Marcus walked in the classroom. Anthony was in deep thought. The girls were talking together. It was all most the end of the day. Marcus move to the back of the classroom. Anthony didn't brother to notice.
"Anthony have a what we need for the girls." Anthony still didn't notice Marcus. Marcus elbow Anthony in the ribs. Anthony grunt. Anthony came out of his thoughts.
"What was at for?" Anthony was annoyed.
"Sapped out of it. We got work to do and you have to do what is best for the girls." Anthony shook his head.
"I have a problem. I have to go to the office." Anthony started walking toward the door but Marcus stopped him. "Don't worry I will be back. It just for a moment." Marcus knew his friend. And the look that he just gave him was one on the war path.
"Don't do what I think you are going to do." Anthony gave him a lopsided grin. His shook him off and walked out the door. It seem he is on guard duty. Rosemary took a deep breath. Knowing her father and watching what happened today. He on his way to the principal office. Knowing full well that the principal was going to have a hard time.
"Lily why did you tell me that your father is here. Been here since school started." Lily looked around. Thinking that Rosemary had lost it.
"That's impossible. I have not seen him at all."
"Trust me. He been here and another man. It looks like they know each other. I don't understand why I am the only one that can see them." Marcus came up to them.
"The only reason you can see me. Because you are a dream maker. That is why." Rosemary jump. Lily grab Rosemary by the arm. She wanted to make sure she was not going to fall over.
"Rosie are you ok?" Rosemary looked over her shoulder.
"What do you mean a dream maker?" Lily look at her friend. Who was she talking to? There was no one there.
"After school you and your friend here. Are going to your house and find out every thing about our world." The last bell rang. Rosemary stop Lily from leaving. Lily was about to say something but Rosemary shook her head. They waited. Anthony came back. This time Lily could see him. Marcus also appeared before her. Lily jump out of her seat. She put the desk between her and him. Rosemary came around and put her arms on her shoulders.
"Sorry about that. It's just a habit went I am around Anthony. I forget that you could not see me." Marcus took out the Dream lamp and put it on the table.
"Marcus right now is not time for that. We have to tell them first." Marcus always forget the most important things.
"Than make it quick." Anthony nodded.
"Girls, we come from a world of dreams. More than that me and Marcus are warriors. Well I was once one."
"Anthony you still are one of us." Anthony shook his head no.
"I gave up that right. The night I left."
"I will tell you what happen after we are done here."
"All right. As I was saying. You girls are how can I say. That you are what we call dream makers. And before you say anything. Let me explain. There is different levels for each individual. There is the dream warriors. I am one and Marcus is one. There is dream walker. Wait, wait let me finish before you ask." Rosemary as about to ask more details on the warriors.
"There is the Dream makers. And last but not least is the council member. Okay now the will going in details on each one. The dream warrior protect dreamers and new one to the dream world. They are the one called to do the dirty work." Anthony agreed with Marcus. The council would sent them to do the worst of the work. "The Dream walker are the lowest of the branch. They walk in and out of the dreams. They are the one that give us information. You might say they are our spies. And last is the dream makers." Marcus turn to Anthony. Anthony knew he will be the one to tell the girls.
"Dream makers are the highest of all of us. And the rarest very few are born. You two are one." He pointed that the girls. "Both you are dream makers. This is very rare to have two in one place. And being born so close to one other. The level of dream makers depand on the lamp. The lamp will tell you more on the level. We have about five dream makers. Two second level, one three level, and two forth level. You two might be one level. The highest level of dream makers. There are five levels of dream makers. Each level does different things. The lamp can explain more on the level and what each one does." The girls look at the lamp. Each turn to each others. Marcus took a breath.
"The lamp has been pass down from the first dream maker. Or so they say. But I will tell you that your job in the dream world is important. Once you are doing in the lamp. We will take you to the dream world." Marcus turn to the lamp. He stretch out he hand to it.
"Star of light. Star of destiny. We hold our dreams on high. Open the doors. And show our destiny." The lamp glow bright red. Marcus put his arm down then turn to the girls.
"Come and see what your destiny is." The girls stood before the lamp. Each turn to Marcus and Anthony.
"Touch the lamp and you will find out every thing." Lily didn't want to touch it.
"Don't be afraid. There is nothing that will hurt you in the lamp. You will train in the lamp. You will learn the history of us. And you will have the knowledge on being dream makers." Both girls touch the lamp and disappeared. Both men turn to each other and remember their first time in the lamp. Anthony smiled.
"Come my friend. We have a lot of catching up to do." Marcus nodded. He pick up the lamp and place it in his bag. Both walked out of the school and went to Anthony's home.