Chereads / Mr. Sandman / Chapter 27 - Master Rework 3

Chapter 27 - Master Rework 3


I maneuvered the horse through the still small crowd that had gathered, quickly reaching the center. I searched for Chase and Gray, spotting both quickly against the sea of green and gray skin and woodland creatures. I whistled with my fingers loud and sharp. Heads turned and whispers spread like wildfire as the townspeople began to part. Chase held a hand up in welcome; Gray crossed his arms and gave us a nod. Arlan slid down, keeping a hand on the broad back of the horse. I ordered him forward with another light nudge to his ribs. Voices died out as quickly as they had begun. I reached the other side of the circle, stopping my mount in front of the boys.

"Is this... all for me?", I whispered, dumbfounded. Food, treasures, precious stones, seeds, alcohol, grains, clothing; everything of any value was presented neatly in piles scattered through the small town square in categories. Arlan kept wary eyes while scanning the crowd and watched as Gray and Chase glanced at his chest, speechless.

"It is for you, if you'll have it. It would be considered rude not to take it", Chase whispered urgently to me, glancing from Arlan's sparkling white brand to my face. I nodded. I knew I had to address the people.

"Loyal creatures of the Realm of Nature", I began, with my muddled voice. I turned my mount to face a vast majority of the crowd, who were now gathering back into a sea of faces. My voice carried further than I had intended, and I sounded exceptionally stern. I softened my voice, hoping I sounded less opposing.

"I thank you for the bounty of your precious items. I guarantee your utmost safety and prosperity in the years to come. It is my hope that you should join me in this quest to locate, control and eradicate the Warriors of Night. Should they refuse to be reasoned with, it will come to a fight. I pray that you trust my judgment and follow me onto the battlefield, for I will bring us victory and peace", we finished. The horse reared his head, pulling his strong front legs up off the ground, kicking the air. The Day Dreamer seems to be able to control creatures he's in direct contact with, as well. Cheers and yells echoed through the trees. The townspeople began to disperse, presumably to prepare for the coming storm. I slid my hand up the horse's neck, stopping to scratch between his ears. I looked over my shoulder at the boys, who were all beaming. I shrugged.

"What? Was that worded right?", I asked, suspicious. They all began to talk over one another about plans, excitement, how proud they were. It was cut short when Chase held a hand up as the elder approached our group. We all fell silent at his approach. He reached us at a snail's pace, finally placing a flat palm on my horse's rear. My mount flicked his ears, snorting at the excitement happening around us. The elder held a hand to me to help me down. I slid off with ease; he caught me gently at the ribs. He smiled wide.

"Only a true leader can do that, you know", he said, giving my shoulder a squeeze. I laughed lightly.

"You'll have to forgive me, I'm still new to the nuances of 'royalty'. I'm still wrapping my head around this whole situation of being the seemingly sole commander of this army", I said, meeting his tired eyes. He shook his head.

"Not at all. You have the boys as extensions of yourself. You will never be alone again. You shine far brighter than he ever did, and I spent the entirety of his short life with him. You're a true reincarnation, but in my professional opinion, a definite upgrade." He winked. "You are a force of nature now, don't ever forget. Act like it and lead us to victory", the elder bowed to me, offering reverence. I fidgeted awkwardly. That did answer a little bit of the question I had about the Day Dreamer's identity. He truly was a man. Then why me? He didn't respond in my head. The elder rose, turning his attention to Arlan. I opened my mouth to speak, but Chase held a finger to his lips silently. I clutched my hands behind my back, anticipating the worst. Had I gotten him in trouble by letting him pledge his allegiance? I could only watch it play out and hope for the best.

"Arlan, my only son, you realize what you've pledged to her, do you not?", he said, giving Arlan a stern glare. He nodded hastily. "You remember what it means for me, then?" He asked, sad but somehow full of pride.

"It would be my greatest pleasure to assist her on her quest. This is for the greater good of our people, of every people living amongst the realms. As the realms grow smaller and the nightmares grow stronger, I feel it's my duty to help establish borders and keep the balance of life. Human and Elemental", he said matter of factly. The elder nodded and gave Arlan a tight hug.

"Then you are ready, my son. I have taught you everything I know. Use it to serve her well. May your heart be strong and your will even stronger. This is my final parting gift to you", the elder said. I looked quickly between Gray and Chase, who both seemed in extraordinary amounts of pain. Physical or emotional, I couldn't discern. I looked back at Arlan in time to see the elder hold his face inches from the boys, slipping the crystal I gave him into Arlan's hand; the boy inhaled deeply as tears rolled down his cheeks. The elder slowly turned into a fine green glitter, the same that Chase exhaled in the human world. The elder had a smile across his mouth as he was turned into nothing. Arlan inhaled deeply and quickly, taking the essence of his mentor, his father, in. As soon as the elder was gone, Arlan fell to his knees, sobbing. His green skin slowly turned gray, like Chase and Gray's. Chase and Gray both knelt on either side of him, rubbing his back, exchanging words of comfort. My heart felt immensely heavy. I felt for the loss of the elder, deep down within myself. It stirred my magic like I had never felt before.

