Chapter 10 - Chapter Ten

The next day at work, Elric sat at the counter impatiently tapping his fingers and looking out the window. How do humans come to the same job every day? He missed Peony and wished he were at home with Ann, exploring all the delightful things they could do to each other's bodies. When they made love there had been no human, no dragon, simply two beings entwining in one powerful embrace. He wanted to do it again. However, he also liked watching Ann at work. The way her soft, deft hands handled human hair and made her clients smile with appreciation at their new appearances.

He wondered what Ann would think of his gargoyle appearance. Would she find it frightening or admirable? He touched his collar. Any day now, it might come off, revealing him in all his powerful glory. The thought sent a wave of apprehension through him for the first time.

Since he had woken up, he thought only about pleasing the Oracle and regaining his powers. His treasure. Now that he was blending into Erin's world, as a human, and didn't know how he would fit there as a gargoyle. What if the very human feelings he had begun to develop for her, so soft and caring were only because he was trapped in a human form? What if he returned to his old self when his powers were returned?

He let out a sigh, slumping in his chair. He saw Ann walking up to him, brushing her long hair over her shoulder as she went. "Are you okay?"

"Yes," he replied sullenly.

She smiled at him, "I have a break now if you'd like to take a walk with me."

"Late lunch?" he asked hopefully.

She giggled, "Sure."

He helped her with her jacket and they walked across the street to the small sandwich shop they'd visited once before. He ordered the meatball sub and she got an Italian, waiting for their meal in awkward silence. Her pale cheeks were flushed and he couldn't help but wonder if she were thinking about last night. He certainly was, but he wasn't going to read her mind to confirm it. Now that he was certain she was his mate, he wanted to give her respect and space to deal with whatever she needed without getting inside her head.

He crossed one leg over the other and ignored the people watching them as they waited for their food.

"So, if we were… to get together, you know, permanently… what would you do while I work?" she asked.

He extended a claw jokingly, just for her to see. One of the few little things he was still allowed to do with his binds. It was sharp, shiny, and black. "Maybe I could take up hair cutting?"

She shrugged, "Is that what you'd want?" Her rich, brown eyes were concerned. She rested her cheek on her palm. "I just… I really like you. I'm getting used to having you around, but I'm still struggling to see our future."

"Only certain creatures are capable of viewing the future," he said.

She raised her eyebrows, "What?"

He waved a hand dismissively, "Certain shifters. The current shifters are offshoots of my generation."

"I want to hear all about them," she said.

"If you want to take a walk where no one can hear us, I could tell you more, I suppose," he offered.

She nodded enthusiastically. Thankfully, the sandwiches arrived in little trays that would be easy to carry and walk. He ate his swiftly so he could talk while she savored her lunch. She worked so hard and deserved a break.

A group of men passed them on the sidewalk, talking avidly. Then he noticed several of them look at Ann, staring up and down her body appreciatively. He moved partially in front of her, sending them a death glare she was unable to see, while she happily munched on her sandwich. The men crossed to the other side of the street, giving him nervous glances. He sighed in satisfaction.

"What is it?" she asked wiping the corner of her mouth.

"Do not fret," he replied, leaning in and kissing her, one arm wrapping around her body as she melted against him.

Good thing they were out of sight of the salon or she would never allow it. When he pulled back she stood dazed and breathless, about to drop her sandwich. He caught it and handed it back to her as he guided her back toward the salon. He looked at her, then the watch on his wrist.

"Do you think we have time?" he asked.

"Sure," she said, looking at her phone. "A few minutes at least."

They walked past the salon and down a small, one-way cross street, and he thought about what he should tell her. "What do you want to know?"

"You always make it clear there's a difference between your generation and the current generations of shifters. What is it? How are shifters of your day different?" she asked.

"More powerful. We have powers that were never transmitted through to this generation. This new generation work in pairs and share a mate, they gain extra power from doing so, where we always worked alone." He scratched his head, "Not that I know how it would work with a mate with one of us. I cannot recall any of us having one. We were typically solitary creatures."

She frowned, "Do you think it's possible?"

He shrugged, "It better be." He put an arm around her, pulling her against him. "Because I refuse to release you, ever."

"Wait," she said. "So, what are your actual powers?"

He grinned, "Invincibility. Flight. Shapeshifting. Decreased aging. My strength, speed, agility, senses are all heightened beyond that of either human or living animal. As well as a few extras I will let be surprises for later."

His response made her sigh, "We should get back. My break's almost over." She put her arm around his waist, guiding him back toward the salon.

