Chapter 2 - Chapter I

January 1st 2024, 12:34 pm

Scarborough, Australia

 I was at home located at 9 43-45 Scarborough Beach Road looking at my phone. "New year, new leaf. The year 2023 was a blast and I know for a fact that 2024 will be better than 2023" I said with a smile. I get up, leave my home and walk towards the Esplanade. As I look at the Esplanade I walk towards the Scarborough Beach Ampthreate and look at the kids and adults from all walks of life and different country backgrounds wearing their swimsuits like Swim shorts, Swimming Trunks/Underwear, Bikini Tops & Bottom, etc. playing at the beach; building Sandcastles, playing Beach Volleyball, Surfing, Eating Lunch & many more activity. I looked at myself and thought that I was human but my form was an Inkling Boy from the game Splatoon. My appearance is Golden Inkling with (Metallic) gold hair, freckled fair skin, heterochromatic eyes (One Dharkonic Purple and the other Galeemic Red), Metallic Gold eyebrows and Sanitized Metallic Gold Paste. He wears a Metallic Gold Cap of Legend, Starlight Agent 8 Male Top, Starlight Painter's Mask, Metallic Gold Octoling Armor Belt from Splatoon 1, Black Swimsuit Bottom, Metallic Gold Garters, Friendship Bracelet, Metallic Gold Socks & Starlight Shark Moccasins. Also, he wears a Metallic Gold Spiked Samurai Collar, Kitty Bell, Belly Ring and metallic Gold Spiked Samurai Bands making Arnold not only cute, adorable and menacing but sexier than his previous appearance. Also, he has a Metallic Gold Claw Scar across his face and another Metallic Gold Scar near his Dharkonic Eye. Not only that he has his Metallic Gold Deathclaw Horns, Starlight Incubus Tail, Galeemic Wings & Dharkonic Tendrills.

I move my belt with pride "I may look ridiculous but I wear it with pride" I said with a smile. I look out the Indian Ocean, the waves roll as I see surfers surfing the waves with pride. I look at the kids playing with the sand and collecting seashells. Suddenly I felt the atmosphere was extremely electric, I was confused about what was happening. I look at the skies above Scarborough, Lightning in broad daylight dances across the sky "What's going on? Seeing lightning dance across the Scarboroughian Skies this is anomalous, It's clear skies not a single cloud in sight" I said, scratching my head. The Scarborough communities look at the skies as lightning dances across the Scarboroughian sky, with confusion, amazement and fear. "What's going on," said one of the Scarboroughians. I see Kids, Adults and all walks of life fleeing from the lightning strikes hitting the beach. "Everyone avoid getting struck by the anomalous lightning now!!!" Arnold shouted with a protective tone. The Scarboroughian Kids, Adults and all walks of life heeded my warning and ran away to avoid getting struck by the lightning bolts. I and the Scarboroughians see the lightning bolts strike the beach nonstop, with a powerful bolt out of the blue. A Power Superbolt hit the beach once and a portal appeared and the anomalous lightning strikes cease. 

A few Scarboroughian Kids ran and hid behind me, the fear and uncertainty from the portal itself. No one ever came out of the portal it was just there idly.

I look at the kids "What is that?" said one of the kids with a scared tone. "I don't know bud, but it's something that needs my attention," I said. Then walk towards the portal, look at it and just move on to its location. I heard a voice from the portal at the bottom of the Scarborough Beach Amthreatre. "Arnold II Alviar, heed my call and listen, I'm Meridia, one of the Daedric Princes/Princesses of Tamriel. Your sanctuary is in a dire situation." Said Meridia.

"Meridia, my Daedric highness. What's seems to be the problem" I said.

"Arnold, your world Planet Harmony has been taken over by Corona Virusknife. She is in your sanctuary to attack your home, Planet Earth in 10 years time. This is portal will lead you to the destroyed city of Inkopolis, I'm located near the destroyed Inkopolis Plaza" said Meridia.

I was shocked that Corona Virusknife was the responsible for taking over my sanctuary, "Corona… she's the usurper, she usurp the throne without my knowledge, her name is based on the Coronavirus, a disease that ravaged my world four years ago back at 2020. Now I must save my sanctuary from my usurper; Corona Virusknife. I also worry about my non-corrupted gang known as the Friendly Strangers, known for their friendly personality and their panty attire" I said.

I turned around to see my family supportive, "you know what to do son, your sanctuary must be saved from your usurper, we will be supporting you from a far" said my mum. I nodded turned at the portal and went through the portal to my sanctuary.

As I came out of the portal I was in shocked to see myself at Ground Zero of the Killswitch Blast, a bomb that can level a city when Emperor came here, during the minor story before Global Unity named Emperor's Hidden Anger.

I looked at the Harmonian skies above me the colours are from clear to a flesh-like colour. "Right now it's year 2044 here while 2024 at my home planet, I must find Meridia and stop Corona" I said.

So I began to walk through the destroyed area of Shattered Inkopolis the place was riddled with debris, rubble and dry ink colours "unfortunately my friends didn't survived the blast by 22 years ago, I hope they are okay" I said, as I arrive at the Shattered Inkopolis Plaza and saw Meridia.

