Chereads / Mr. Sandman / Chapter 25 - Master Rework

Chapter 25 - Master Rework


"11:39 already", I read aloud as my phone screen burned my tired eyes, the stark contrast to the dark of night. I locked my phone and slid it into my pocket. Another rainy, overcast, bitter cold day and I wasted it away stuck inside. Work was work, mundane on the border of degrading. All I wanted was to be at home, in bed, watching my favorite movie for the hundredth time and eventually drift off to sleep just to have that same nightmare again. That nightmare was just another constant in my life. It had been for years. I quickened my pace and pulled my jacket tighter around my neck in a weak attempt to keep the rain out. The weather had been relentless for over a week, and I was growing sick and tired of the lack of mercy from mother nature. I couldn't bear another walk home from my second job without proper rain boots or an umbrella. I had no choice in the matter though. No matter how many hours I worked my money always seemed to slip away; bills, food, rent- other, more important things.

"12:04, a new day", my mind wandered as I slid my screen brightness down through a squint in my eyes. I was absolutely frustrated at my snail-slow pace. Cars whipped past me, covering my legs and shoes in muck and water. Super. The cold wind stung my nose and forehead to a bright pink. I felt my hair cling to my forehead the wetter it got.

"At least it'll be over soon, I only have one week left at my part time job", I thought to myself. It was one of the few things I could find comfort in at the moment. I turned the corner and pushed the button for the walk signal a couple times. I stared at my ratty, hole-filled sneakers. The wind ripped my hood off my head, and I was too tired to put it back up. A trickle quickly formed down the back of my neck and began to wet my shirt. I lifted my face to the sky and let the rain soak my face and hair. The traffic lights, sounds of car horns, the smells of the late-night market food, people talking all slowly faded away as the rain blurred my vision. I blinked rapidly, my eyes stinging and let the rain melt a little bit of me away. I wished it really could wash me away.

"Ma'am? Are you alright...?" the sound of a man's voice jolted me back to reality. It was dry, but full of genuine concern.

"Huh?" I hadn't seen or heard him approach. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. It's just been too long of a day", I said, meeting his eyes under the brim of his hat. A steady stream of water left the front brim. A non-remarkable businessman in an almost too well-tailored gray suit, odd for this time of night. Maybe he was out for an after-work drink. It was none of my business. I searched his face, reeling for words to say. I caught his gaze again, and his eyes.... such an odd color of green. Like wet grass in a summer storm. Mildly wrinkled lips and creases at the edges of his eyes. Handsome, despite his age. I was completely lost and simultaneously found in his gaze; I couldn't move. I didn't even know if I was breathing. He gave me a nod and lifted a black gloved hand to the blue walk light and we crossed the crosswalk together. We bounced across the lanes quickly. After we finished being honked and yelled at for leaving late into the timer, I meekly waved goodbye as we began to go separate directions. He tipped his hat; there was a slight pause in his gait. I stopped fully, anticipating him to say something. Instead, he turned quickly and left, tucking his hands into his pockets. I sighed, and quickly started down the road again.

"At least I didn't miss the light", I mumbled to myself. I picked up my pace as quickly as I could, and soon found myself crossing the same old worn bridge I must have crossed thousands of times since I was a child. I still had an irrational fear of it crumbling under my feet one day as I crossed over it; it was so old and neglected. The stream under it was so swollen, it swallowed the grass along the bank. A left. Straight. Then a right. I reached my rundown apartment building and slid my key into the outside door. I heard the outdated metal lock creak and click, despite resistance from the rain. The light above the door flickered, clinging to the last of the bulb's filaments. I wondered to myself if a lock this old would honestly keep anyone out.

"Finally, home, finally somewhere the rain is not". My thoughts became quieter as I ascended the stairs. The fifth floor seemed so close, yet also so far away as my legs grew heavier and screamed with every step. I unlocked my door and slipped my backpack onto a towel I had left by the shoe rack; the rain wasn't making any hints to quit. I closed the door as quietly as possible; I felt horrible for my neighbors because of my work schedule contrasting theirs. At least there's no babies or even small children on my floor. I didn't want to wake anyone unnecessarily. I fought my soaked shoes and jeans off and left those by the door too. I didn't have the energy to care if they went in the hamper. I was met with the familiar scent of house plants, laundry detergent, and air freshener. The apartment was pitch black and I found something comforting about it. The lights of the city bleeding in through my windows were enough for my eyes for now.

After flipping through the notifications on my phone and responding to a few messages, I walked to my bedroom. I eventually slipped into an old, oversized shirt and wandered back to my living room. I unlocked and slid the door to my balcony open. I went into the drawer of the side table open and pulled out a cigarette, my first in months after I swore to myself, I'd quit. I can quit whenever I want. Bullshit. I felt like I had earned one today after 16 hours of work at two different jobs.

"12:48, and 11% battery life left", I sighed and lifted the charger I kept next to the couch, plugging my phone in and placing it on the side table. It started to slide off the edge, and as I caught it, my fingers slammed into the glass topper. Fuck. I pulled my hand back to examine the damage. My fingernail was ripped, almost into the nail bed. At least it's not bleeding. I absentmindedly began to chew it. I tucked my prize behind my ear, not caring if my hair dampened it. I grabbed the lighter out of the drawer, shaking it gently to see how full it was. Barely a sound. Super. I stepped a cautious toe onto the wet wood of the balcony. The wind and cold whipped around my foot. Maybe just a half of my cigarette then, I reasoned with myself, stepping all the way out. I slid the door part way closed behind me. The tiny flame of my lighter illuminated not only my hands, but the plants too big for their pots that overran my balcony. I tucked my cigarette into the left corner of my mouth, cupping my hands fully to light the tip. My arms fell to my sides as I exhaled a cloud of smoke. It stung my eyes. I couldn't tell if I let tears flow because of the smoke, or because of my growing emotions. It honestly didn't matter. I went back for a second drag and the trickle of the runoff waterspout was my only company up this high. I let my mind go blank once again as I took another deep drag. My shirt dampened by the minute, clinging to my thighs.

I flicked my half finished cigarette off the railing of the balcony. The rain had put it out seconds before it touched the ground. I somehow felt like that cigarette butt was me, in a sense. Falling, my light glowing dimmer and dimmer as I descended to the earth. I chuckled at my sad comparison and slid the door fully open and returned inside. I was too tired to eat anything, not that there was much more than instant noodles or scrambled eggs to choose from. I need to shop, but with what time? I laid down on my couch, my face to the ceiling. I laid an arm across my stomach. I watched neon lights, the headlights of cars, and the streaks of rain on the door dance on the ceiling. The slight dampness of my shirt from the misting rain left me cold with goosebumps. Alarms for tomorrow were my first priority before I was going to let myself fall asleep. Whether on this couch or in my bed, I really couldn't care. I reached over for my phone... except it wasn't on the side table anymore.

"What the hell, I set it right there, I know for a fact I did", I thought to myself. I sat up weakly and looked on the floor, under the pillows of the couch. Everywhere it could and should have been. I finally mustered the strength to stand. My back and legs protested. I pulled apart the table drawer, even. Nowhere to be found. Stumped, I went to check my still wet backpack. Not here either, odd. Notebook? Check. Wallet? Check. Keys? Check. "What the hell…?" I looked up, and my front door opened a crack, letting the hall light trickle in. I pulled it open and scanned the hallway. No one in sight. I listened as closely as I could, maybe someone fled down the stairs? Silence. 

"Awesome, someone robbed me of literally only my phone", but that didn't make any sense. Why my old, outdated phone? What about my jewelry? My passport? What about my box of cash in my bedroom? I closed the front door and double checked the locks, flicking them back and forth multiple times, shaking my head all the while, dazed. I walked briskly into my bedroom. I examined the beads, they weren't moving. I hung the beads in their hook on the side of the frame. I pulled out the shoebox of money I was saving to move into a better apartment from under my bed. I removed the lid; it was all there. Even the encouraging note I had written to myself at a much younger age, when I was kicked out. "It will all work out", the note said. The pencil was fading but I couldn't help holding it to my chest in times I needed reassurance.

I kissed the note gently and returned it to the box and replaced the lid and sent it back into hiding. How had I not heard anyone? How had I not seen anyone? I stood myself up and turned to my bedroom door. My door beads were still swaying from me entering my room. I walked back into my tiny living room. I rounded the corner to the hall, apprehensive.

The door was now wide open. I squeaked as I gasped. What the fuck? I clasped my hand over my mouth to keep quiet. Is the thief still out there? Is there even a thief? Am I just too tired? I had made sure that the deadbolt as well as the door handle were locked. How was this possible? I was about to close my door when a shadow crossed the hall and into my field of vision. I saw a pair of bare, dirty and rather large feet round the corner towards my door. I felt my mind growing cloudy by the second. I dropped to my knees, my arms at my sides. Am I fainting? My eyes felt itchy, and I could barely hold the weight of my head anymore. My neck gave, but a hand now held it. A long fingered, spindly but strong hand. Cold to the touch. My eyes drooped until they closed, and my breathing slowed but my heart hammered away in my chest as if it were trying to escape a cage. I felt a hand gently slide through the hair at the base of my neck, knotting into my hair.

