Chereads / The Witch's Mistake / Chapter 9 - VIII: Moonchild

Chapter 9 - VIII: Moonchild

Witches are children of the moon. They are gifted with magic the moment they are born and their powers strengthen as they grow old and train with their mentors. Witches have natural sharp eyes, able to read emotions and see the aura of a person, what is not visible to most they can see clearly, very few are even granted clairvoyance.

Among the witches, one is to be born every once in a hundred years on a blue moon. A favored witch. Gifted not only with magic but with the eyes of the moon itself, sharper than a normal witch's, and able to distinguish between celestials and demons.

"The moon's favorite witch..." The demon of wrath uttered with a devilish smile as he met Jisoo's gaze. They were silver, her eyes, glowing like the moon and only visible to those with gifted sight.

"Hundreds of years ago, a clairvoyant witch told us we'll be freed by you."

Jisoo shifted her face away from his touch, only her parents and a few trusted witches know of her real birth so the thought of the demon knowing about her abilities frightened her.

It was a secret. The eyes of the moon are coveted by witches who practice dark magic so her parents were careful not to tell anyone.

"Tell me now." The demon demanded, "What do you wish for?"

Jisoo shook her head, her body trembled with fear but her eyes were burning with resolve "I have been naive enough to chant a spell when I shouldn't have" she said, "I will not be the that stupid again."

The demon's eyes glowed redder, like the coals of fire burning with rage. "You...will tell me your wish." He said, the dangerous tone of his voice making her flinch in fear.


Jungkook's body went limp the moment she uttered the word. She caught him just in time before he fell, his heavy body giving her no choice but to sit on the grass as he lied on her lap.

A sigh escaped Jisoo's lips as she stared at the boy's peaceful face. The trace of a demon being in him was gone for now but she knew his headaches will be back once the spell wears off.

The sound of a vibrating phone caught her attention and her eyes shifted to Jungkook's uniform blazer. Hesitantly, she fished the phone from his pocket and her eyes landed on the name of the caller. It was the butler from earlier.

Jisoo accepted the call "Hello?" She said, placing the phone on her ear.

"Yes, he is here. We're in the park near the school."

Jungkook's forehead creased as he woke, his gaze landing on Jisoo's worried face as she held him. "W-what happened?" He asked as he pulled himself to sit properly.

"You fainted," Jisoo replied, head down, staring solemnly at the pearl bracelet she had slipped back on her wrist before the boy regained consciousness.

She was used to lying, it was unavoidable for someone like her who had to hide being a witch. Today, however, her guilt was making the inside of her stomach churn as she watched Jungkook look around him with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Young master, Jeon?"

Jungkook grew more confused at the sight of Jae, the Jeon family's butler had a line of escort cars behind him. The boy's gaze shifted inquiringly to Jisoo.

"I hope you don't mind but your butler called while you were unconscious." She explained, "I couldn't leave you here like this so I answered your phone and told them to come."

"T-thank you," Jungkook said, swaying a bit as he stood up after her. His forehead creased, he was still a little light-headed "..and I'm sorry for the trouble."

"No, this is all I could do-"

"Please, don't say that" Jungkook's ears turned red as he spoke, he had never disagreed so strongly to someone before.

When his parents decided on things he did not want to do he would always obey them, or when his so-called friends said something he did not like, he would smile and nod.

He was a good kid. Too good. To the eyes of others, he never did wrong. He had let people speak for him, even when those words did not say what he truly felt and caused others' disadvantage. He remained silent and timid. For him, to not speak was to avoid trouble.

This time was different, this time he felt like saying what he really felt.

"I hurt you..." he said, voice wrapped in guilt "You didn't have to do anything for me but you still did."


"For some reason, my headache's gone." The boy smiled shyly as he rubbed the back of his neck "It might be farfetched to think you're the reason it disappeared but...I still think you have something to do with it."

"What I'm trying to say is you're very kind" Jungkook uttered surprising her. "So please accept my thank you."

Jisoo fought the urge to cry where she stood. How was she supposed to tell him she was the cause of the headache and rage he was experiencing? He bit her lower lip at the overwhelming emotion before settling with a smile on her face.

Shameless. That is what she was. Acting like she was innocent when the boy in front of her was in pain because of her mistake.