The sound of a single horn broke the silence. More and more joined in as the seconds dragged on. It resonated somewhere deep with Arlan. I saw magic starting to circulate within him, following the pulse of the horns and now beating drums. His markings slowly began to emerge, the same color as Chase. Was this the completion to become another warrior? He stood, pulling his own horn out of his pack. A bull's horn, hollowed out, with a small hole drilled in the end. Silver and gold filigree circled the mouthpiece. He raised it to the sky, taking a deep breath in. As he exhaled, glitter poured from the bone horn straight into the sky. He took his final form as a "warrior"; the marks began full spreading over his skin. He was almost an exact copy of Chase; with the exception of the brand, I had given him, and his long white hair. It still glowed white, like embers dancing at the center of a fire. Arlan dropped his arm to his side, and the people of the town went back about their business. It seemed abrupt to me. Arlan turned to us, a single tear still rolling down his cheek.

I couldn't help myself; I approached him and swiped the tear with my thumb. I held him by both shoulders.

"You belong to me now. I will treat you as my own", I said, gathering him in a tight hug. He wrapped his arms around me tightly for a brief embrace. I met his eyes again. He seemed confident; sure of his abilities. I gave him a smile while he brushed his messy hair over his shoulders. He wiped the remaining tears from his cheeks. His posture straightened out and he held his chin a little higher. He was ready to fight. I could feel it radiating from him. I couldn't help but smile again. I turned to Chase and Gray.

"Are you two supposed to have brands as well? What does it do?" I asked, curious. They exchanged a look.

"I've read and heard it gives you the ability to command us without verbal communication even with large distances between us. A direct line to our bodies and our minds. It's actually one of the most ancient magics we have, as a species. It dates back to our first king of the Central Kingdom. It protects us with the magic you have inside you, as fatal wounds cannot be inflicted if we're in close enough proximity to you. It's also a status symbol for us. It's not something you can 'fake', so to speak. So if you send us on an errand or mission, the person expecting us will know for a fact we are sent directly from your arsenal. It does and means a whole host of things, but most importantly it tethers us to you for eternity. It has its benefits'', Gray said, taking my shoulder again. I met his eyes, expecting that last part to be a joke. He wasn't smiling. Oh fuck. Eternity? They can't die within a certain proximity to me? I wasn't sure I liked the lack of autonomy in that statement. I looked between them, pausing at Arlan. That would explain why my body knew what to do when he begged to pledge himself, at least. I still hesitated.

"Do… you want them? I want this to be entirely your own individual choice. Is that going to be agreeable? You don't have to get them right now, as far as I'm concerned." I asked. Gray squeezed my shoulder. He wore a weak smile.

"Do you want to give them to us?", Chase asked, countering my question. He fidgeted. It seemed like it was a two-way street. I have to be willing to bestow the mark, and the recipient has to be as willing. I felt a bit better.

"I won't ask again; do you want them?", I asked again, my voice muddled. I was so blunt that I honestly surprised myself. I stared deep into Chase's eyes, and he crossed his left arm over his chest and dropped to his knee. Gray did the same. Does this mean they do want them? Arlan stepped to my immediate left, holding his left arm across his chest as well, his fist clenched.

"Rise, Warrior of Nature", Arlan said. Chase rose to his feet. He avoided my eyes, choosing my lips to look at. I wondered why as I closed the small distance between us. I held my palm open, about to seal it to his chest. Arlan continued the spiel, Chase responding when necessary. I then pressed my hand firmly to him. The feeling of fire rose again, tingling at my fingertips. Chase groaned and his hand flew up to mine, holding my wrist tightly. I could see in his eyes that it was incredibly painful. I glanced down, watching the cracks in his aura heal. The skin gathered tightly back into its proper patterns as if being stitched together. When I felt the fire recede, I gently pulled my hand away. Chase released his grip, and he dropped back to his knees, his hands resting weakly on his thighs. Although it hadn't healed his cracks entirely, they were significantly tighter together. Good. Arlan took the branding so much better than Chase, but Arlan didn't have the same wounds. I could have laughed. I also knelt, admiring my work. He threw his head back and huffed, relieved it was over. I blew gently on it; it reacted the same way as Arlan's. The white glitter danced in the air momentarily. I met Chase's gaze. He beamed at me, his smile fitting his entire face. He rose to his feet again, crossing his arm across his chest.

