Rosemary fell asleep. She found herself in a meadow of flowers. In the middle of the meadow was a school desk. She walked up to the desk. On the desk was a paper and a pencil. Knowing it's was a test. She back away.
"Miss. Rosemary!!" Rosemary hairs stand on end. She straightened her back to a stiff board. She didn't what to turn around. To face this teacher and win against her was never going to happen. She never like this teacher and the teacher never like her. Mrs.Brooks looks so old in her eyes. Rosemary tells others that Mrs.
Brooks is so old that she knew the dinosaurs. Mrs.Brooks hair was always in a bun. Not a single hair out of place. Her white blouse and long blue skirt made her look like an old librarian. Mrs. Brooks pointed at the desk. Rosemary turn back to the desk to see a big stack of papers the reach the sky. Shaking her head. She turn and ran the other way. She didn't get far. All the papers fell on her back and knock her to the ground. She looked up and the teacher appears as a demon.
Demon Mrs. Brooks head grew horns on the sides of her head. Her body turned gray and red marble skin. Her blood red eyes and yellow pupils. The demon laughed in a inhuman voice.
"Dream maker, I finely found you. And here I thought you will be harder to find. The demon push it self forward to grab her. She screamed.
Marcus found that not matter what you can't always be prepared. The Dream Damon grew out of the girl body. It brought the cold air to the room. Why can't one of these things bring the heat instead of the cold. The gray and red marble skin Damon grew bigger in size. It's eyes and mouth look of a wild animal. It turned its head toward him and laughed at him.
"I founded the Dream maker and there is nothing you can do about it." Marcus pulled out a clear white crystal stone. Holding out his hand the crystal grew a bright light. The Damon was throw back out of the school. Marcus followed it. The flew pass the buildings into the sky. Marcus has this one chance before the Damon can up root itself. With his long sword he slash once then twice. But the Damon saw it coming. Turned at the right moment to avoid the sword. It laughed at him again.
"You cannot stop me. For I am more than a mare Damon." Marcus did not fail to strike again. For the force of his sword slash across the chest of the Damon. It bellow a high pitch scream. It turn it hateful eyes toward Marcus. Than he vanished. Marcus failed to destroy the Damon.
Marcus turn back around to the school. Once he landed in front of the school. There was an older man dress the same way as him. This man felt familiar to him. Looking at him, his hair was once brown but now had sliver in it. The eyes were the same brown in color. But the look a bit more than him than he remembered. Once a young man and a friend. A long ago the two of them were a team. Until one day this man fell in love with a woman. And left the world of dreams behind. Now here stands the that man with a sword of dreams. Once a Dream warrior but now an old warrior.
"Marcus....." The man was not surprised to see him.
"Anthony." This great man was Anthony Silverthorn.
"Good to see you again. How long was it been?"
"To long"
"I see you still work as a Dream warrior. "
"No my daughter is the one I protect. I have much to tell you. But first let's go to my daughter." The both of them to the school doors.
During the time Marcus left. Rosemary was blinded by a white light. She a jump out of her chair. She looked around the classroom. Lily was still taking notes. She stop. To see why Rosemary jumped.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing just a nightmare. That's all."
Rosemary shook her head. And turn in time to see two men enter the room. Both dress in black. On of them was her father. The look she gave them. Told them that she can see the them. Her father brought his finger to his lips. She gave him a nod. He smiled at her. The two of them went in back of the classroom.
In the back of the room both Marcus and Anthony waited for the end of the day. The whole time Rosemary was a bit nervous. Lily kept looking at her. She knew something was amiss.
"What's wrong? You been a bit off."
"Did I ever tell you I can see things that no one can see."
"I think you did once but you did not tell me the details."
"Well I can and now it's more than I can take."
The two girls whisper to each other. Rosemary tell Lily that it started on her birthday. That there are pixies and monsters. The two men stayed silent. Each understood one other.
"So have you told her." Marcus looked at his long loss friend. Anthony sighed.
"I knew the day she was born. I been keeping the nightmares away but the spells that I cast.are no longer working. All that's left is the stone of destiny. Marcus reach in his bag and pulled forth a stone on a string. Pure red stone in its center was a flickering light. Anthony gave a started. A destiny stone or some would call it stone of destiny. Anthony touch the stone with his fingers. He felt the power emitting from it.
"There is a problem. I only have one stone." Anthony looked hard at Marcus.
"All you need is one." Marcus shook his head and nodding towards the other girl.
"Lily?" Marcus nodded. Anthony moan.
"That just great. Lily turn sixteen in five days. We will need another destiny stone and fast."
"I was going back to tell my father but now that I know you are here. It will make things complicated . For you and me."
"Return to your father and tell him what you know. I knew this day would come. It's was just a matter of time. To me this is the beginning of my nightmare and my punishment."