"Yes, you're welcome." She replied almost in a whisper.

"It's a bit late but..."

"I'm Jeon Jungkook." The boy finally grinned raising his hand for a handshake "Nice to meet you."

Jisoo watched as the boy bashfully brushed the back of his hair with his free hand, ears flushed as he waited for her reply. There it was, the timid Jungkook that Hyeri told her.

"Kang Jisoo." She uttered blinking away her tears as their hands touched.

Jisoo watched as the line of cars turned a corner disappearing from her sight. A sigh escaped her lips as she went back to sit on the swing. Jungkook had offered him a ride home but she refused with an excuse of meeting a friend...

"Saeron...where are you?" She whispered.

A ball of feathers exploded on the swing beside her and the silhouette of a girl formed until the shadows materialized into the angel she had called.

"Saeron!" Jisoo's face lit up in relief when she saw the winged girl beside her.

"I'm sorry it took a while for me to appear." The angel uttered, a soft smile plastered on her face "I was waiting for the host to leave."

The angel's eyes traveled from the witch's face down to her neck "I am sorry. I should have given you the bracelet sooner." Saeron voiced in guilt as she gently touched the bandage that covered her bruises.

"I am fine." Jisoo smiled, touching the angel's hand reassuringly "It worked well on my favor. I found a way to determine a demon's host!"

"What do you mean?"

"You said it before, right? When they touch me they'll recognize who I am."

"But that is dangerous!" Saeron replied in alarm "You've seen what happens when they recognize you. The demons take over their host and you get hurt in the process."

"But I have the spell you gave me-"

"No, you cannot rely on it. To tell you the truth it is not only dangerous for you but for the host itself. If a demon got used to taking over their host's body it will wear out the human soul inside. Eventually, the soul will disappear leaving its shell for the demon to use, with a body of their own to control they can easily strengthen their powers back and that is not something we want to happen."

Jisoo's lips tightened at the information, her forehead creased in worry as she thought of Yoongi and Jungkook whose bodies have already been taken over by their demons once.

"How many times does it take until the soul is exhausted?" The witch asked.

"Three. Any more than that and the demon will take over immediately. What about using the eyes the moon gave you? It can distinguish between demons and celestials, right?"

Jisoo shook her head solemnly "I don't know why but my eyes don't see their aura. When Jungkook came back after being taken, even before that, he had no trace of being a demon's host."

Yes, that was weird. Someone who has the moon's eyes should be able to see demons but she saw nothing, looking back maybe it was the reason why she didn't think Yoongi and Jungkook could be hosts the first time she saw them. Their auras were normal!

Saeron's face turned grim "The seven sins must be more powerful than the moon's eyes." The angel bit her lower lip as she looked down on the green grass, thinking deeply of a solution to their dilemma.

"Yes, of course! Why did I not think of it?!"

"What is it?"

"The demon mark!" The angel suggested, the hope in her face was evident. "I am sure your eyes will be able to see them."

"Demon mark?"

"Yes, a demon marks the skin of their host. It's invisible to a normal human's eyes but to someone gifted with sight like you it will look like a glowing tattoo. You can look for it in their body and--"

"Wait, wait, wait!" Jisoo raised her hand for the angel to stop, her cheeks red and eyes wide in alarm.

"I can look for it in their body?!"

"Yes." Saeron nodded, eyes blinking innocently as she stared at Jisoo's flustered face.

"It's somewhere visible, right? Like the hand or the leg or the back of their neck?" Jisoo asked nervously.

"It is usually at their backs," Saeron answered to Jisoo's dismay.

"Are you sure?"

The angel began to chuckle as she realized the witch's dilemma "You don't have to worry. Sometimes they appear on body parts you could easily see, you do not have to strip them of their clothing."

"Remember," Saeron uttered firmly "A demon's mark has a distinct color and symbol, and it only appears when the host does something related to the sin it is hosting."


Jisoo was scribbling on the back page of her history notebook, the teacher's voice was muffled as it entered her ears, her eyes darting from her note to the clock as its hand ticked towards dismissal.

Finally, the bell rang and the students were free from the class that bound them to their seats. Jisoo grabbed her bag leaving the classroom in haste. The idea Saeron had given her yesterday was the only thing in her mind as she rushed through the hallways.