"Sleep..." was the last thing I heard, barely a whisper, before my mind went as black as the night sky.


Swirling colors, images of my childhood friends and family, pets I've had through the course of my life, my first kiss, my first breakup, faded faces, tattered emotions, and an overwhelming sense of fear greeted me as my mind wandered aimlessly through the valleys and canyons of my subconscious. Brilliant reds for the sections of myself that I related to anger and embarrassment and pride. Blues deeper than the ocean for fear and sadness and grief. Bright yellows and soft pinks shrouded my happiest moments. Every emotion, memory, and personality trait I had seemed to have a home here. Its own little section to dwell, some overlapping with others creating new colors. Memories I didn't remember even have homes here. Everyone I had ever met or known, every feeling I had ever felt, every job I had worked, every boy I had found cute, every mean comment I had ever made, every compliment I had ever given, everything embarrassing thing I had ever said or done; they were all here and present but simultaneously somehow all in hiding; suppressed, flickering like a light bulb about to go out but reflected to my eyes like the facets of a cut gemstone. Windows and portals like tiny screens replaying first person perspectives lined every single wall. It was amorphous but somehow still held an outline. Everything was so bright and vivid. I walked through the light blue and pink flower fields of my subconscious, or was this a dream? This world was a kaleidoscope of colors and feelings. There wasn't a sun, but the warmth I felt brushing my eyelids, my cheeks, and my shoulders was the next most comparable thing.

"I suppose this is how I wish my reality looked", I mumbled. I looked down and my knee length, flowy off-white dress. It was almost as pale as my skin. I ran my hands over my thighs to smooth the fabric. Cool to the touch, and very much silk and partially see-through. How embarrassing. I had never been one for… revealing clothing. I felt my cheeks flush. My bare, mud-covered feet caressed the soft, cool grass of this alternate reality in my mind. I forgot all about my fluster over the dress as I dug my toes deep into the cool, fresh mud. Everything seemed so right at this moment. A slight wind blew my long hair over my shoulder and onto my back. Dry already. Everything feels so pleasant here. The smells, the colors... is this a dream?

"At least, I think it's in my mind. I hope it isn't though, how could I want to go back... there?", I pondered what I knew to be my reality and the landscape of my mind slowly morphed. I watched the sky in the distance turn an off-color green, gray, and yellow, the colors of a tornado. The plants under that section of the sky began to turn brown and withered, the flowers dropped their petals, as if it had turned autumn in an instant. Far off in the distance, I saw my apartment. A sad little cross section of what I knew deep down was the truth. The more I thought about it, the closer it grew in my field of vision. It was as if I was hurtling towards it, but my feet weren't moving. I raised my hand and rubbed my eyes. I felt the heat of tears stinging.

"How did I ever end up here?", I wondered. Not in this whimsical, fantastic place. That run down, not so cheap apartment nestled in the city. I lost my dad at a young age, and my mom never really wanted anything to do with me and "liberated" me on my seventeenth birthday. I put myself through the rest of high school, but the fees and tuition of the art college I wanted to attend outweighed almost everything else in my life. That was my ticket out and up. I sold my car to fund my application fee and my portfolio. Financial aid was almost impossible. So, I picked up two part time jobs. One job promoted me to full time, so that's why I finally put in my two weeks' notice at my part time job. So much for that, I thought sarcastically. 

"My time there is almost up. I'm going to miss my coworkers so much, they're what made this whole situation tolerable", I felt a new round of tears well up. It stung so much, but I didn't have the courage to pull my hands away from my face.

"I thought I was doing everything the right way. I thought I was taking all the right steps to be the person I was meant to be. Where did I go wrong? What happened...?", I gasped for air as I dropped to my knees. I felt the warmth in the air disappear and a cold brisk wind, just like tonight took its place. I felt one raindrop. Then a few more, until it was an all-out torrential downpour. My heart felt so heavy that it might just drop out through my bottom. I pulled my hands away from my face and slicked my hair back with the rain while basking in my existential crisis.

"If this is a dream, this is my most lucid one yet. I can literally feel the rain drenching my hair and dress", my skin pricked with the cold breeze. I looked over my shoulder back in the distance. The entire flower field was still there, and behind that was the odd canyons and valleys I had wound through my memories in. I turned to look straight forward again, and I was looking at the front door to my apartment. It appeared I was being given a choice of some sort.

"Do I want to live trapped in my past and in pain, or do I want to live in the future the world holds for me or that I could make for myself?", I whispered quietly.

"Isn't that the age-old question?", an unfamiliar, silken male voice asked. I whipped my head around to look behind me again. How had I missed him? I met his eyes first and they held me there against my will. I could no longer look away. The same, emerald, green eyes as the man I had walked across the street with earlier tonight. It was him, but somehow also wasn't. Why can't I remember the man from tonight? Was that tonight? I currently had no concept of time. Besides the point, I felt anger rise in my chest.

"Who are you? What do you want from me? Are you the reason I'm here? Did you steal my phone?", these questions flew from my mouth with a rage that could fuel an army. I clenched my hands into fists, ready to fight if I had to and I felt more tears well up in my eyes, but I wasn't about to let him see me cry (again, I assumed). He had a mildly amused smirk, showing off pointy, pearl white teeth just under his top lip. Fear struck me like a bolt of lightning hitting a dead tree.

"Let me get this straight", he started to chuckle, "This is the thanks I get from releasing you from your humdrum existence in the human world? Accusing me of stealing a phone I cannot use here?", his smirk turned into a grin, showing that his upper and lower teeth were all pointed. He looked like a shark. As I studied his eyes, I felt my body begin to be able to move again. I released my fists and laid my hands flat on my thighs. I felt so defeated.

"I could definitely sense how mad you were just now, but I think you have found your common sense. Now that I'm confident you won't fight me, you might as well be free to roam wherever you please, this realm or the other '', he said with a sigh, settling himself down on the wet grass laying on his back, his arms behind his head. He was almost close enough to touch but I dared not tempt it. I looked up at the sky, the rain had stopped but it was still gray. I looked back over at him. A loose-fitting white button-down shirt that could use a few more buttons done, black pants, no shoes, messy silver hair, ivory skin. He looked like a magazine model. I caught myself ogling his chest, and quickly looked away. I missed him opening an eye to peek at me, followed by a wry smile.

"Well... so you didn't steal it then?" I pressed the matter.

"Steal what, you silly girl?", he asked, almost annoyed.

"My... my smart phone. Are you not the one who broke into my apartment?", I asked, growing more confused by the second, attempting to piece together what had transpired tonight.

"Why would I steal anything from you? Everything you have is either something I own or is in better shape than yours", he said with a smile, not opening his eyes.

"So... you didn't break into my apartment?", I asked again. I was not going to drop it.

"Well, now I never said that", he said followed by a full-on laugh. I felt my cheeks turn bright red.

"Does he mean to make a fool of me?", how rude, I thought to myself. He opened his eyes and stared straight at me, almost through me. I held his gaze for a moment before I turned my head away and fidgeted with the hem on my dress, waiting for him to explain himself. He sensed I wanted an explanation.

"I just can't stand watching pretty girls suffer... unless they ask for it", he said while sitting up with his legs wide open, elbows on his knees. Gross, what a sleaze.

"Is this some sort of sad prompt to seduce me?", I turned my nose up and refused to look at him. Pathetic. He looked me up and down.

"I don't remember asking you for a thing", I replied curtly. I was upset. I let his good looks momentarily get under my skin, but he's no different from the boys of the human world, despite his good looks and odd teeth and eyes. I let the hem of my dress go and put my hand on the ground and started to stand up, my fingers squishing the damp grass.

In the quickest of moments, he grabbed my hand and slid it to my wrist. His skin was not exactly warm, but not cold either. Ambient. I looked him in the eyes. He looked about as sad as I felt earlier; there was something striking about the pain in his eyes.

The Proposal

Something in his eyes struck a chord with the feelings I currently had about myself. He looked like he was ready to cry or fight until his knuckles bled. I sympathized. I sat back down.

"So, what are you? A stalker? Are you the man from the crosswalk? So, what was the point of bringing me here, if you didn't steal my phone, didn't steal my money, if you don't want anything from me?", I asked. He tightened his hand on my wrist, the tendons in the back of his hand looked like they wanted to push through his skin that I now realized was horribly scarred. I felt another jolt of pain in my chest. I looked back up to his face and he was looking down at our hands.

"Would you believe me if I said I just wanted love? Or that I was lonely? That I don't feel deserving? Or maybe that I'm bored?", he brushed his thumb over the top of my knuckles as he raised my hand to touch his lips. It startled me and I started to pull my hand away; he tightened his grip and as our eyes met, I felt unable to move again. What a dirty trick.

