Chapter 7 - Chapter Seven

Dear Stupid Diary,

Yesterday my human was attacked by a wolf. I cannot blame humanity, I can say it does little to change my opinion of this world. I was also introduced to "snuggling," an activity where humans combine their bodies and lie together. I quite enjoyed it. Kissing my human is unlike anything I have ever felt. Ann is more dangerous than one of a green witch's poisons, yet I cannot help myself.

Today, she has a "date" planned for us. I look forward to being with Ann, protecting her from anything around. However, I am finding myself more apprehensive every day due to lacking my full powers. Good thing nothing on this earth can beat me, as it stands. All I can think of is her safety. I find it most odd.

I attempted to cook. It was some sort of red dish that appears regurgitated. I imagine it tastes much better when Ann prepares it, I accidentally blackened it. I shall leave the cooking to her. Or, once my treasure is returned to me, I shall hire someone to do it for us both. It irritates me to think of going on a "date" without access to my treasure. Ann must pay and I am beginning to feel unmanned by it. Alas… Soon I will be able to give her anything her sweet heart desires.

First, today, I have to go out and pretend I am open minded to humans. Or truly attempt it, as I do want Ann.

I would like to lie with her, soon. Although, I am nervous how that would go. Kissing her is electrifying, snuggling is an explosion of warmth… I worry I would not survive a coital encounter. I am nothing if not brave.



Ann watched Elric's handsome face crumpled in frustration as he attempted pushing his way through the rotating glass doors leading out of the restaurant where they had eaten lunch, into a gorgeous garden courtyard. When he exited, he straightened his clothing and glared at her.

"You are laughing at me," he said tersely.

His dark hair tucked behind his ears to keep it out of his face with the wind blowing around them. He wore his t-shirt beneath a leather jacket with his original dark jeans. It was a good compromise, and he still looked gorgeous.

"Doors just aren't the right size for you; that's all," she commented sweetly, stifling her giggles. She linked her arm through his, wanting to stake some type of claim over him in front of all the women passing by.

She looked up to find him surveying the area. Lush, thick greenery dotted with vibrant flowers surrounded the walkways. On one bench, a woman sat cleaning off her children's hands before offering them a snack. Ann always loved this shopping area because it was beautiful to walk around and enjoy after eating or shopping.

Elric walked forward, pausing at the scene of a man holding up a sign asking for money. They stood off to the side as several people put coins and dollars in his hand.

Elric cocked his head, "I admit, it has been different than I thought. No attacks. The people at lunch were polite. I enjoy seeing how humans interact with their young." He shook his head and leveled his eyes on her, "But I still feel like I am seeing a very specific picture of humanity."

"This is what I see every day. Sure, when I'm doing hair in my neighborhood, I might see some rougher things, desperate people. But, when I come here or somewhere else, usually, I just see regular people trying to get along the best they can. The problem is good people blend in, bad ones stand out."

She shrugged and they continued walking. The garden was filled with bright sunlight and a wonderful breeze rustled the trees around them.

"Most people aren't purely good or evil. Some of them are really just doing their best in a broken world." She eyed him sideways, "I'm sure you saw some of that in your own world."

His gaze went darker, "In my world, I saw only violence. Both between my kind and between humans and between humans and my kind. It never took long for humans to persecute each other far more than we could. All over heedless reasons." He shook his head with a heavy sigh, "Hard to watch."

"I can imagine."

"Not that I had to watch long," he admitted.

He sat on a bench and pulled her to join him. She liked sitting beside him, feeling his warmth and strength right there. What she was saying about humans seemed to apply to him. Sometimes he could say horrible things, and sometimes he did things that were heroic. Overall, he seemed to be more good than bad. So, just as she did with humans, she would keep giving him the benefit of the doubt.

A small dog on a leash walked by wagging its tail and looking up at its owner.

"So, can you tell me which animals have shifter counterparts? Like, could that be one?" she whispered gesturing to the dog.

He shook his head, "Shifters are always in human form in the human world. Their animals would never be able to blend in. They are, shall we say, quite large."

"Oh," she said quietly sounding a little defeated. Then she glanced at him nervously, "Elric, you've never told me what you actually are. What's your animal?"

He rested his elbows on the bench behind them, "I am a shapeshifter in a more true form than you are thinking, love. I can be whatever animal I so choose. I am not bound to a single form like others."

"But what are you?"

"A gargoyle."

She stared at him in disbelief once again, "Gargoyle? Like, on the spires of cathedrals gargoyle?"

He looked at her sideways, "The water spouts used in architecture were inspired by at least some of us. Though we went to sleep, or I did, not long after."

"So, you're, like, actually made of stone?"