The loud sound of shrieks halted her steps as she turned a corner, a crowd of students had gathered at the lockers. The subject of attention was an angry Jungkook, holding a scared student by the collar.

"I-I swear it was an accident!" The poor boy stuttered "I did not mean to bump into you. I was really just in a hurry-"

"Shut up!" Jungkook's voice made everyone flinch in fear, including the witch that had just arrived at the scene. "You're in a hurry to die, that's what it is!"

A burning red tiger.

It was invisible to others but to Jisoo who was gifted with the moon's eyes, the tattoo that appeared on the side of his neck was as clear as day. How did she miss such a mark before? Could it be that it appeared somewhere else the first time?

The wheels in Jisoo's head turned as she ran towards the crowd before the host of wrath could punch his poor victim.


Her voice was loud, loud enough for everyone's attention to shift towards her. Jungkook unconsciously let go of the student in his hand, the poor boy scampered out of the place after grabbing the bag he dropped.

"I-I'm sorry, you were in the way. I had to go to my locker." Jisoo uttered, her cheeks flushed as the crowd's gaze followed her, almost like they were burning holes through her body.

"Geez, does she not know how to read the atmosphere?"

"What an attention seeker."

She bit her lower lip, her ears turning red with every comment from the crowd as she sauntered through the circle they have created, passing by Jungkook who had surprise written all over his face. Their eyes met for a second before she turned towards her locker and pretended to take something from it.

"What are you all looking at?!" Jungkook voiced behind her "Leave!"

He only needed to say it once and the crowd dispersed as if nothing had ever happened. The boy turned towards the girl who had closed her locker door just in time to face him.


"Not here." She said almost in a whisper.

The gazebo. Jungkook's favorite place. It was where he could recharge his introverted self after being around people who showered him with unnecessary attention. Today, it was a private meeting place where he and Jisoo could talk as they sat on the lone bench that was already there when he first started hanging out at the place.

"You must have been surprised," Jungkook uttered, breaking the long silence between them.

"No...maybe you weren't." He laughed bitterly "I was probably just doing the same thing I did to you yesterday."

"Jungkook, It's okay I-"

"NO! IT IS NOT OKAY!" Jungkook stood up, fist closed as he stared at her firmly.

Sweat trickled down the side of his face as his eyes watered with tears of frustration.

"You don't understand!" He said, frantically pacing back and forth in front of her "I don't know what's happening to me! This is not me, I do not feel like myself!"

"I don't want to hurt anyone but every time my headache shots through my head I get so angry that I blackout and the next thing I know I'm holding someone by the collar of their shirt! Do you understand Jisoo-"

Jungkook's words failed to leave his mouth when a pair of arms enveloped his torso. He looked down, eyes wide in surprise to see the girl hugging him.

"I am s-sorry." Jisoo cried "I-I am s-so sorry, Jungkook."

Her heart hurt, it felt so heavy she couldn't stand it. Jisoo knew very well it was guilt, she wanted to help him, to yank out the demon inside of his body. If only she could, she'd even be willing to host the demon instead. If she knew a spell that could turn back the time she would definitely chant it now but there was nothing in the moment she could do.

She could only look for the other hosts and wait until Saeron tells her it's time to cast the demons back to hell.

"W-What-" Jungkook's forehead creased in confusion "Why are you sorry." the expression on his face softened as he wiped her tears.

'What was I thinking? It is not like it's her fault I'm like this.' He thought.

Jisoo held his hand, her shoulders still heaving as she sobbed "I'll help you, I promise I'll find a way-"

"No, it's okay. I am fine, I'll sort it out." Jungkook uttered, finally getting a hold of the rage that was boiling inside him. He was now feeling bad at the thought that he had made her worry. "I'm sorry for taking it out on you, you were trying to help and I-"


The two both turned to the person who called and their eyes widened in surprise as it landed on Jimin's face. The boy's expression turned from puzzled to grim as soon as he saw the tears on her face.

"Jimin," Jisoo wiped the rest of her tears with her sleeves, confused to see Jimin at the gazebo "What are you-"

"What did you do now?" Jimin asked as he rushed towards them. He stood between her and Jungkook, his eyes meeting the other's with a sharp glare as he pushed him away.