"I definitely believe the last option above all the others, you devilishly handsome man", I said, ready to play his game he was so pressed with. If this boy wanted to play with my emotions, I'd be damned if I wasn't going to get him right back. His eyes lit up, as if there was some hope for him. He released me again from the lock of his gaze. I raised an eyebrow and gave him a crooked smile while cocking my head to the right, letting my hair cascade over my shoulder. He pulled my hand away from his lips maintaining his grip, and as they parted I could have sworn, I saw... a swirl of green glitter? That's not possible. While I was busy studying his lips, he moved closer to me, his face now inches from mine. His eyes fluttered closed. He had the longest white eyelashes I'd ever seen before. I looked back down... I couldn't look away from those lips. A slightly peachy pink, they looked so velvet and soft... I started to close my eyes... and they shot right back open.

"I'm supposed to be proving a point! You stupid, useless, hormone driven brain!", I screamed at myself internally. Thank God his eyes were still closed. I put a hand on his chest and pushed him back into the grass. The skin there was also visibly scarred and healed, bumpy to the touch. His skin was as hard as his muscle, no softness or give there. He let out a very slight, but still audible moan. God, he's precious, I thought to myself. It's a shame he's just like every other man in my life, ever. I applied more pressure to his chest as I stood up. He closed his eyes harder, and I saw it again. He exhaled some sort of green glittery aura. Alas, it was not to be my problem anymore. Goodbye, you beautiful man. I won't be had by you tonight or any night for that matter. I lifted my hand off his chest entirely, making sure to drag my fingernails gently across his exposed skin, which turned up goosebumps and made him shiver. I walked towards the front door of my apartment. I took barely ten steps.

"Hey! Where are you going? You're a tease!", I heard shouted at my back. I stopped dead in my tracks. He sounded genuinely hurt that I was leaving.

"I won't turn around. I won't turn around. If I turn around, he'll take it as an invitation", I told myself repeatedly in my head. I put my right foot forward and made it the last few steps to the door. As I put my hand on the handle and began opening the door, his hand flew inhumanly fast from behind me and slammed the door closed again so hard that I gasped.

"Where do you think you're going?", he growled at me. Something was off about his sultry, buttery voice from before. I dared not turn around. Not for fear of what I'd see, but out of fear that he wouldn't let me leave if I did see. I remained levelheaded and collected, despite the heavy body and aura behind me. His chest caressed my shoulders.

"Well, seeing as this is a dream, I figured it's time to wake up. This isn't even real. You're not even real. Everything here is too good to be true. Maybe I want to return to my mundane, sad existence because that's what I feel like I deserve. Since we're talking about that", I said without much emotion. I kept my hand on the handle. I felt something heavy gently land on the back of my head and his warm breath through my hair and down the back of my neck. It sent a chill down my spine that I couldn't stifle.

"Holy crows, is he really that tall, that he has to bend over to make his head touch mine?", I thought to myself. I quickly dismissed my thoughts. None of that. No matter how attractive he may appear to be, no matter how desperate either of us is, this isn't even real. I'll wake up soon anyways, why get my hopes up?

"Please turn around. Look at me", he said. He lifted his head off mine and took his hand off the door and placed it gently on my shoulder. I wanted to turn around so badly, but I refused to give in to myself, and more importantly I refused to give in to him.

"I'm perfectly fine talking like this, thank you very much. What do you want from me? What was the point of bringing me here? Be truthful with me. I'm telling you now, I'm more receptive to that than to any type of immature high school grade… whatever that was you tried earlier", I said bluntly, and I prayed he fell for it. He let out a drained sigh and squeezed my shoulder before letting it go.

"I'll be honest with you. I brought you here in hopes that you wouldn't be as strong willed as you are. So stubborn. I was honestly just seeking some companionship. Innocently enough. But the look in your eyes... your hair, your smell... your lips....", he trailed off.

"Everything about you entices me and I couldn't help myself. I do apologize for that", he finished.

"You honestly expect me to believe that?", I said, again praying he'd take the bait. I felt my heart start pounding again.

"No, I suppose you're too smart for that even. Boy, did I have you pinned wrong. I really hope you don't hate me for saying this, as we will be in contact in the very near future, but I was honestly hoping you'd be naive enough... dumb enough to sleep with me. By this time, most girls I bring here are busy... with other things, rather than a conversation", he said. He sounded almost ashamed. Other girls, huh? I'm not stupid. I knew, somewhere deep down, that this was all fake. It's an attempt to disorient or enchant me.

"So, what then? What are you going to do to me?", I asked, trying to sound fearless. My saliva stuck in my throat.

"How about we make a deal, huh?", he said, returning a hand to my shoulder. He spun me around before I could get a word in edgewise. My eyes were met with the same man in the grass. His voice was no longer harsh either. His eyes had a gleam I didn't care for though, as if he had another trick up his sleeve. I kept a stern, straight face, and crossed my arms. I hoped he could take a hint. He lowered his eyes to my chest, my legs, and back up to my face. My eyes didn't wander anywhere but from his face.

"I was the man from the crosswalk. It's easier to traipse through the human world if you look… well, human, you know", he said brushing some hair out of his eyes.

"You look human enough to me right now. Why the old businessman?", I asked pointedly.

"I felt like maybe you'd be less put off by someone who genuinely appeared boring. I did follow you home though. I admit to that too. I put you to sleep, but I didn't steal your phone and I most certainly was not the one to initially break in. I came in after I saw the door was open… I wasn't sure if that was on purpose", he said, shrugging. I guess I could buy that story.

"And this.... deal, what about that? What could I possibly offer you? Assuming it's something that you haven't bragged about?" I rolled my eyes. I genuinely wanted to know.

"I want to be your friend! It's as simple as that. What would you like from me?", he asked with a cheeky grin. His sharp teeth still put me on edge. There was something very wrong about them.

"I want your help to find who broke into my apartment", I said as matter-of-factly as I could. He removed his hand from my shoulder and held out his right hand.

"I'm Chase. That's my human name", he said. He smiled warmly, no teeth. I think he caught on to my discomfort with his needle teeth. I took his hand but did not shake it yet.

"It's none of your business what my name is yet. Do we have a deal?", I squeezed his hand tighter.

"We have a deal, my little tigress", he said. When he smiled again, his teeth were flat. I shook his hand twice and dropped my hand to my side. I turned and twisted the knob to my apartment.


I entered my apartment again. I felt a weight lift off my shoulders I hadn't even noticed was wearing me down. The light from behind me seemed to fade away as I turned to see if the field was still there. I saw nothing but the sad fluorescent light in the hall and the stained, dirty carpet. I sighed.

"So, it wasn't even real....", I mumbled. I took a step further into my apartment, only for my foot to be met with the shirt I was wearing when I was "put to sleep", as Chase called it. I looked down and smoothed my hands over the flimsy silk dress. Or maybe it was real? I groaned at how transparent it actually was. I picked up my shirt, put it over my shoulder and made sure to triple check the locks on my door. When I was thoroughly satisfied that nobody else was getting in the rest of the night, I made my way to my bedroom. It was nearly 3 AM. I set my alarm clock for 6:45 in the morning, taking a moment to raise my hands above my head and stretch. My joints ached, and even cracked. I let out a loud yawn.

"So early? I shouldn't have kept you so late. I apologize for that", I recognized that voice. But how? When? Where? I rotated in a circle, scanning the room. My eyes landed on the corner nearest my window. I strained so hard to see, but only a deep black stain clung to the shadows of the wall.

"Now I know for a fact I'm crazy. Ahh, well. I guess I knew that already", I chuckled at myself. Now I'm hearing voices? That's just swell. I threw the shirt across the room into my hamper. I loosened the straps on the dress and slid it up over my head and threw it on the floor. I turned to look at my naked body in the mirror. My collar bones seemed more prominent than just a month ago. Being broke and never having time to eat will do that, I suppose. At least I have muscle tone. I looked over all my bruises from work and sighed. Hauling boxes up and down stairs and unpacking new inventory had started to take a toll on my body. I slid my hands over my breasts, down my ribs, and onto my thighs. When did I get so frail? I shook my head, dismissing my frivolous thoughts.

I slid into my bed and situated my pillows, fluffing them weakly. I pulled my blankets all the way up to my neck. I felt my eyes grow heavy and let them slide shut. It took almost no time at all for me to succumb to my sleep. I didn't dream at all, for once.

. . . . . . . .

I heard the beginning of my alarm clock, and I lifted my arm to slap "snooze". I needed more sleep, but my paycheck was ready today. I needed it badly. I rolled over to face away from the imminent blaring, praying it wouldn't go off again so I could sleep more; only to be met by warm breath tickling my nose. It smelled like a grove of pine trees. My eyes shot open. I was met with Chase's pale face. His eyelashes caressed the tops of his cheeks. I watched in awe as the same green smoke exited his mouth with every exhale he took. So bizarre. The glitter quickly dissolved into the air, as if it never existed at all. My cheeks turned red as I realized what this could possibly mean, having him in my bed like this. Did he try anything with me? I sat up sharply, leaning to turn off my alarm clock entirely before the five-minute snooze was up. Maybe I can sneak away before he wakes up? I grabbed some of the blanket and held it up over my bare chest. How thoroughly embarrassing. As I was plotting an escape route, I heard a groan and felt an arm encircle my waist.

