Chereads / Who Cares!!? / Chapter 99 - Title cannot be empty

Chapter 99 - Title cannot be empty

'You sure you want to trouble yourself with this? It's dangerous. You could die or even worse.'

Alex tried to convince a girl who turned a deaf ear to his voice. To her, if he's in it, she is too.

'I have made up my mind. I will help you.'

The girl had an unusual determination in her voice.

After Asuna found out about Alex's abilities when he saved her from Jira, she requested, no demanded to let her join.

'I still have to repay you for saving me that day.'

Asuna indicated to the day she met him in such a surreal way.

'You wouldn't have died even if I didn't save you. And you helped me enough, so just forget about it.'

Forget. This was a word that had a special meaning for her. A concept she could not really understand.

'I can never forget.'

This was becoming problematic for Alex. He didn't want Asana to be dragged into this, but she was the one who refused.

*The Bastard still couldn't understand why.*

'Then become strong enough to repay me. Your training starts now.'

Alex closed the distance between him and her. To him, she was a hearted girl who felt indebted to him and was trying to pay it off. To her, Alex's lips were closer than ever. Just a little more, and she could kiss them. But that insignificant gap was eternal to her.

'I'm ready.'


I'm finally strong enough to help you, Alex. Asuna grabbed the guard by his wrist, unarming him and giving a powerful chop on his nape.

Vanessa had no special memory with Alex until the one which was created recently,

'The difference between a madman and a genius is that genius is right.'

--You better be right.


Alex was drifting in the currents.

--Is this really alright?.... Is this really okay?.....


'Alex, did you get hurt? Come here.'

A worried mother tended to her child. The child had scraped his knee but stood smiling.

'It's alright, mom. Heroes don't feel pai-Ah-Ouch.'

The self-proclaimed hero quickly backed his knee when his mother gently touched it. The mother giggled at her son's reaction, who was still trying to maintain half a smile.

'Looks like heroes do feel a little pain.'

'Well, maybe they do. But do you know what makes them really cool?'

The boy was excited to talk about his ideals.

'What would that be?'

The mother, already knowing the answer, asked.

'They never give up. They always get up. No matter how beat up they are, they will always get up.'


--Heroes always get back up. They always get back up.

The sound echoed. Whose voice was it? The listener didn't care. But he couldn't stop hearing the voice.

The team on the ship still had yet to find the jammer and take control of the vessel, they subconsciously prayed for one thing,

--Alex win.

A pair of eyes opened to show a color of azure irises, which changed to an electric blue. A disturbance was created in the water.

'Shut up.'

An explosion occurred in the water as Alex took off again. Okay, I know that his comrade's feeling probably had nothing to with him waking up but notice how funny coincidences can be.

In the 2 minutes Alex had fainted, *that's right, all of this took place in two minutes*, his body had recovered to continue for 30 seconds, which Alex stretched it to four minutes.

He kept running as fast as he could, increasing the current to the max. Every inch of his body ached painfully. He found the missile, but he also found the land straight ahead. He missed the shot and didn't have any more bullets.

Nothing was coming into his mind. He jumped and grabbed the missile, the missile felt the weight and tilted down. Alex skied on the water with the rocket pulling him.

--Maybe I could eventually stop it by-

The thought was stopped mid-way.

Being close enough, Alex saw an old Chinese man walking at the edge. He heard the noise and saw the missile. He froze on the spot. Amusingly, the rocket was directed straight towards him.

'Oh, come on.'

The old man tried to speak, but nothing came out of his mouth. Alex tightly grabbed the missile. As soon as his feet felt land, he directed all the electricity to his legs, jumping with all his might.

The missile was a meter away from hitting the old man. Alex directed the missile upwards and flew with it. The missile soared through the sky, and Alex found himself 13km high in altitude.


He got separated from the missile. He still had the gun and tried to shoot it in the air, but the bullets couldn't make a dent. He generated electricity in his last remaining limb. He threw the gun with all the strength his right arm could provide.

'Reach it.'

The gun sailed through the sky and collided with the missile. The impact was enough to make the missile explode. It wasn't a problem if that happened in the troposphere. The damage would barely be noticeable or not at all. The only thing left was Alex.

He was falling from 13000 meters. The only thing below him was shallow mountains and dead trees to break the fall.

'I'm okay with this.'

Alex didn't mind dying. Everything was alright now. He admired the beautiful scenery painted before him that only he could see. His body was exhausted and broken. He had no energy left as he kept falling.

If he took a direct hit, he would undoubtedly die. In fact, he was planning to hit the ground head first for a quick, painless death. The blood froze on his face and his body from the bitter wind. He felt cold.

He was having trouble just breathing the thin air. He was satisfied with what had happened. He closed his eyes, hoping he wouldn't need to open again.