"I didn't do anything," Jungkook replied as he steadied himself from the force, his forehead creased in annoyance. He wasn't one to get angry easily but as his headache recurred he could feel his blood starting to boil.

"Please stop!" Jisoo interjected, feeling alarmed of the situation.

She could see the faint glow of the wrath mark appearing on Jungkook's neck and he did not want to wait and see what would happen if she let them argue longer.

"Jungkook didn't do anything wrong, he was just calming me down because I was crying."

Jimin gave Jisoo a doubtful look before turning to face Jungkook, the crease in his forehead disappearing as he sighed in resignation.

"I'm sorry, you didn't really have a good image to me after what you've done yesterday-"

"Jimin!"Jisoo gasped worriedly, softly hitting him on the side with her elbow.

"It's okay." Jungkook uttered, a faint smile curved up his lips "It's the truth anyway, it would be more of a surprised if he didn't think bad of me after what happened yesterday."

"Glad, we're on the same page," Jimin muttered to himself.

A long awkward silence ensued after with the three of them just standing still at the gazebo. Jisoo rubbed her arms uncomfortably before deciding to break the ice.

"L-lunch." She spoke almost squeaking, her eyes glued on the floor. "Would you like to have lunch?"


"Of course!"

The two answered in chorus making them give each other surprised looks.

Jimin's eyebrow rose as he crossed his arms "She isn't inviting you-"

"That's great! Why don't we head to the canteen so we could eat?!" Jisoo flashed the biggest smile she could muster in her frantic state, pulling both boys out of the gazebo "Wow! I am really starving, are you not?!"

An ominous atmosphere. Jisoo could feel the sharp glared thrown at her by the other female students from their tables. She thanked the fact that looks couldn't kill because if it did, she would have dropped dead on the ground the second she entered the room.

Why ever did it not cross her mind that there will be consequences to eating lunch with 2 of the most beloved students of Demian? Why did she not just order out from one of the school restaurants and just ate them at the garden cafe?

Has she lost her mind?!

Her gaze shifted to Jungkook who sat in front of her. A warm smile curved up the bespectacled boy's lips as their eyes met before he continued eating his lunch, unaware of the icy gazes penetrating her back.

Beside her was the talkative Jimin, who wouldn't stop insisting that she gets a share of his carrot slices. The hairs on the back of her neck stood, as his fangirls silently curse at her with every carrot slice the boy places on her plate.

Both were unaware of her impending death.

"Oh?! What is this?" A familiar deep voice loomed over them causing the three to lift their heads up to the speaker.

"You didn't tell me our table changed, kook." Taehyung's boxy smile flashed beautifully on his face. The innocent aura he was currently emitting would have worked on her too if not for what happened yesterday.

"Tae..." Jungkook smiled at the sight of his friend"Where have you been? I didn't see you yesterday." He uttered as he gestured for his friend to sit on the empty chair beside him.

"I was busy." Taehyung passed her a meaningful look before shifting his attention back to Jungkook, flashing his friend a jesting smile "What? Is that your reason for changing tables without telling me?"

"N-no, a friend just invited me to lunch so I accompanied her."

"Really? So, Kookie managed to snag a female friend." Taehyung chuckled at the sight of Jungkook's flushed ears before his curious eyes shifted towards Jisoo.

"You must be a very interesting person." The same mischievous smile she's seen him wear yesterday now appeared on his face. "I've never seen Jungkook talk properly with a girl before but he actually called you a friend?"

"I'm more surprised than you are." Jimin's interjection caught their attention, his eyebrow raised as he met Jungkook's eyes which the boy abruptly avoided by staring at his food "After what he did to her yesterday, it's a miracle she considers him a friend."

"Jimin!" Jisoo nudged her friend softly "Stop it." She uttered but the boy didn't seem to care as he only replied with an innocent tilt of the head, giving her a smile she was sure his fangirls had now written as one of the reasons to kill her.

"Yesterday?" Taehyung pouted sullenly but the sly glint of his eyes as he rested his elbows on the table didn't escape her "I see, so I wasn't the only one you met." He spoke, resting his chin on the back of his now clasped hands.

Jisoo caught herself before her jaw dropped, her forehead creased as their eyes met. Hers looking annoyed while his' shone with mischief.

'What the heck is this guy up to?!"

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