I looked down slowly, and my eyes met his steely jade gaze. Seeing him look so vulnerable made me shiver. I'm sure he felt the same about me in that instant. His eyes crinkled at the edges as he smiled and yawned. I leaned away from his arms, trying to escape. He didn't like that.

"Where are you going?", he asked, lifting his head up onto my bare thigh. He rubbed softly, but the texture of his skin was so off putting.

"I have to work, you know. I can't just lounge around all day", I said quickly. I slid my hand behind my back and separated us. I pulled the entire blanket off the bed as I got up. He raised an eyebrow at me, propping his head up with his hand. I looked down and saw that he, too, was entirely naked. I never felt a blush spread past my neck but I'm sure I felt it spill onto my shoulders and chest this time. I felt sick. My mouth fell open as I grasped for words, choking.

"So, you like what you see then?", he asked with a devious smile, propping one leg up as if to entice me. I turned around so fast that I tangled my feet in the blanket and fell to my knees. My breathing was quick and my heart was beating savagely, primally. He seemed to get a rise out of me without even trying. Infuriating. I didn't like the position he put me in here. I heard him get out of bed and walk over to where I fell. His shadow loomed over me, just barely visible in the rising light. He stood with his hands on his hips, his feet shoulder width apart. How gross, I thought to myself. I couldn't bear to look at him right now. I held my hand up as a shield between me... and his unit.

"Why are you naked?! And why were you in bed with me?! Did you do anything to me last night?", I barely managed to spit out. If I didn't get my breathing under control, I was sure I'd pass out.

"I'm appalled you would think I'd take advantage of you while you were resting so sweetly. And... Well, we made a deal, didn't we?", he asked, genuinely confused by my discomfort. He shifted his weight between his feet.

"Yeah, I guess! But nowhere in there did I ever say that I'd sleep with you, sexually or literally!", I barked. He lowered his head, truly downtrodden.

"I'm sorry but that's what... I thought that's how humans built trust with each other. If you sleep in the same bed, shouldn't you trust the other person? This is all so confusing...", he trailed. He sat down on the edge of my bed, facing the window. The sky was turning lavender and light yellow, casting a spell binding color into my room. He held his chin in his hand, and pondered his predicament.

"Why should I trust you when firstly, you kidnapped me against my will? Secondly, only kidnapped me in an attempt to sleep with me, apparently? And thirdly, came into my bed unwelcomed at some point through the very short night?", I said, exasperated.

"I didn't even know that you could be here, in my realm of reality! I thought I was crazy, or having the most vivid lucid dream of my life!", my tone growing less friendly by the word. I glanced at the floor; the dress lay crumpled in a pile. It was real. This happened. There is a man, not quite human, and very naked sitting on my bed. What am I supposed to do here? He turned around to look at me. I stood up, keeping myself covered and entered my closet, blanket dragging behind me like the train of a wedding dress. I pulled the string for the light. Thank god I wore a mixture of clothes. I had some men's sized shirts and pants, courtesy of my previous relationship. I picked up the largest hoodie I owned, the largest shirt, and the largest pair of joggers. I turned and whipped them at Chase's head as I collected each article. A part of me hoped he got a zipper to the eye or ear for cornering me like this. While the clothes still clung to his head, I slipped the blanket off and closed the door of the closet behind me. I placed my hands on either side of the door frame while still breathing raggedly. I need to get him out of my house.

I started haphazardly dressing myself in my work uniform. Thank God the uniform was all black. I heard there was supposed to be rain again today, but what else is new. I exited the closet with my hand in front of my eyes, prepared for my eyes to be further assaulted.

"I am dressed now, you know", he said. I opened my fingers slightly and appraised my work of dressing him. The pants barely covered his ankles. The shirt and hoodie were fine. I dropped my hand and sighed.

"How long do you plan on staying here with me?", I asked. I wanted to know when he intended to find his own place. I felt so strongly he needed to go.

"Well how am I supposed to protect you if I'm not with you all the time? What if that creep who stole your phone comes back?", he asked, vaguely gesturing at me with his hands. Whether it was a comment on my frail state, I couldn't be bothered. He did prove a point. I didn't want to admit it, but I did feel safer with someone else here. Begrudgingly, I shrugged.

"You're leaving after we catch him though, right?", I asked, pointing a finger in his direction. He held his hands up, palms out to me. I took that as a yes. I collected the rest of my things for work. I slipped on my sneakers. They were still wet. Awesome.

"Now, let's see about some shoes for you", I said. I rummaged through the boxes of shoes by the front door. Damn. None of these will fit him.

"I got it covered, don't worry!", he said, proudly. I glanced over at his feet. They somehow magically had a pair of rain boots covering them now. At least his ankles won't be too cold. I looked up at him from my squatting position on the floor and squinted my eyes suspiciously, trying to figure out how he had managed to pull that trick off. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't ask questions unless you're ready to hear the answers, babe", he said, shrugging again.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Don't call me babe, either", I mumbled. I grabbed my keys out of the side pocket of my backpack.

"Let's go", I said. I gestured out the open door for him to leave first. He walked past me and leaned against the wall just outside the door. I walked through the threshold and immediately felt on edge. Maybe the break-in was still messing with my head. I was still so tired. That had to wait though. Work was now my priority.


I kept my head down and my hood up while I was walking to work. Chase followed a few steps behind me. He could have easily passed me, but he hung back intentionally. His presence felt somewhat comforting. It was like having a shadow. I saw the first few raindrops wet the pavement in front of me. It quickly turned into a proper downpour. My already soaked shoes had made my socks wet and my feet burned as they squelched. How much longer can I live like this, really?

I turned to look back at him. Now that I know he isn't here to abduct me, eat me, take my soul, sell my organs on the black market.... Everything I considered as an ulterior motive that was proven wrong so far might just be in my head. I might actually start warming up to him. He isn't a bad guy, per say. Confused, yes. Delusional? Highly probable. Yes, actually. He met my eyes and smiled so wide that his teeth gleamed, even in the dim light from the overcast sky and steadily rising sun. He kept his hands in the pockets of the hoodie I lent him. Funnily enough, the same shade as his eyes... Those eyes that somehow have the power to hold me against my will. He made his teeth not pointy. Are the pointy teeth his natural, resting state? I wondered if he was going to continue to morph as he learned more and more about humans. I still had so many questions. He saw my contemplative look.

"Is something on your mind?", he asked, somewhat playfully, somewhat serious.

"Or are you just thinking about earlier, in bed...?", he trailed off, and his tongue touched his upper lip along with his index finger. I stopped dead in my tracks. I felt my face turn bright red, yet again. This is going to be his new hobby. I looked down at the ground and pulled my hood tighter around my face.

"Hey! Don't talk about that! Ugh, you're so embarrassing!", I whined. I reached out to swipe at his arm, but he moved too fast for me to make contact. He now stood a good two steps ahead of me, walking backwards. He pushed the tip of his nose up and stuck his tongue out at me. He really knows how to get under my skin, but not how to earn my trust? What an idiot.

"We take a left up here", I pointed at the crosswalk we met at last night. Emotions came surging back into my head. I didn't find him dangerous earlier last night, while he looked like a middle aged man... is it a habit of his to change his appearance to suit his needs?

"Hey... what made you talk to me and even follow me last night? Why were you so interested in me?", I asked. I refused to meet his eyes, so I turned to face the street. I kept pressing the walk button awkwardly. He tilted his head and scratched at his neck.

"I dunno... There was just something about the way you looked so sad, I just knew how you felt. I felt a magnetic pull to you. I figured I might be able to help you, you know?", he said, his eyes burning holes in the side of my head. All I could muster was a nod. I looked up just as the walk signal came up. I turned around and grabbed his hand out of his pocket. Since we're in this together apparently, I might as well try to be his friend and teach him some manners. Despite him being horrendously embarrassing, not to mention dense, I guess I could help him too by being a good example of a friend. He smiled and giggled and I could have sworn out of the corner of my eye I saw a blush cross his cheeks too.

. . . . . . . .

As we approached the front doors of my job, I let go of his hand. Shoot, I didn't think of anything for him to do while I was in here most of the day. I pulled my finger up to my mouth and began chewing on my nail that wasn't there anymore. It was real. He saw my frustration.

"What's happening in there?", he asked, knocking on my head like it was a door. I shooed his hand away. I guess I could take my paycheck first thing when I get inside and have him do grocery shopping. Would they even let him cash my check? Or run my whole list of errands that I haven't been able to do last week because of my crazy work schedule if he gets exceptionally… bored.

"How much do you know about the human world?", I asked bluntly. I met his eyes for the first time since earlier. I'm always so shocked by the color that I get a little caught up in the moment.

"Well, I've... been around a while enough to know how to fit in. Why?", he said, removing his hood. The sky was the same color as his hair. Not quite white, not quite gray.

