Yesterday was so fun.
I want on so many rides.
Tall ones, slow ones, fast ones, and we even ate so many snacks!
I woke up to Blade's alarm.
Oh. I forgot. I have school.
"Wakey wakey!" Sung Blade, knocking on my room.
"I'm up," I mumbled, barely awake.
Blade and I walk to school with Blade, with girl's fanning all over him.
My first class is math, math is easy enough.
Art, I think I'm good at art.
I have P.E.
I'm slow, and not flexible.
Math and art passes by like a flash.
and P.E. was painful.
I was hit by the ball in the face, twice.
and I got accidentally wacked in the knee cap while playing floor hockey.
Finally, FINALLY! It's lunch.
I eat out of pain.
"Wow! you look so beat up!" Said Blade, while slapping me on the back.
"Oww!" I said, looking at Blade.
I eat my lunch quickly and go outside.
"AAHHHHH!" I scream when I tripped, Tripped down the stairs
"That hurt....." I sighed.
"Noah!?" Gasped Emma, she looked horrified.
"Are you ok?" She said, she sounded worried.
"It hurts when I move my foot," I said.
"I'll help you get to the nurse's office." Said Emma.
"No need," I sighed.
I tried to get up and fell back down instantly.
"I'll help you." Hurried Emma.
When we arrived, I looked like a mess.
"You should stay here and rest for the next period." Said the nurse
"Ok." I sighed.
"I'll go now!" Said Emma, waving goodbye.
The next period passed quickly, just like all the other periods.
I limped home with Blade.
"So what happened again?" Asked Blade.
"I fell down the stairs." I stubbornly said.
"So what are we going to have for dinner?" Asked Blade chuckling.
"Hey! What's so funny!?" I shouted.
"Nothing" Laughing Balde.
I fell asleep on the couch after dinner.
My dream yesterday...what was it?