Chapter 3 - Chapter II

Meridia watch my fused Blade of Dawn split back to two weapons; the X-Blade and Dawnbreaker, then sheathed the Dawnbreaker on my back, "I'm going to rely on my X-Blade" I said spinning my X-Blade. 

Meridia nodded her head, then Meridia and I saw a figure walking towards us wearing an black with pink accented clothing "It's Callie, she's wearing her attire when Callie has the Hypno-shades on at the end of Splatoon 2 storyline. When she fights with Dr Octavio" I said, looking at Octo Callie, standing as she looks around the remnants of Shattered Inkopolis. Octo Callie removes her Hypno-shades and I was shocked to see her eyes are flesh-like similar to the skies above Planet Harmony "yep this is Corona's undoing" I said.

Octo Callie giggled with malice and a bit of insanity "I never knew you'll react so… quickly" said Octo Callie, "Corona will regret usurping my sanctuary" I shouted.

Octo Callie was angry "you won't stop Corona!!! She tasked me to stop you, you will die by my hand" said Octo Callie.

I looked at my Splatoon Smartwatch, showing all my Fate Grand Order info on it. 


I used my Galeemic Scan ability at Octo Callie, once my Galeemic Scan was finished at look at my Splatoon Smartwatch "Octo Callie, Class: Caster, Status; Manipulated by Corona", Meridia was amazed to see what I was doing, "just as I suspected, looks like everyone within my sanctuary just got manipulated by Corona my usurper, this will be hard, tough and dangerous but I know for a fact that Corona will be defeated, Callie is a Caster classed servant according to my Splatoon smartwatch holding info on Fate/Grand Order data. Casters are effective against Assassin-classed servants but weak towards Rider-classed servants not only that also Alter Ego-classed servants are effective against Cavalry-Classed servants (Assassin, Rider and Caster) as well" I said.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, then threw my X-Blade into the air, and morph into a whistle and a spiked collar, I grabbed the X-Whistle and X-Collar, Octo Callie laughed at first but she didn't see me what is coming yet. As I put on the X-Spiked Collar and held my whistle. A group of wolves appeared next to me, Octo Callie was shocked to see my servant class changed from Foreigner to Rider "that's impossible, no one can change their class in a instant" said Octo Callie.

"Yet I can, inmate" I said, looking at his wolf pack ready for a fight. Meanwhile within the depths of the Octarian Valley, Corona Virusknife, Arnold's usurper was busy looking at her operations table, she then looked at Sora "this better be news Sora" said Corona with disgust.

"It is Corona, Octo Callie is up against Inkcanius, Arnold is back to his sanctuary to save it and stop you" said Sora. 

Corona cannot believe it to hear that Inkcanius came back so quickly to save his world and stop Corona herself, Corona slams the desk with rage and anger. "I won't let Inkcanius succeed, let Octo Callie defeat Inkcanius" said Corona.

Back at the surface of Shattered Inkopolis, myself and Meridia just encountered Octo Callie, just before I fight Octo Callie a voice calls out to me "Wait Inkcanius" she said. I turned around to see Kronika, Keeper of Time and mother to powerful gods of the Mortal Kombat Series.

"Kronika what seems to be the problem" I said to Kronika, curious as to why she would intervene. "You don't know how powerful Octo Callie is right now." Said Kronika.

"True Kronika but this is my sanctuary and my world I created and I'll do anything to save this world from my usurper; Corona Virusknife" I said to Kronika.

Kronika nodded her head "just be careful when you encounter fighters that have being manipulated by Corona, they can powerful okay" said Kronika with worry.

"Okay Kronika, I'll be careful" I said, looking at Octo Callie angry and inching for a fight. "I won't let you stop Corona!!!" Octo Callie shouted, "then you left me with no choice" I shouted then snapped my finger and the wolves and I did a Quick Attack at Octo Callie. Meridia and Kronika watched as Octo Callie gets mauled by my wolf pack.

Next I jump back towards Kronika and Meridia, "we have a long day ahead of us if we want to see my sanctuary" I said. "Right Inkcanius" said Kronika.