"Well, I didn't plan this super well. I don't have anything for you to do for the next eight hours or so...", I trailed off. He seemed to understand what I was saying.

"I was thinking about giving you my paycheck. I need groceries badly, now that you're staying at the apartment for god knows how long. You can't live off as little food as I do, I'd assume", I stated. He tilted his head, grabbing at his neck again.

"I don't need your money. I do have my own, you know", he said, slightly annoyed. How was I supposed to know that or even expect that of him? Now I was slightly annoyed, but it quickly disappeared.

"Just write me a list of things that you need, I suppose", he said as a smile returned to his lips. I set my backpack down on the bench in front of our main window. I rummaged around until I found my notebook and a pen. The paper was damp, but I didn't have another option. As quickly as I could, I jotted down items that were only a necessity. Chicken. Butter, rice. I tried to keep it short.

"Well, when you're done, here's the keys. Drop off the stuff and come back. I'll get your lunch and a drink?", I offered. He smiled again, ear to ear. He was honestly so attractive, but how did I know this was even his true form? I didn't even know who or what he was. A question for another time. I waved as I saw him off. I turned back to the front doors and entered.

. . . . . . . .

Chase returned, just like I had hoped, my keychain and lanyard popping out of his pocket and blowing in the breeze and mist. My heart weighed more than my tired feet. He approached me while I was sitting against the side wall. The rain hadn't let up since he left hours earlier. I laid my head back against the cold, damp brick and let the rain caress my face. I tucked my knees closer to my chest and I watched him approach.

"Are you on break already? What are we having for this very early lunch?", he asked innocently enough, skipping towards me like a child. His smile faded as he saw tears cling to my eyes with the rain. His expression went from bubbly to gloomy.

"Oh no.... what happened?", he asked. He squatted down next to me. He laid his head on his shoulder and extended his arm towards me and touched the back of my hand with his fingertips. I let a few tears fall before I answered.

"We have a problem", I said, while my voice was steadily breaking.


"We have a problem", I said again, almost not believing it myself. I can't believe that just happened in an instant.

"What's going on...?", Chase brushed a finger under my eye, catching raindrops and tears. I pulled my head away.

"I just lost my full-time job. The one financial support I had. I only have one week left at my part time job and I really don't want to be there full time. My body would never keep up. How am I supposed to provide for myself?", I rambled on. My chest felt tighter and tighter, yet so empty simultaneously. I could feel another round of tears rising. I looked back over at Chase. He stood up, his hand extended towards me. I reached up and grabbed it. He pulled me to my feet with such ease. I knew I had lost a little weight, but he was strong. He ran his fingers through my long hair to detangle it and pulled up my hood and flattened it over the top of my head. It was soaked through, but I didn't have the energy to care.

"You know, I think things could be worse off for you", he said. He grabbed my backpack off the ground and slung it over his shoulder.

"I'm not gonna ask what happened, unless you want to talk about it. But if you'll remember, we do have other things to focus on right now", he said. I remembered everything that happened last night in a rush of memories. He offered me a weak smile. He took my hand in his.

"Quite honestly, it pains me to see you in pain over a silly job", he added. He avoided my eyes. Was he trying... to cheer me up?

"I mean, I know it's 'just a job' or whatever, but how am I supposed to survive now? I have the smallest life savings right now and I was going to use it to find a better apartment... It would barely last me two months...", I trailed off, realizing that I at least had a cushion until I found another job. As much as I hated the thought of using my savings to live off of, at least I wouldn't starve or be evicted for now. Maybe I could pay next month's rent in advance with this last paycheck I received, seeing as they paid me extra for the short notice of being laid off, severance laws and whatnot. I'd still have leftovers for food and toiletries. Chase watched me lost in thought, nibbling at my thumb nail, still holding my hand tight. He gave it a quick squeeze. I was yanked back to my reality.

"Sorry, sometimes I get a little lost in my own head", I said, embarrassed. I felt warmth rush my cheeks. He always seems to make me embarrassed. What a useless talent.

"Me too", he said, smiling at me. He adjusted my backpack on his shoulder.

"Wanna go home? Or would you rather do something fun? What's on your mind right now?", he asked. As much as I wanted to do something fun, I couldn't even think of anything that would take my mind off things.

"Yeah, I think so. Home sounds like my best option. Screw this place anyways", I said with venom in my voice. He turned around as we rounded the corner and passed the front window. He held a middle finger high and proud. I prayed nobody inside saw him. A few pedestrians, however, did see and started to whisper. Oh, God damn it! Eyes were now on us. I reached for his hand, but he was too tall. I had to settle for grabbing at his elbow with a small jump. I need to teach him more manners than I realized, no matter how much I agree with his sentiments. I couldn't help but giggle, which I quickly stifled.

"What is wrong with you? What if someone saw you do that?", I laughed in a hushed whisper.

"So what if someone saw? They fired you! Without a real reason, might I add", he said loudly, his smile suddenly gone. He met my eyes, his eyes burning. I could have sworn they almost glowed through the rain. I felt his mood shift entirely from light-hearted to something more dangerous, more sinister.

"Who cares? Let's just go. I'll apply to a few places on the way back. I don't need them anyways if they're willing to raise my hours and then drop me like a fly, but what awful timing....", I said. He seemed to accept that answer. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder while continuing to hold my hand. My head barely passed his armpit; this couldn't be comfortable for him. I leaned my head into his chest anyways, the hoodie now soaking but grateful there was someone else looking out for me now apart from myself.

The walk home seemed quicker than usual. I'd occasionally point out a place I had been or at least took an interest to and said I wanted applications. He turned me down for every single one along the road home. Was nothing good enough for him? What a pain in my butt. This defeated the whole purpose.

"Why am I not allowed to apply at any of these places?", I finally asked, frustrated. I attempted to pull my hand out of his but his nails bit into my skin.

"Because money isn't an issue", he retorted curtly.

"Yes, yes it is as a matter of fact. How am I supposed to survive longer than mere weeks? How am I supposed to get into college…?", I pressed.

"Because, I have plenty to share for right now. You do remember, don't you?", using the rain to his advantage and sliding his fingers deeper between mine. "I said I've been around a while and honestly some people owe me favors anyways", he was exasperated that I wouldn't drop the subject. He pinched the bridge of his nose with his free hand.

"Fine, but I'm paying you back as soon as I get a better job", I said. I wouldn't budge. He chuckled, but not in amusement.

"Yeah, fine. Whatever", he left it at that. He still hadn't let go of my shoulders or my hand. I untangled his arm from around me, but kept his hand tightly in mine. We approached the stone bridge again. I couldn't help but reminisce. I smiled. He looked down at me, but we kept walking.

As we approached the front door, he took my keys out of his pocket. He put them in my free hand. I unlocked the door; the stairs made my legs quiver at the thought alone, none the less the action. Ugh, this is going to hurt. We made it up to my floor and my whole body was screaming. Probably because I haven't eaten in quite a few hours. I unlocked my front door, pushing it open. It was so... clean in here. Suspiciously clean. I dropped his hand and folded my arms and raised an eyebrow, tapping my fingers on my elbow. Chase looked sheepish, awkwardly fiddling his fingers.

"What? You never said that I couldn't tidy up!", he defended himself. He gently slid the bag off his arm. 

"Maybe I wanted to do it myself", I said, eventually breaking out into a small laugh.

"Maybe someone should be more focused on getting out of wet clothing and sleeping for a change?", he observed while pointing at me. Did I look as tired as I felt? I bet my eyes were so puffy and swollen from crying. His thumb brushed under my eye, gently pressing the tender skin. Yup. I knew it. He disappeared into the kitchen in less than a blink. Who knows what the hell he bought if he was using his own money.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I'll get to it when I get to it", I said. I pulled off my soaked jacket and put it on the rack under the air vent. I placed my shoes there too, not that they'd be dry enough soon enough for my taste. I went into the bedroom and pulled out some comfy pants and a pullover sweater. This should keep me warm. The rain still hadn't let up, picking up and dropping off in intervals, hitting the windows and sliding door. I wonder if Chase has anything to do with it. I dressed slowly and brought my clothes back to the living room and hung them on the rack as well. I rolled my pant legs up so as to not get them wet on the balcony. I took the pack of cigarettes from the side table drawer and stole away outside onto the cold wet balcony. I guess I still needed some alone time, after what happened this morning. If I would have had my phone, I could have taken their call. It wouldn't have been such a surprise. It wouldn't have been so awkward. They apparently called three times and assumed I had it turned off. I replayed my whole morning in my head, thinking of things I could have done or said better. It really started to get me down. I lit my cigarette and I felt a few of my problems burn away with the smoke and ash. The sliding door hitched and creaked. God, this place is old.

"Can I join you...?", Chase asked cautiously. I rolled my eyes.

"Would you honestly listen if I told you no, anyways?", I said dryly, shaking my head.

"No, definitely not", he said with a beaming smile. Like he was proud to be as stubborn as me. At least that's something in common. I made room for him on my tiny balcony, scooting as far right as I could. I leaned on the railing, looking out over the city.