He pushed her up against the nearest brick wall, resting her there as he nibbled her neck. He complained softly, "Can you not ask Jen to watch the place and take the rest of the afternoon off? I know you would do it for her if she requested it."

A soft, surprised gasp left her, her hands tangling in his hair as she arched beneath the onslaught of his lips. She kissed him softly before reluctantly pushing on his chest and making him step back from her. "No," she said breathlessly, her cheeks flushed and this time he knew she recalled last night. She softly cleared her throat in an attempt to regain her composure, "I have to get back."

He sighed, "Humans and their work ethic. While admirable, it is also mundane."

Her eyes twinkled softly, "I have to buy is lunches."

He scowled, folding his arms over his chest as they walked back to the entrance of the street, toward the salon. "Not much longer," he said. "I want to provide for you."

"And so you will. If your so-called wealth exists. If not, though, I'm willing to be your sugar mama," she teased, poking him in the chest and he scowled deeper.

"No, I know it exists, and I believe it remains valuable even in this day and age," he said.

"So, it's something physical?"

"It is."

"What is it?" Ann asked, her chocolate eyes alight with curiosity.


"Jewels? What kind of jewels?" she asked.

"Sapphires, rubies, diamonds, that sort of jewels."

She bit her bottom lip, "I can never be sure if you're serious about some of the things you say. But, even if you can't get your jewels back, I still want you."

He felt warmth spread through him, all the way to his toes. He never felt such warmth before, not even as a dragon with fire as hot as the sun moving through his body. He would be devastated to lose her, even if it cost him returning to his full power and true form. As greatly as he wished for his wings, his power, his wealth, but did he want that if it brought back any danger toward her? What if it brought back his old personality; selfish, violent, and uncaring? He wanted her as his mate more than anything in the world, but who knew what that would be like without the collar weighing around his neck.

He touched the ring on his finger lightly, nervously, just as shadows blocked their path. The street in front of them closed off. He shoved Ann behind him hearing her shocked squeak as the men in front of them approached, staring.

"Well, would you take a look at this," the man in front said. He was tall, gangly, with freckles and red hair, reminding him of--

"Lucas," Elric said sardonically. "You are Lucas's family."

"And you're about to feel the wrath of the Caldwell pack," the guy said. The men around him were a variety of inbred looking to actually dangerous, and several held weapons. He could count ten men in total, but they were tightly grouped.

He pulled the tie off his wrist and tied back he hair as he herded Ann backward, as far as he could get her from the danger. "Ann, run back to the salon when you can, but do not call the human authorities," he said over his shoulder.

"Um, how are you going to deal with this one?" she asked.

"Like a shifter," he said. "Then, once I have finished, there are people I will have to call. Keep yourself safe, I will come for you."

"What if there's no chance to run?" she asked.

"Stay in a corner. There is a dumpster over there. Hide."

"But, I want to help you," she muttered.

"Let me protect you. I am a difficult person, I know. Allow me to show you one of the benefits that goes with my difficulty." He grinned, "Let me show you my claws."

"Be careful," she said softly.

The wolves in human form in front of them slowly moved forward, backing them further into the alley and some of them slammed their bats and piped against their hands. He felt his skin hardening in response to the threat, he filled with heat. When the men had nearly reached them, he lashed out in the blink of an eye and pushed Ann out from behind him. At the same moment, he attacked the men from one side, pushing them all into each other and to the other side of the alley giving her space to run.

"Go!" he shouted as the wolves began regaining their feet, cursing with the intention of coming for him. He watched her look at him, terror plain on her sweet face, but then she nodded and ran out of sight as the men flooded toward him.

He felt a bat connect with the side of his face and crack in the wolf's hands, then he grinned. He turned to face the wolf gripping the now lame bat and crushing it into two separate pieces with his bare hands. He chucked the pieces at two of the wolves heads, easily knocking them back down. The wold who had been holding the bat stared at him in shock. Elric head-butted him gleefully, sending him crumbling to the ground.

Two wolves carrying pipes were next, they swung at his head and knees. He jumped over the low swing, catching the higher pipe with one hand jerking it away from his assailant. He caught the knee attacker across the face with his new weapon, making him drop the pipe he had been swinging before. Elric spun and hit the face attacker, sending him to his knees groaning. He followed up with a hard kick to the face and the lame shifter was out.

Four down, six to go.

One of them swung a meaty fist in his direction and Elric ducked back, laughing. Wolves moved so slow in human form. It was like fighting balloon animals. Pop. He struck the wolf in the gut, jumping high and kicking him in the face to watch him fly into the wall. The beast inside him was alive. Enjoying every punishing blow. A dim part of his mind knew it was not a good thing, but the rest of him burned for more violence.