Then I ran towards Octo Callie, Octo Callie decided to meet the attack head on, making myself and Octo Callie clash. Kronika was amazed to feel my power first hand, potent, strong, raw and powerful. "Don't be scared about my power Keeper of Time, my power is powerful, strong and potent yet its used to protect not harm" I said to Kronika. Kronika nodded, acknowledging the purity of my intentions.

"I know how it feels to see one's keeper of time can drive one mad, besides you seen me nearly gone mad when I was once keeper of time long ago" I said to Kronika softly. Kronika gave a knowing smile, "Indeed, the burden is heavy." I never seen you with me protecting my sanctuary; Planet Harmony. Yet you're an enemy according to the lore of Mortal Kombat 11" I said. "But I have always believed in your potential for change," Kronika replied thoughtfully.

"Right Kronika, now I'm angry that my usurper Corona Virusknife took over my sanctuary and I will do anything in my power to stop her!!" I shouted with anger. Meridia placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "We stand with you, Inkcanius," she declared.

I continued fighting against Octo Callie, I look at her, the left side of the hypno-shades destroyed showing her flesh-like eyes "Thinking about my sanctuary taken over by evil forces or usurpers make my blood boil!!!" I shouted with absolute rage. Kronika put her hand on my shoulder worried about me succumbing to anger. "Let it fuel your resolve but not consume you," she counseled, her voice calm yet firm.

"Thanks Kronika, I'll try" I said, then I click my fingers and the X-Collar and X-Whistle morph back into a X-Blade, Octo Callie faltered a bit "how this mere inkling strong, I won't stand for this!!!" Octo Callie as she use her Octo Gloves that morph into claws "looks like just found out that I created this world and my power is not to mess with, if I die Planet Harmony will fade away and cease to exist" I said. "Then I'll make sure it remains intact," Meridia echoed, her voice a blend of determination and empathy.

"Right Meridia, also Kronika is your daughter Cetrion joining the fight?" I asked Kronika. "Yes," Kronika replied. "She will bring light to our darkest hour." I turned to face Octo Callie "Meridia and Kronika my sanctuary will witness the biggest war in a scale similar to Armageddon from Mortal Kombat and Corona caused this war and I will end it!!!" I shouted then ran towards Octo Callie fast "Oh no you'll not!!!" Octo Callie shouted then I zip pass Octo Callie, Meridia the Daedric Prince from Skyrim and Kronika the Keeper of Time from Mortal Kombat 11 waited to see if any of the two struck the final blow.

As I flick my X-Blade, Octo Callie collapsed to her knees defeated "defeated!? How it possible" she said before going unconscious. I sheath my X-Blade on my back, carried a the unconscious Callie and walk towards Meridia and Kronika. "I struck the first blow, let's find a place to hide within the broken city of Shattered Inkopolis or else Corona has found out that I defeated Callie" I said to Kronika and Meridia. Kronika nodded, understanding the urgency. "We need to move quickly," she urged.

"Right Kronika" I said, so Kronika, Meridia and I hid inside a building somewhere in Shattered Inkopolis, I placed Callie on a makeshift bed. I look out the window to see Corona's Alfa forces lead by Liu Kang from Mortal Kombat manipulated by Corona "search the area they wouldn't go far" said Liu Kang.

I look at Kronika and Meridia "shh it's Corona's Alfa Forces spearheaded by Liu Kang, he to was manipulated by Corona" I whispered. Then I heard the footsteps fade away.

"Were safe for now" I said, then looked at Callie, unconscious "my X-Blade has the ability to destroy Corona's manipulative magic once I defeated someone if they manipulated by Corona herself. This is just the beginning" I said. Meridia sighed in relief, "We'll need a plan. We can't keep hiding.

"True Meridia, we can't hide forever but we need to distract Corona's Alfa Forces, they are currently patrolling the area we are in" I said. Kronika nodded, her eyes scanning the room for anything useful. Then I turned around to see Cetrion stand on top of a building "Kronika, your daughter is here, she's currently on top a building" I said, then I saw Cetrion made a trail of light, avoiding areas where Corona's Alfa Force are patrolling. "That's our key out of here" I said. Meridia's eyes widened with determination. "Let's follow her trail and get to safety," she suggested, urgency coloring her voice.