"One of these places has to be hiring", I said nonchalantly. I gestured out over the small section of my city.

"It's such a shame you won't just let me take care of you for a while, while I'm here", he said. What, as if I want to give him another reason to stick around or owe him something in return? I turned to look at him. He looked so at peace, despite being squished into my tiny folding chair. It was comical. His hands were folded over his stomach and his head leaned back over the top of the chair, legs splayed wide. The mist clung to the tips of his hair and his lashes. His pants and shirt were already darkening by the second. His eyes wandered my face for a few seconds, silently pondering something; he closed his eyes. He sighed deeply and dramatically.

"Can I have one?", he asked with his eyes still closed.

"I didn't pin you as someone who smoked", I said curiously. I pulled out my last one. My lucky last one, flipped upright. At least I don't have to buy more once this one is gone, I thought to myself.

"I didn't pin you as one either, you know. Not to say I'm not glad at least someone else understands my vices…'', he said smiling. If only he knew how right, he was. I was definitely lonely, and this did occupy time, but I wondered and eventually landed on intimacy as something else he did frequently in his free time. He seems the type. 

I lit Chase my last one and stuck it in the corner of his mouth. His eyes flew open, surprised. He quickly smiled and took a long few drags without lifting his hands. Pretty slick trick, I chuckled to myself. We looked out over the city for what felt like hours, together.


Chase stood up, dusting ash off his pants and tossed his cigarette butt over the balcony. How he smoked so fast, and without his hands... I couldn't fathom. I had barely finished half of mine. If he wants to smoke, he can buy his own, he'd smoke me out of house and home with an appetite like that. He went inside with nothing more than a smile. He closed the sliding door with a soft click. I continued to lean over the balcony and took my time, contemplating the events of my last two days. I had one of my lowest lows last night and this morning; it's always something. One of my longest days ever, it felt. Maybe that's why I was chosen by Chase? Resilience? Stubbornness? Pride? I don't even know who he is; what he is. My thoughts were flying like trapped birds through my head. I finished up and headed back inside. I was met by the aroma of spices upon opening the door.

"Are you.... cooking?", I asked, genuinely puzzled. I wiped my feet on the mat by the door and set my lighter on the table. I walked towards the threshold of the kitchen and leaned on the wall. Chase stopped stirring the spices and oil in the pan.

"Is that okay?", he leaned in over the stove and turned the burner off, obviously nervous.

"No, it's totally fine! I haven't felt like cooking real food in months. I've been surviving off of instant food and take out. It's just nice to smell real food again, you know?", I said, shrugging. Why would he care how I've been surviving? I should try to keep to myself. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. How tired I had finally hit me. I felt like a burlap sack full of bricks. I opened my eyes and Chase was leaning down inches from my face and studying me. He gently pressed the dark circles under my eyes with his fingertips again. It must be concerning.

"Go lay down", he demanded, leaning his weight back on the other side of the wall on his shoulder. The look on his face told me he wasn't joking; I wasn't going to tempt fate. How did he not look or feel tired?

"I'll try to sleep, but no promises", I poked fun. He arched an eyebrow at me. I held my hands up in surrender as I turned around. I laid on my back on the couch, pulling a blanket over myself. I really wasn't making any promises, despite how tired I was. God knows I could almost guarantee I had that nightmare again if I fell into a deep enough sleep. I closed my eyes and tried to let my mind go blank. I heard the burner click and flare back to life. That comforted me. The smell of spices lulled me into a light sleep.

. . . . . . . .

I didn't dream while I napped. I came and went out of sleep. I couldn't settle my mind about the magical place I had been the previous night. It was almost all I could think about. I tried to make sense of it. Eventually, I felt a weight on the couch next to me. A finger brushed some hair off my face and behind my ear. I turned my head the other way and sighed, squeezing all my muscles while stretching. My eyes fluttered open. I wasn't ready to be done sleeping, I sulked. I looked out the balcony windows. It was still light outside, minus the rain clouds. I saw a flash of lightning as it quickly brightened the room, moving horizontally through the clouds. I looked back over to Chase, whose face was now inches from mine. I gasped at the sudden proximity. How does he do that, invade my personal space and I don't notice until it's too damn late? Fuck, it's freaky. He smiled gently.

"Food is ready, unless you want to sleep more. But I really want to see you eat while it's hot", he pressured. He pulled his face away from me. He sighed, and a huge cloud of green smoke appeared and quickly disappeared. I don't know if I'll ever get used to that. I wondered if he knew that happened, or if I perceived it no matter how slightly.

"I'll come eat", I agreed. I sat up and stretched again as he rose to his feet and disappeared into the kitchen. He returned with the biggest serving bowl I had. I clicked my tongue.

"I can't finish that much food!", I protested.

"I'll finish what you can't, don't worry. Clean up crew extraordinaire. Eat what you can while it's hot", he insisted. He handed me a pair of chopsticks and a spoon. He waited patiently while I scarfed it down, hot. I didn't care that it burned on its way down. The noodles were done perfectly and the sauce wasn't something I'd ever had. It was sweet, but spicy and had a citrus and smoky finish. It was nothing short of delicious. Better than what I usually make, I noted. He watched me eat every bite. I had barely finished a third of it before my stomach began to protest. It was such a shame I couldn't enjoy more, but I was so full I could burst. I leaned back, setting my chopsticks on the spoon as a rest. Chase watched me carefully, hands folded in front of his chin, scrutinizing my every move.

"Well, what do you think?", he asked. I couldn't fully read his expression. It felt somewhere between concern and curiosity.

"It was nothing short of a five star restaurant. I also didn't pin you as a private chef", I said. I gently punched his arm, quickly grabbing my own shoulder. I didn't know how he felt about touching freely yet, and boy had I been doing it a lot. I need to watch myself. Just because he acts like a friend, doesn't mean he is. I scolded myself for my slip ups. His eyes lit up.

"You liked it?", he asked shyly.

"Of course, I'm honestly sad I'm not hungrier. That's one of the best things I've ever had in a very long time", I said while patting my stomach to show gratitude.

"We'll put some meat back on your bones at this rate then", he said happily. He looked like he wanted to clap.

"Is the goal to make me fat?", I asked suspiciously, cracking a smile finally.

"I'll make you so fat you can't run away", he said. I searched his eyes while giggling. He wasn't laughing. My laugh died down. He seemed genuinely serious.

"I mean, we'll try to find the guy who stole my phone. Wouldn't it be easier if I could also hunt him down myself? Rather than be a hindrance?", I asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"I was planning on finding him myself honestly, not that you wouldn't be a help", Chase said while leaning back on his elbows.

"Well, that's not exactly fair. It is my stolen phone", I said, tapping my chin.

"At any rate, we almost crossed paths. I came here just after him. How did I not notice him? Or at the very least run into him?" Chase seemed distressed by its lack of presence.

"Well, maybe going over the events of the night would help. If we can piece together a timeline on both our ends, that's two thirds of this mystery solved", I pointed out. I was also suspicious of Chase's motives, to boot. This might help me understand how and why he was so intrigued by me, without seeming too blunt. Maybe this could answer some of the questions I had about him.

"I mean honestly I was just roaming around. I didn't have a set goal for the evening short of taking a walk human-side, seeing as I got locked out of my own... realm. I rarely get to be here without getting swamped with questions or proposals looking like this, so I went incognito with the whole business getup. That's a surefire way to get alone, surprisingly", he said. Maybe he was telling the truth. What the hell is a realm? I dared not interrupt, though.

"Until I saw you anyways", his gaze shifted from the front door to my eyes. I felt something bubble in my chest that was on the border of thrill and fear. What the hell does that mean? My breath hitched in my throat momentarily. He smiled and rolled his head to one side. I wasn't sure if he was joking or not.

"You remind me of someone I used to know. I couldn't just let you leave down in the dumps", he said sympathetically. Maybe he isn't all bad, at all. He seemed genuine enough. "Not to mention I felt weirdly attracted to you, not… only physically. I mean, sure, you're conventionally attractive, but there was something more, deeper under the surface. It was almost magnetic…", he trailed off, trying not to sound too creepy and cover his ass while at it. I nodded, to appease him. He released his shoulders when he realized he wasn't in trouble for what he said. My turn.

"So, I spent my whole day at both jobs. I went straight from one to the other, less than half an hour between the two. Is it possible that someone from work followed me home? Not necessarily a coworker; most of mine are females. I'm thinking of a customer? A vendor? There's just so many possibilities, I interact with countless people every day...", I trailed off. Did I experience anything weird yesterday? Auras? Vibes? Comments? Patterns? Nothing stuck out in my mind.

"I mean, do you walk home the same way every single night?", Chase asked. He brought up a very valid point. I realized how stupid of a thing that was to do. 

"I mean, on crappy rainy days like this whole last week, yeah. It's the fastest, well lit route I've found so far. But the fact still remains that I walk it alone", which was dangerous I realized.

