I was in bed. The walls were white. Two chairs at the end if my bed were full, with a young woman and an young man. Probably no more then thirty years of age. However the third chair, was empty.
As I stirred awake the man got up, and the woman gasped in surprise and joy. The man walked up to my bed and squated, so we could make eye contact.
"Hello, I am Doctor Mike. I am your doctor," he said calmly. "I would like for you to answer a few of my questions. Ok? " I was confused, and I needed answers more then he needed them. But I nodded anyway. "Ok, Let's start from the beginning, question one. What is your name? "
I thought about it. Was this a trick question? Everyone new their name. I thought some more, and then, when the realization hit me, it felt like the world crashed in on me. Everyone knew their name, except for me.
The more I thought about it the more scared I got. I couldn't remember my name! I had no clue who I was!