He heard the click of a hammer. One of them had a gun aimed at him. He cocked his head to one side and moved lightning fast to stop the wolf from firing and frightening civilians. Elric took the firearm and crushed it in his hands, using his claws to shred through the metal making the dangerous weapon nothing more than pieces of metal and powder at his feet. He elbowed the gunman in the face, enjoying the crunch as the wolf dropped.

Six down.

He felt someone bump into his back, turning to find another huge wolf holding a bent blade, staring at him in horror and shock.

"Bad idea," Elric said stepping toward the wolf who cowered back from him.

"What are you?" the red-haired wolf asked, looking like he had soiled his pants, or would do so shortly.

"A nightmare you roused," he replied in a deep voice.

The wolf backed away and Elric felt two others run into him, attempting to tackle him to the ground. Elric spun around in offense and threw them off. They were like fleas. He grabbed them and knocked their heads together.

Seven. Eight. Not nearly enough.

He let out a roar and flew toward the wolf with the crooked knife, catching his throat to slam him into the nearest wall. The knife clattered to the ground and the wolf clutched at Elric's wrist

"Let me go," he begged. "We'll stop. I promise."

"You threatened my mate," Elric growled.

"We didn't even know you're a shifter. You attacked Lucas," the wolf gasped as Elric's grip tightened.

"Did Lucas tell you he intended to rape someone?"

The pitiful wolf shook his head from side to side, "It was a human, though. All this for a human?"

Elric saw red, his grip tightened in rage cutting off the wolf's oxygen. There were two sides of him and both boiled with fury for Ann's sake. One, the human side Ann had awoken, said to let the wolf go and let the others deal with it. The other side, his gargoyle side, said to take them all down; the world would never be safe for Ann with shifters like them in it.

"Elric, stop," Ann's voice floated to him.

Elric looked at the entrance of the alley in terror as the last wolf came off the wall where he had been casually watching the entire time and grabbed her around the waist, pulling her body against his. Elric punched the coward in his grip and turned on the one holding Ann.

"Let her go," he snarled.

"Why?" The lanky, red-haired wolf, who appeared to be the ringleader, stroked Ann's cheek and she tried to jerk away. "So you can annihilate me like you did all of them?"

"This is a situation of defense. You attacked us," Elric growled.

"We never counted on you being… whatever you are. Tell me what that is and maybe, just maybe, I'll consider letting your pretty little human go."

Elric shook his head, "Let her go and maybe I shall consider not killing you."

"You can't kill me. That's against the rules."

Elric's collar tingled around his throat. "You have no idea what rules I do and do not follow. If I were you, I would not be betting on anything."

The wolf seemed to consider his options.

"Your friends are down. I will be calling the Enforcers. You let her go and I might be too busy protecting her to make sure you cannot slip away."

The narrow-eyed wolf in human form considered Elric's words carefully. He released Ann, shoving her toward Elric as he turned and ran like the coward he was out and away from the alley. Elric caught Ann, wrapping his arms around her. He needed her warmth and humanity to calm him after the fight. The beast in him roared for blood, ignoring all consequences, but the human in him was ready for peace. He had enjoyed contemplating bloodshed. He hated that.

"It's okay," she said softly, running her hand through his hair.

"I told you to stay in the salon," he grumbled against her neck.

"I felt like you needed me. You… you were an animal."

He brushed her hair away from her sweet face making sure she was untouched. "I am one, deep down. Sometimes I fear what is under there. When you free me."

"When I free you?" she asked.

"When the Oracle frees me, I mean," he said guiltily. He needed to explain to her that mating with her would free him. He didn't want her to get the wrong idea. He wanted to tell her, though. Before they mated, he had to tell her. He sensed her hesitation, but for the moment, he was glad she was safe. He had never been more enraged than when he saw that wolf threatening her. Holding her in his arms was everything. Soft, sweet smelling, caring.

He squeezed her tight, softly kissing her ear. "Will you call off work now? We have to deal with this." He looked at the men strewn about, then back to her. "It will not be swift."

She nodded, "I already asked Jen the minute I was back in the salon."

He pulled back, his arm protectively draped around her waist. "Next time, you listen to what I tell you. I want you to stay safe."

She shrugged, "You know me. I'm not good at keeping out of trouble very long when I'm worried about someone."

"I know," he said reservedly. "I worry about that a great deal."

She looked at the unconscious bodies littering the ground around him, "I'm not sure you should be very worried about anything."

He nodded to reassure her, but deep down he worried a lot. He worried the most whether his shifter side had any place in a world with someone as precious as her in it.