"Well.... What if we plan a trap?", Chase said with a coy smile. I didn't like the look in his eyes. So mischievous. 

"Doing what, do you suggest?", I asked cautiously, leaning back away from him. He leaned in further towards me, hand now on the coffee table.

"We're assuming this guy has found you walking home alone along the same path for the last week and some change. So unfortunately you were easy pickings, which means he, or it, will be too", he said proudly. I simply shook my head in confusion, silently begging him to explain his plan better.

"What I'm saying is, let's have you walk home tonight. Alone. On the same route. But I'll be following closely behind you, ready to pounce on the creep. I highly doubt your phone was the only prize he wanted", he said vaguely but pointedly, looking down at my sweater. I raised my hands over my chest and made a sound of disgust.

"I'm just saying. He made it here. In here. Undetected. Took off with your phone. You're probably lucky I had my eyes on you and was stubborn enough to follow you home too", he said shrugging. He sounded like he was justifying his actions to himself.

"Yeah, well it looks like I'm stuck with two creeps now", I said laughing. He turned up his nose and chastised me for making fun of him.

"Well, I guess tonight's as good of a night as any to test this theory", I sighed, relaxing my posture. "What if he doesn't show, though?"

"I mean, if you want, you could let me buy you a new phone and we could put this behind us and just live in ignorant bliss. We could fall in love, get married, have a gaggle of children, and ignore the fact that a serial killer has been stalking you all these years, woeful that his unrequited love has chosen another man in his stead for he lives a life of crime", Chase rambled on dramatically and I laughed so hard I snorted as he continued on. I slapped his arm and told him to shove it where the sun doesn't shine. Shit, don't let him in so easy.

"Never in a thousand years, you wish I was marriage material", I said, still shaking from laughter.

"Well then let's find him. Just remember to breathe", he said, patting the top of my head.

Shit. My feelings are changing towards him so fast. I feel like I'm tripping, and I know exactly what happens when I fall. I almost wanted to kick myself. I wished he wasn't so likable. I wish being with him wasn't as easy as breathing.


As the afternoon droned on, the rain finally started letting up again. I felt a lightness overcome me as the rain clouds began to dissipate. I was busy writing down everything I knew and learned the last few days and a map of events was starting to come together. A bubble here and here, a line connecting them there. I scribbled away. I would occasionally look up at Chase who was busy doodling nonsensical beasts, animals and words on scraps of my notebook papers. He was trying so hard to draw a squirrel, but it always ended up looking odd. No artistic talent. What a waste. I took a break and started doodling a squirrel myself.

"Where did you learn to draw like that?!", Chase startled me at his sudden exclamation. He slapped a hand down so hard over his own drawing it shook the table, attempting to cover it from my prying eyes.

"My dad taught me everything I know", I sighed. I put my pencil down. I didn't want to talk about my dad just yet with him. Not yet. It was a lot to unpack. His eyes wandered my face, and he dropped it.

"So, what have you pieced together so far?", he asked, ripping up his papers into pieces too small to reconnect.

"I still can't pin how or why he got into my apartment if the door was locked", I said, troubled. I know I locked it, so many times, too. That's the only part missing. I glanced back up at him. He seemed deep in thought as well. Seconds passed before he spoke again.

"Are you sure it isn't one of your neighbors? You didn't give any of them a key for emergencies? No keys lent out to friends? Ex-boyfriends? Family?", he said with his lips pursed. I felt like he was trying to ask about a current partner. Not so subtle, buddy.

"You assume too much to think I trust anyone that much", I laughed lightly. "No one but me and my landlady has a key", I finished. But it did beg the question; was she also robbed of my key? A panic started to set in.

"Maybe we should pay her a visit. What if someone stole from her office or her apartment too?" I asked, panic rising further. My eyes widened at the possibility.

"That's a plan. I'll probably let you do that yourself though, she doesn't know you have a second tenant yet, does she?", he asked. This was true. She was quite… fickle with what she did and did not let slide.

"I'll go talk to her in a few minutes", I said with determination, taking the reins over anxiety. I decided a shower was in order after getting consistently soaked the last couple days.

"I'll be back in a few minutes. I'm gonna rinse off", I told him. "No funny business now", I made myself firm. He crossed an X over his heart. I placed my pen down and stood up. My whole body ached. He watched me disappear behind the door beads. I let them fall into place in front of the doorway. At least I'll hear him coming a mile away.

. . . . . . . .

"Are you alive?" Chase asked, knocking on the door frame of the bathroom, cracking the door just wide enough to stick in his head. He sounded distressed. I hadn't heard the door beads sway.

"Yeah, why?" I wasn't too happy to be sharing my privacy. I swiped the water off my face to clear my eyes.

"Uhh... well, the landlady is here. Like, right now, as in, in your living room sitting on your couch. She just knocked and I-", he said even more distressed, but whispering. I peeked my head out from behind the shower curtain to whisper.

"Make her some tea! Tell her you're a friend from highschool, you just moved here for the art college too... Just make something up! Quick! Go, go, go! She does not do well with being kept waiting!", I rinsed the rest of my soap off and dried myself haphazardly. As soon as I was decent, I calmly walked out of the bathroom, my hair wrapped in a towel. Ms. Hima was sitting on the couch, sipping a cup of tea. Thank god he convinced her to stay. I'd get a chance to explain.

"Thanks for waiting! I really need to talk to you! I was actually going to come down to your office right after I was done showering", I said, taking a seat on the floor next to Chase.

"Don't worry dear, he's filled me in on the whole situation. I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. That's not typical of this area, none the less my building under my nose. I still have my copy of your key. I wasn't burgled. It's lucky that your boyfriend doesn't live far. Such a lucky girl you are", she said, sipping her tea. Her eyes darted between the two of us. She never missed a detail. I mustered the biggest smile I could at the moment. I prayed it was enough.

"I'm so lucky indeed. He's been really good to me", I said, genuinely.

"When she wasn't answering my calls, I got so worried that something had happened. She always calls me right back", he said, sliding his hand on top of mine in my lap. Laying it on, huh? I blushed and turned my head away from him.

"Well dear, if there's anything you need, you let me know. I'll have the locksmith here later this evening. Possibly tomorrow at the latest. It's been long overdue to have the locks changed. I want the deadbolt to the outside, as well as the deadbolt on your door and the handle on your door re-done. We can not afford to have a repeat incident", she said, her tone very grave. I nodded.

"Actually, there's something else I wanted to ask you...", I said, trying to be brave. "Am I able to pay my rent in advance? I got laid off this morning and I got a good extra chunk of money on my paycheck for the trouble it caused for me from the company. I know I just paid this month's days ago, but it'd mean a lot to me to pay next month's now too", I pleaded. I lowered my head, begging for the reprieve it would grant.

"Absolutely dear, anything that can make this whole situation easier on you", she said. She placed down her mug. Chase squeezed my hand so tight I almost yelped. He has something up his shitty little sleeve, I could tell. Here it comes.

"Miss Hima, how do you prefer to be paid?" Chase cut in. My heart sank to my butt.

"I take everything, but cash is easiest for my bookkeeping. Why do you ask, son?", she probed. Chase sat forward and pulled something out of his pants pocket I hadn't seen him carrying. He opened a billfold and casually pulled out a month and a half of rent in fresh new bills.

"I hope this covers the locksmith fee as well. Anything to keep Jasmine safe", he said, handing her the money with two hands. I whipped my head to face him, sucking in air. I felt like my eyes could burn holes in his cheek. Miss Hima must have let my name slip casually. I guess I can't be too mad at him. That wasn't his fault, I suppose. I lowered my gaze, defeated. Pick your battles, I pondered. Miss Hima graciously took the rent and extra cash for the doors. We said our goodbyes and Chase walked her to her apartment door, down the hall. He returned to a girl on the verge of tears.

"How can you just step in and pay money to people you don't even know like that?!" I smacked his arm as hard as I could. As bad as I felt for breaking my own rule of no touching, he deserved it. What a little snot. He stifled a laugh.

"Miss Hima is very easily persuaded with a couple extra dollars. Let's just leave it at that, she's the type and I know it. She won't poke her head in our business from here on out, I can tell", he said.

"No! I'm not going to leave it at that!", I said, hissing. I was so mad that I could feel tears welling.

"Why is money such a big deal to you? Geez, calm down! Hey, ow!", he said while attempting to grab my hand. I batted at his hand and when he finally captured it, I dug my nails into him in warning but not hard enough to injure. It was too easy for him to overpower me and this was my last resort. 

"Because I've had to work hard for everything I've ever had! People just don't hand out money, just because! There's an ulterior motive there!" Chase had a stark and sad realization.

"Wait. Do you think I'm being nice to you, just to get something out of you or out of this friendship? Like, you're indebted to me?", he asked, hurt. He looked into my eyes and for once, I wasn't lost. Maybe my emotions were too high and strong for his little parlor trick to win me over. What I didn't realize was he now knew I hated it, and after last time, vowed to stop or at least limit it.

