Chereads / Language Of Happiness / A Question - 08/21/2020

Language Of Happiness

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A Question - 08/21/2020

I've been seeing a few people reading this story recently. Then I got to thinking back to the story itself. I did find that there were some parts I enjoyed and others that I feel could use a rework.

So I was thinking about re-writing the story. Kind of like what I'm doing with Exploring My World, but starting from the beginning. I'd leave the original story as is and I won't touch it, but I will take everything that is currently there and add some more on top of it.

When I wrote the Divergent story of this, I had fun exploring the characters again and what they would be like in the future. With that I feel that I might be able to do a re-write of the story.

What do you think? Sound like a good idea? Or should I just not touch the story any further leaving it like it is forever?