Chereads / Language Of Happiness / Chapter 5 - Chapter 5

Chapter 5 - Chapter 5

The next day, Kear set off for school. She had to get used to being in this body. Yesterday that was all she did, under the guise of not feeling well. She trained its reflexes, finding this boy was athletic. Just thinking about it feels like she will end up going to military court for being involved with a minor.

The major part to get used to was she couldn't hear a single thing. In her heart she was happy that she could read lips. While translating languages helped her, right now it wasn't necessary.

She learned more about this world and what there was. Rin had shown her how to use the computer and internet. Once she got into it, she understood how it worked. Kear was sure the future one she used was based off this; both computer and internet.


She walked next to Granno. Kear had told him that she was still confused. Granno said he would help out however he could. He really was a good friend of Veno. It hurts her to know she inadvertently killed a young boy.

She followed the sidewalk they were on. Without sound, Kear was looking everywhere. Just in case she tried her best to remember the route back to her home. The problem there was just too much stimulation for her. Everything was new and exciting. She couldn't hold herself back from "ooh" or "wow".

Rin had told her that Veno used both sign language and the vocal one to talk. That would make it easier for her to blend in.

They arrived at the school and she followed Granno into the classroom. It was really nice they were in the same class. He helped her find her seat. There were about thirty other seats in this classroom and she was sitting in the back left of the classroom next to the windows. The classroom had more color than she had ever seen in a classroom.

She had to sit in a single room that was grey and white during her time learning linguistics. The different posters she saw were hand made by the kids or standard ones for learning. It gave a warm feeling in her heart.

Next she just continued to stare out the window. She watched kids coming towards the building and the landscape around. It was amazing and everything she dreamed about.

There was a tap on her shoulder from Granno. There were two other boys standing next to him. One wore glasses and the other had a military style haircut. Granno had mentioned them before as she 'forgot' their names. Glasses were Wren and the haircut was Plavlin.

"Sorry I bumped my head so I don't remember you guys."


They both asked in unison as she could see their mouths move at the same time.

"I don't remember too much, so please bear with me."

"Yea he even forgot his name."


They did the same thing again. They look like good friends.

"My name is Wren and you really don't remember me?"

Kear shook her head.

"And me Plavlin?"

Again she shook her head.

"Did you also forget 'Sparkling Gate'?"

"What's that?"

"We all are going to re-watch every episode for our little Veno."


Granno and Wren both let out a huge sigh.

"I guess it might not be a bad idea."

Wren made a good point. If watching 'Sparkling Gate' helps in any way she has to give it her all.

"So what is it?"

Kear asked that innocently, but as soon as she did Plavlin took out his cell phone and started showing any and everything to her about it. It was a magical girl anime that was released not too long ago.

She could see the other two and their souls leaving their body. It was a bit hard to see what Plavlin was showing and following along with what he was saying. He kept moving his hand. He was obviously a fan. Kear couldn't say she wasn't interested in the show either.


Class started and thankfully Rin had told the teacher about my 'amnesia'. It gave me leeway to learn more about this world. She was so giddy learning about the birthplace of the human race.

She was shown math problems and they were a breeze for an adult like her. She had to be smart enough to understand conversations to translate and numbers were something she worked with often.

During some boring bits, Kear would look out the window watching the world pass by. It was relaxing and even made her giddy to go out and explore.

By lunch time she talked with the others. She asked them more about Veno, using the excuse that it might trigger her memories.

She had to use the restroom and ended up rushing out to one that was pointed out to her earlier. She sprinted as she tried to hold it in, due to not really wanting to deal with her new body.

Once she entered the bathroom she ran into a stall. Awkwardly she was able to take care of everything. She walked out and saw two girls talking over by the sink. She made a big mistake.

She tried to sneak out, but she couldn't tell how much noise she made. She ended up being chased out and went into the other one to wash her hands. She didn't linger as she didn't want to look around within the men's restroom. This whole situation was just too surreal.