Chereads / The witch's curse / Chapter 44 - I dream a dream

Chapter 44 - I dream a dream

I Feel the darkness fade as I fall into the white vastness again. I must have fallen asleep on our way back home in Patrick's arms. When will I have a normal night of sleep I ask myself rolling my eyes. I walk around aimlessly for awhile wondering what's going on outside of my dream am I finally in bed is it almost morning. Time is a wonky thing in dreams it seems to be completely different then that of the day. I look around and sigh from the boring sight of nothingness.

Bang of the drums, crash of the snares, the nay of a unicorn, the flap of a birds wings. What else can I create In this vast world with just my mind I think to myself. Splash of a puddle, cry of a child, crackle-the fire roars loud taking the town to the ground.

It just all plays in my head, some things are random but some of comes from the haunting memories of Camille island. "Oh father" tears run down my face as I remember my recent mistakes, "I can't take them back father, so what can I do". All the sounds around me that where blaring in my soul just faded to dust as the silent nothingness settled back in. I crumpled to the ground, in a faint whisper "I'm lost".

The silence is deafening but I can't wake up, when will morning come. I lay down sighing thinking about everything that has happened since that day so long ago where my life changed, and the many ways it changed after as well. Tears roll down my eyes "as the days go on I feel more and more alone, because of you". You can hear the witch talking in the distance " can you be anymore annoying, we do have to share this space".

I roll my eyes " this is all your fault leave me alone".

Her voice recedes into the distance as once again the silence sets in.

A crackle is heard in the distance as blaze burst into flames flying majestically to my side. "Oh blaze" I wrap her into my arms as her flames dye down "I've never seen your feathers this close your so beautiful". I close my eyes and think of my bed and my comfort as I'm holding blaze like a teddy bear. I feel white vastness fade to black as my eyes shutter close, and I finally have a blank mind and I can finally get some rest for the first time in forever.

cates pov.

I get off the couch after the movie credits start to role. I yawn " jeez what time is it, we should probably head to bed". I check my phone and see it is only 11 o'clock. As me and Patrick are walking by Vicky's room I see I faint glow from her bed and peak in and gasp. In Victoria's arms is a phoenix with beautiful crimson wings. I whisper over to Patrick telling him to come look at this and he peaks in through the crack in the door. I wonder " since when did she get her spirit animal, and it's a phoenix. What happened on Camille island Vicky... what really happened".