So we followed the light trial made by Cetrion, once done. Meridia, Kronika and I climbed up the ladder to the roof of the building that Cetrion was standing on "thanks Cetrion" I said. Cetrion nodded, her eyes intense. "We don't have much time."

I nodded in agreement, then clicked my fingers and Callie appeared on my arms still unconscious "lead the way Cetrion" I said. Without wasting a second, Cetrion dashed forward, her light trail illuminating the safest route through the shadowy maze of streets below. 

Then we saw the entrance to the Deepsea Metro the location of Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion. "The Deepsea Metro has remained unscathed after the Killswitch blast, it's our safest bet" I said looking at the Deepsea Metro from a top of a building. Meridia nodded, her expression resolute.

So we jumped down on the building and walk towards the entrance of the Deepsea Metro I saw piles of wood, stone and debris and a door leading deep into Deepsea Metro "the entrance was made from the debris remnants, I know there are survivors deep within Deepsea Metro" I said. "Let's hope they're friendly," Kronika murmured, casting a wary glance around the eerie surroundings.

So Kronika, Cetrion, Meridia and I walked deep into Deepsea Metro, I was holding my X-Blade just in case if any hostiles we might encounter. Suddenly I saw a faint glow, like a barrel fire burning as we arrive at the main station I was amazed to see survivors from the Killswitch Blast and Corona's Planetary takeover. I looked to see Karuji Bikinilaugh; leader of the Friendly Strangers Gang that I joined as their first offical member. "Karuji!?" I said with amazement on seeing an old friend. Karuji turned to see me alive carrying the unconscious Callie and with allies; Cetrion, Kronika and Meridia. "No way… Arnold!?" Said Karuji. "You're a sight for sore eyes! " I replied, embracing him tightly. 

As we got used to the place, I looked at Cetrion and Kronika "Kronika and Cetrion you two used to antagonists of Mortal Kombat 11 but after Mortal Kombat you arrived at my sanctuary, why the change of heart?" I asked the two. Kronika exchanged a glance with Cetrion before responding, "The world has changed, Arnold."

"I see, for now our main priority is to stop Corona" I said, I looked to see an Grave Spot covered in dry Outer Space ink "a checkpoint" I said, so I got up and walked toward the grave spot and interacted with it "Grave Spot Found". Next I sat next to it at the same time, a ghost male inkling with Outer Space colour hair appeared, "Amicitia… thank the legions you're okay" he said. Then it clicked in my head "Legion… wait a minute I was friends with the Arcana Legion before they got perished by the hands of Emperor and someone else" I said.

Then I know the name of the male Outer Space coloured inkling "it can't be… Astronius!!?" I said with shock. Astronius nodded solemnly, "Yes, it's me. "That means the other Arcana Legoon inkling I met back at the Grave spot with dry Royal Heart splatter marks is, Cesaros!!! No way I've been interacting the late Arcana Legion" I said with bafflement. Astronius gave a faint smile, "Time has a way of bringing us back together, even if in unexpected forms.

"Astronius hows your leader Orbision?" I asked, "he's doing fine Amicitia" said Astronius. "We heard news about Corona taken over your sanctuary, my legion members and I don't like it, it's your world and your sanctuary" said Astronius. 

"I know but Corona won't go down without a fight. I did defeated Callie but it's going to be a long day for me if I had plans to stop Corona, besides her name is based on the Coronavirus that ravaged my home world back four years ago" I said.

"No wonder Corona your usurper has an infamous name" said Astronius "yeah well, I have a long day ahead for me, well wish me luck" I said. Then I got up and the ghostly figure of Astronius vanished back to the ghostly world.

Meanwhile below the Octarian Valley, Corona was trying to communicate to Octo Callie but no luck. Corona turns to see Goggles one of the characters from the Splatoon Manga series "bad news boss, Inkanius AKA Arnold just defeated Callie, our operation is now under threat" said Goggles, Corona slams the table with her fist "DAMMIT!!!" She shouted with rage "looks like there's no turning back we got Inkcanius' attention" said Corona.