"My skin is impervious to damage, yes. I am still living and breathing before you. I, too, have a beating heart and organs like you. So, no, not made entirely of stone." He looked at her and smiled, "The only thing you really need to know is gargoyles are the best and most powerful, and I am the best gargoyle."

"Right," she rolled her eyes and shook her head. "No bias there at all."

"No, simple fact."

She laughed and allowed herself to relax. It was her favorite kind of weather. Her first day off in a long time and here she was spending it with some guy who thought he was a gargoyle. Who might very well be one. Yet, it was starting to feel right and normal.

How was that possible?

"Tell me more about you," he said sliding his arm around her, she cuddled into him like she had the night before. The more contact she had with him, the more she became addicted it seemed. He was worse than chocolate.

"Okay," she replied trying to calm her hormones and remind herself they were still getting to know each other. "What do you want to know?"

"How did you end up in grooming?"

"My mother was a hairdresser. I used to go to the salon with her when I was growing up."

"That does not sound like proper parenting."

"There you go judging again," she said rolling her eyes.

"There are many sharp and hot objects at your workplace. That is all I meant," he retorted.

"Well, when I went, I was old enough that I knew not to touch anything. Anyway, I really liked it there. I liked the atmosphere, talking to people. When I was old enough for beauty school, I knew half of what I needed to already. It was all natural to me."

"And what does your mother think about it?"

"She died when I was seventeen," she said sadly, averting her eyes. The grief could still overwhelm her at times like a tidal wave, and it was an emotion she didn't like sharing, with anyone.

"Why do you do that?" he asked, his finger hooking under her chin and gently turning her face toward him.

"Do what?"

"Hide your feelings like that. I see it so often in humans. Hide your anger, sadness, even happiness. Why is that?"

She raised her gaze to his. His eyes really, truly were black. So dark and glittery, they reminded her of the night sky. "I suppose that most of us don't feel safe enough to put our feelings out there all the time."

He traced his calloused fingertip over her cheekbone, his touch incredibly gentle despite all the restrained strength. "You can be safe with me."

"You're strong," she said, pulling back and resting against the bench. "But it takes more than that to make someone feel safe sharing their deepest emotions."

"Like what?" he asked.

She eyed him, "Compassion… Kindness."

"Not really strong traits in a gargoyle," he admitted.

"So I've noticed," she teased. Honestly, though, he rescued her twice. Despite his attitude, she had never seen him be intentionally hurtful to someone. He could have ulterior motives for being good. He felt he needed her, after all.

"Why me?" she asked putting her hand in his as she stood and got them walking again.

He stared up at the blue sky dotted with white clouds, "Perhaps it is all that compassion you have that I do not. Who knows? Nothing had made sense since I woke up. Everything has been new and different, not always in a good way. At first, I wanted to go back to sleep."

"Why were you asleep?"

"That is a complicated answer. Mainly, we were tired. We retreated more and more, avoiding detection from human eyes and as we were no longer needed, we just faded out. We slipped into a type of hibernation and then someone with the ability to find us presumably put us on ice in some type of storage facility, in case we were ever needed for our abilities."

"Are you actually allowed to tell me all of this?" she asked dropping his hand as they paused to look at birds that landed in a nearby tree.

He shoved his hands into his pockets, "If it turns out to be a bad idea, I can always have your memory erased."

"Right," she said flatly.

He stared at the birds for a long moment, growing uncharacteristically quiet. Then he said in a soft, forlorn voice, "I miss my wings."

She ached for him. She couldn't imagine what it felt like to be able to fly and then be grounded.

"I had them at first, but the Oracle bound them after my journey to the mainland." He touched his necklace, "So much control. I hate it."

Anger burned in his eyes but quickly faded away as he looked at her. For someone to feel the need to restrain him so tightly, what exactly was lurking beneath his human disguise? Briefly, she imagined what his wings might look like.

"You'll have them back soon," she said.

"That depends," he replied staring at her.

A wave of heat rushed through her at his close proximity and she kept them walking. They had almost circled the gardens, although she had to admit she paid more attention to him than the path they walked. She put her arm through his and dragged him toward the parking lot.

"Come on, let's go to our next stop. The animal shelter."

He scowled, "I feel this shall be depressing."

She nodded, "Probably, but I find amid even the most depressing things, there's a little spark of hope. Since you're here taking up my day off, you might as well come find it with me."

"I was invited to 'take up' your day off," he retorted.

"So you were," she teased. "Just like you're invited to accompany me to the shelter."

He groaned but followed her to the car, opening the door for her before climbing in himself. For a gargoyle, he was already quite the domesticated gentleman.