"Yes!", I croaked. "Everyone I've ever known has! My own mother-", I stopped myself dead in my tracks, while stifling a sob. I pulled the towel off my head, and covered my face with it. He closed the door behind us and picked me up like a bride, holding my arms against my chest. He sat on the couch with me across his lap until I began to calm down. He kept his forehead against mine. My breathing slowed down and my tears had stopped a while before.

"Everything I've ever had, I worked so hard for. My mom was useless and wasted the money my dad left for both of us when he died. Who knows what it truly went towards, I know I didn't see any of it I was owed. I have had nothing since I was a child, so for someone to pay for something out of the kindness of their heart is suspicious to me. I'm sorry", I apologized. He let me go. I put my feet on the floor, still sitting on his lap.

"Thank you for dealing with Miss Hima today. She can be a real stickler about stuff. But please let me pay you back for the locksmith fee at the very least", I pleaded. I had enough to do that without hurting my own savings. He shook his head no and put his head on my back.

"I've been surrounded by humans forever, and I still seem to know almost nothing about their emotions and reasoning, I swear. I'm sorry. I didn't realize it was such a big deal to you. I hope you don't hate me for this", he said. I could feel that he was saddened.

"It's really okay. I didn't know that you just had... endless money to blow, otherwise I wouldn't have made such a big deal over it. Truce?", I asked while reaching for his hand. He plopped both of his hands in my lap and turned his cheek flat on my back. He still didn't feel warm. He was room temperature. I took his hands in mine and wrapped them around my stomach. He smiled and let my hands go.

"Let's go catch ourselves a creep tonight", he said, changing his mood in a beat, with new resolve. I nodded. It was time to test our theory.


After my outburst, I almost felt bad for him. It was simple miscommunication, but it still weighed heavy on my heart. Why am I letting it get this far? I know better. Things like this creep in and set roots before you realize it, and I refuse to look stupid when he leaves. I didn't have the energy to apologize to him just yet. He was out of line. We sat on opposite sides of the couch watching tv. Maybe he's the one who's mad at me now? I couldn't read his facial expression from under his hood.

"So... about tonight", I started to say. Maybe changing the subject could help my cause. No response. I leaned in closer, scooting myself behind him and pulled the edge of his hood with two hesitant fingers. Oh, wow. He was sleeping while sitting up. I sighed. He's a manchild. His head rolled to the side, which couldn't be comfortable on his neck. I eased him into my lap, head resting on my crossed legs. I adjusted his hood, brushing hair out of his eyes. He was so pretty to look at. I laid a hand on his chest, leaning my head gently on the back of the couch. A quick nap wouldn't hurt me either. It was going to be dark soon anyways. That's when we'll figure out what this creep wants from me. God, help me. That last thought echoed through my head as I inevitably drifted off.

. . . . . . . .

"Are you going to sleep all night?", I heard Chase's voice through my deep sleep. It roused me enough to lift my head. My eyes hadn't opened yet. A finger poked my cheek repeatedly. I shooed it away, waving my hand weakly. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, only to be met by a coffee table of food. What the fuck? That woke me up. l sat up all the way, pulling my hair over the back of my shoulders.

"What is all of this?", I asked, confused. My eyes darted from noodles, to meats, to rice, to dumplings, to veggies. I had never seen this table so full. Ever.

"Think of it as an apology", he said. He wouldn't meet my eyes.

"What time is it?" I asked, stifling a yawn with the back of my hand.

"Just after 7, you don't 'get off work' until almost 11. We have some time to kill, so I figured I'd make it up to you for making you so mad earlier", he shrugged. My mind was reeling.

"I really appreciate all this, I really do. But I wasn't even that mad. I was more shocked and confused. You seem to have a knack for doing that to me, you know… We need to work on that", I said. I didn't know if I'd ever wrap my head around his dizzying "give and take" logic.

"At any rate, I'm sorry. Let's not let it go to waste!", he said, clapping his hands over his head. It didn't take us long to demolish most of the spread.

"Did you make this all yourself?", I asked, again patting my stomach. He's definitely trying to make me fat.

"Of course, how rude!", he exclaimed. He smiled and continued stuffing himself. He seemed like a void for food.

"I'm honestly a little nervous about tonight", I admitted.

"Why? I'll be right behind you. Lurking in the shadows. We'll get him before he gets you. Don't worry so much. Your face will wrinkle", he said while scrunching his nose. I laughed.

"I hope so. I just want to know what he wants from me", I said. I contemplated my list of suspects again, and grew quiet. We continued watching TV until it was time to pounce.

. . . . . . . .

"I think we should arrive an hour before 11, and even walk separately there, just in case", Chase declared. I rubbed my temple. I looked up to meet those steely green eyes. "That's my plan. Who knows how long he waited yesterday? We should probably leave soon. Wear your work uniform too", he followed up. I went to the bedroom to change. It was bittersweet to wear this uniform again. I could have made so much money on my double shift today... I smoothed myself over and checked everything was in place in the mirror. I threw on a black hoodie and walked back out to the living room. Chase gave me a thumbs up. As if I needed his approval. I went to put on my shoes. Except, they weren't there. I looked everywhere. In every box, in every cubby, in the hall closet; they disappeared. How convenient. I heard Chase giggling behind me. I turned around to be met face to face with a pair of black shoes identical to my old work shoes dangling from his fingers by the laces.

"How did you get these?", I asked, absolutely dumbfounded.

"I have my ways", Chase said smiling. He then held out a light peach raincoat in his other hand.

"I'll never get over this, you know", I said, accepting the items in my hands.

"I know. Maybe that's why I like doing it so much", he said. He bent down and kissed my forehead. My face went expressionless. He's playing with me. I scowled at him, brushing my hair behind my ear. He smiled even bigger and crossed his arms, challenging me to say or do something. I shook my head and slipped on the shoes, tying them tight. I threw on the raincoat. It smelled like him. There's that, at least. I sighed and patted my thighs.

"Ready?", I asked, not sure if I was. Maybe he is.

"Whenever you are", he said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I grabbed the strap of my backpack and flung it over my other shoulder.

"Let's do this", I said.

. . . . . . . .

The walk there was rather uneventful. I knew Chase was there, prancing between the shadows. I took solace in the fact that I wasn't doing this alone. Since we had time to kill, I decided to grab a tea from a vendor in the night market. Steering clear of work to avoid detection, of course. I paid and stepped back into the street. The smell of food, the constant thrum of music from the shops, honking cars, the neon glow of signs, the light pitter of rain on the awnings; everything seemed so perfect here in this moment and I remembered why I fell in love with this small city to begin with. It didn't matter that this is where I grew up, it mattered that I returned. It's a shame my family isn't supportive or around. I looked around at all the families here. It made me sad, but that wasn't going to deter me from doing what I love to do. I looked around and found Chase standing at the gated entrance, just like we agreed. We made solid eye contact, and he gave me a quick nod and disappeared back into the night.

I walked through the entire market, eventually looping around to the back of the string of buildings. The parking lots were bare, spare a few cars on the lots of the vendors that were open. I kept tight to the wall, just like Chase told me to. 'Stay under the lights, and stay somewhere that has an exit plan' he had told me. I could do that. It took me at a minimum ten minutes to cross the back parking lots. Just on time. I rounded the corner to where I cried my heart out this morning. It seemed like forever ago already. I waited at the back door for what felt like hours until I heard Chase's signal, which was a quick bird whistle. It signaled that it was 11 PM. I took a long sip of tea and steadied my nerves. I walked to the front this way almost every night for over a week and a half now. This should work. I passed the front window, sliding my hand against the glass. I stopped at the front doors and tugged gently. Locked tight. I hoped going through the motions was enough to get this nut case to fall for this trap. I continued on my way towards the main street. I came up on the crosswalks. I pressed the button. There was a family on my left, waiting to cross. Nobody on my right, nobody behind me. I felt hyper aware. I tapped my cup anxiously. The light changed and I let the family cross in front of me. I couldn't help but feel tense.

I crossed, then taking a slight right, headed straight towards the long road I took most of the way home. The bricks under my feet seemed to fly by as I stared down. I didn't have the courage to look up once I hit the dark cover of the trees. I was petrified of what I might see. I took abnormally long steps. Everything seemed to be so overwhelming. I heard a startling thud from behind me. My head snapped around and I froze dead in my tracks. Chase was on top of someone... or something. I clutched the strap of my backpack with both hands, adrenaline rushing to my head, arms, and legs. I wanted to run so bad, but I couldn't. Chase looked up from the thing he had slammed to the ground. Something wasn't right. He didn't look right. His face was… contorted, his mouth too long and wide, his teeth bared like a cornered animal. 

Blood streaked his face, which was now dripping towards his chin. The blood was blacker than ink, the longer I stared. Chase lifted his head and met my eyes. His green eyes definitely glowed in the darkness of the shadows. They almost left streaks of light as his eyes darted around. I felt the ground rushing up to meet my face, the vision of him hunched over his prey like a starved animal burned in my brain. I felt my head crack and bounce off the ground once; everything went black.