"Ahh, that was a nice sleep". Said while yawning [was it now dreaming about having sex with an omnipresent being aka me is nice didn't know you thought of me like that I'm kinda creeped out I should have picked a better host] said in a teasing tone "haha at least I imagined you with a sexy figure and face so don't try teasing me". Mumbled angrily [what ever we need to go back to the library so you can meditate and practice some more spells] "why"?
[because there are more mana and whatnot composed in that library than anywhere else in this town] "okay I can't wait". Said excitedly [yeah yeah stop acting like a child and let's get stronger I can think of 1billion entity's that are stronger than you just on this mortal plain so hurry up] "okay okay"! Said in a frustrated tone.
Carlos went in the shower ate his breakfast had a cup of coffee sorted out some clothes then brushed his teeth then he went to the library.
"Okay were here so what do you want me to do"? [okay you're going to learn a spell called essence overcharge] said in a proud manner "okay explain what does it do"? [well it's just like essence burst but it's like a laser the more you charge into it the more powerful it becomes its op in like war times because you can just stand in the back charging essences overcharge up to your maximum potential for it then boom your side is winning oh yeah you can make it so it doesn't harm your subordinates] "wow that's Op, so I just train it like the last one". [yeah but expand your hands ever 5 seconds because it grows bigger and bigger the more power it has]
"okay ill train it until it's mid-day". [okay here's how you train it stand-in like a Goku stance like in dragon-pussys H when he's doing kahmmamaia wave] "okay ahhhhh".
-1.3hours later-
"yes yes I'm doing it". [wow you really are but stop doing a face that makes you look constipated you literally just went toilet unlike those people in novels that never go shit during training you do so stop doing that face it's creepy] "okay ill stop but I don't look like that err". He said in an angered tone.
[okay sure you don't cough cough ya do. Anyway focus on that spell first] "okay". [As Carlos focused on training he finally materialized energy to form into a ball it grows bigger and bigger each passing secon] "shut the fuck up". he shouted with a face full of anger [okay okay but look] "yeah I know I'm the one that materialized it". [yeah I know, shoot it at the wall on in front of use] "okay chaaaaa". [wow okay it lasted for 35 seconds cool] said in an impressed tone.
"Yeah. I know I'm the best in the world hehe". said with a grin full of pride [nope you're far from the best] "hey stop being mean". said while frowning [ha stop acting like a bitch and train until your hungry ] "okay".
-2 hours later-
"yeat I can do it without failing once now hah". Laughed in pride [yeah well done such an achievement so are you feeling hungry] "no I'm immortal remember". [yeah I know] she mumbles "what was that"? [YEAH I KNOW] she screams "hah okay". "I'm going now".