Above the imperial palace of Wan Formation City, yellow light intertwined, exceptionally dazzling and completely out of place in this world.
Inside the imperial city, alarm bells blared and shouts of battle thundered through the sky!
Within the Formation's core labyrinth!
Huang Xiaolong and his companions all stood still, not moving an inch.
The Sword Immortal Emperor, with a sorrowful expression, said, "Brother Huang Xiaolong, it seems we've finally been exposed~~ Ah~~ You were right, we couldn't hide forever~~ What we have to face will always have to be faced."
"Then let's face it~~" Huang Xiaolong shrugged nonchalantly.
Before long, from all directions, footsteps thundered like rolling thunder, accompanied by roars of "Attack!" "Attack!" Countless soldiers, swarming from all around like a tidal wave, converged upon them!