"Arnold, my favourite supplicant. We must work together if we want to stop your usurper Corona" said Meridia. I nodded in agreement, "right Meridia" I said.

Meridia and I turned around to see undead inklings walking towards us "Fragmenters, undead remnants of Shattered Inkopolis" I said as I grab a fused weapon of the X-Blade from Kingdom Hearts and Dawnbreaker from Elder Scrolls B: Skyrim known as the Blade of Dawn. I look at Meridia holding her beacon filled with her light "let's deal with these Fragmenters first before we continue" I said.

So Meridia and I started fighting against the Fragmenters, undead remnants of Shattered Inkopolis, Meridia watched me as I slain one of the Fragmenters and a powerful fiery explosion rang out hitting two more Fragmenters "I must say my supplicant, you're creative" said Meridia, looking at my fused X-Blade and Dawnbreaker known as the Blade of Dawn "thanks Meridia we, must continue taking out Fragmenters" I said to Meridia, "right my sipplicant, your sanctuary is under your usurper's control she must be stopped" said Meridia.

As Meridia and I took out the small Fragmenters, we saw a giant Fragmenter walking towards us, I look at Meridia knowing she can't tackle a giant Fragmenter "my supplicant I know you can take out that giant Fragmenter" said Meridia.

I nodded in response, and ran towards the giant Fragmenter to start attacking. "This Giant Fragmenter has 10,000 HP and 5,000 DEF also its attacks are slow but powerful, looks my dodging is key" I said. 

As the Giant Fragmenter tried to strike me with its massive Battleaxe I dodged its attack perfectly, I continue to press my attack against the Giant Fragmenter unchecked, Meridia watched as I get hit from the Giant Fragmenter's attack but I recovered quickly and continued fighting like I was refusing to give up and succumb to the darkness.

After two intense hours of fighting, I defeated the Giant Fragmenter as it vanish into thin air, located at the heart of Shattered Inkopolis was a cross cover with Royal Heart Purple splatter marks. I walk towards it and interact with it then a message pop up on my phone saying the following 'Grave Site Found' I interacted a Grave Site these Grave Sites are checkpoints scattered across Planet Harmony; my sanctuary. 

I and Meridia sat near the Grave Site and began to plan our first move "We know that Corona my usurper took over my sanctuary while still at my home world, remember my sanctuary is mashup of all games, TV Shows and Anime from the past, the present and future" I said.

"So that's how your sanctuary was created, I see we better be careful. Your sanctuary is home to strong fighters not to mention your creations as well" said Meridia. Suddenly I saw a ghostly figure of a male inkling with Royal Heart Purple Coloured Hair "Amicitia is that you?" Said the Purple Heart Haired Inkling with a cowardly tone "yes it's me bud, I heard what to you and friends long ago I'm sorry to see you all killed by the hands of Emperor" I said.

"Thanks Amicitia, what happened to your sanctuary" said the Purple Heart-Haired Inkling. "Unfortunately Corona my usurper is the one responsible for taking over my sanctuary bud, it makes my blood boil" I shouted as my fist was emitting red aura. "Amicitia please calm down I don't want to see you get harmed by your potent rage" said the Purple Heart-Haired Inkling with worry.

I calmed myself down not letting my potent rage get the best of me "I forgot you and your friends worry about me if I use my potent rage" I said.

"My friends and I get worried about you to see you enraged, it's making my leader extremely worried about you" said the Royal Heart-Haired Inkling.

"Talking about the White with Blue Accented Inkling Leader?" I asked, the Royal Heart-Haired Inkling nodded.

"Anyway you have a tall order to do Amcitia, I know you can stop your usurper and free your sanctuary" said the Purple Heart-Haired Inkling with a confident tone.

"I will bud, I will stop Corona for good but first we need to save everyone under Corona's control" I said, then I got up and the ghostly figure of the Purple Heart-Haired Inkling vanished.

I look at Meridia we have a lot of ground to cover if we want to stop Corona, I know that Corona is located within Octarian Valley but the problem is that the entrance into the Octarian Valley is closed shut but before we tackle Corona we need to save everyone under Corona's control" I said.

Meanwhile at an unknown ghost world, the White and Blue accented-Haired Inkling and his friends saw the Royal Heart-Haired Inkling walking towards them "who did you interacted with" White and Blue accented-Haired Inkling asked the Royal Heart-Haired Inkling.

"I just interacted with Amicitia" the Royal Heart-Haired Inkling answered. "No way you interacted with Arnold, the creator of Planet Harmony and ally of the Arcana Legion!?" said the Outer Space-Haired Inkling with a Fierce and Gentle tone.

"Yes I did, Amcitia is with Meridia the Daedric Prince of Light from Skyrim to stop his usurper Corona Virusknife, why because Corona has plans to attack Planet Earth, his home world but before he could stop Corona, his usurper he must save the characters that are under Corona's spell" said the Royal Heart-Haired Inkling.

The White and Blue accented-Haired Inkling smiled "Amicitia, we watching your move bud I hope you can stop your usurper Corona, the Arcana Legion is watching you old friend" he said.