This last light of hope that I leave my humans will shatter all the darkness that you brought upon them! Shatter the destruction caused by the very demon that I created!" She screamed back at him. "I will shatter everything!" She hollered once again as she pushed out more light with force into the ground. "AAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH!" Her golden eyes flashed repeatedly as she pushed all her remaining power into the ground, making sure that neither would recover from her last attack.
Belial and the goddess body slowly began to break away in fragments as he gave her one last look before his face broke apart. "How utterlyā¦Foolish." His words ended as his remains were eradicated by the goddess's light, allowing her to look back one last time at the world she was leaving behind.
"ā¦Maybe soā¦." She smiled brightly as she too would meet the same fate as her opponent.