"I, Chase, of the House of Nature, pledge myself as a squire to the Warrior of Light", he almost yelled. He was more excited than Arlan was, too. I sighed, turning my attention to Gray. He appeared to have some reservations about the ordeal. I stared deeply into his eyes, and he was unable to escape. Was this the power that Chase had used on me in the human world? It felt odd, commanding someone to stay where I held them, against their will. Arlan approached Gray. I held a hand up to signal him to stop. I didn't drop my gaze as I approached him. I slid my hand onto his forehead, and he closed his eyes. His aura was one of pain and suffering, but I could also feel redemption. Like he had unresolved work, something or someone to avenge. It confused me, but I decided I could work with it. Maybe I could even give him peace one day. I dropped my hand and his eyes opened as quickly as they closed.

"Well? Do you intend to pledge?", I asked. He shifted his weight. He quickly dropped to his knees.

"I, Gray, of the Realm of Lightning, pledge myself as a squire to the Warrior of Light", he said, his voice not faltering once. He rose again, arms at his sides. I placed my palm to his chest and began expelling light into him, carving my mark. The more I did this, the easier it got. Gray did not make any facial expressions or sounds, nor did he flinch. He took the pain the best out of the three. Not shocking though, I suppose. I released my hand. Gray then smiled the most genuine smile I have ever seen. He grabbed me by my ribs and lifted me into the air, swinging me in a circle. He set me down and enveloped me in another smothering hug. I hoped that by binding himself to me, he relieved some of his anxiety, which it appeared to have worked. When he released me, all the boys began clamoring again, talking about where we should go next, what we should do, who to see. I held my hand up. They all fell silent.

"I want to return to the human realm, first and foremost", I stated. They all nodded. We had to take some of the offerings and retrieve our packs and we would be on our way. As nice as it would be to go straight to Matilda from here, I knew we had business to sort out on the other side.


We gathered our gifts from the village, taking all, we could physically carry without overloading. We sat around a roaring fire and contemplated the best strategy to return home. I'm glad I had the forethought to bring an empty backpack for the two of us. Arlan was more than willing to share part of mine with me, the other part with Chase. We took mostly weapons and precious stones, potions and books on history and magic; they were the most portable. I turned a hand carved bow over in my hands. It was at least three and a half feet from point to point. It had an opal inlay in the strongest part of the wood. No bowstring though. I'd figure it out. I looked at what the boys were mulling over. Daggers, swords, enchanted books, stones; everything sparkly and shiny. Typical. I was more interested in the things carved from wood. It seemed fitting seeing as we were in the Nature Realm. This bow was by far my favorite thing I'd laid eyes on. I kept stuffing things into my empty backpack until I physically could fit no more.

"How are we going to smuggle these on the train back home if you put all your weapons on top, boys?", I asked. It dawned on me that the conductor may not take kindly to lots of sharpened blades visible on his train. The boys looked between each other and all three simultaneously dumped their bags out on the ground and began packing them less obviously. I shook my head. They were ridiculous. At least my bow didn't even have a string; I doubt I'd be stopped for it, especially with a lack of arrows. I had finished packing my bag and laid back on my sleeping bag to watch the sky turn black. I started to drift off when Chase tapped my forehead.

"I made some instant noodles if you're interested", he said. He cocked his head to the side and smiled. I smiled back and sat up. We all chowed down with almost no talking now. A rarity among our crew. Arlan broke the silence.

"What is the human world like?", he asked me, in particular. I realized he had probably spent his entire life here, safe in his realm. His eyes searched mine. I swallowed and set my bowl down. Where do I even start?

"The human world... is far different from here. There's always danger. People kill people for all sorts of reasons, and honestly sometimes no reason at all. There's illness, famine, poverty. Corruption. Jealousy. Greed. There's unnecessary pain and suffering at the hands of those who are the least in the position to deal it out…. All of that said... There is so much beauty. The seasons that change. The sun. The beaches. Flowers. Music. Art. Advancements in almost every sense. Family. Falling in love. The food. The northern lights. Sea life. Sex… Almost every single thing there is simultaneously insignificant but pivotal. Especially friends. Friendship… It's truly the most stunning", I said. I realized I had been rambling. All three of them seemed captivated either by what I was saying or how I looked. I looked down at my bowl and my markings caught my eye. They were glowing brighter than they ever had before. The light was swirling; dancing outside of my carvings and bled onto my skin. On a whim, I grabbed a sharp branch sitting on the ground near my bowl. Without a second thought, I shoved it deep into the cavity in my chest in a swift stabbing motion. The boys all yelled and threw their bowls of food, drenching each other in hot liquid and all reaching for me together.

"Girl, have you lost your melon?" Chase shouted at me, angry. Before he could reach my hand, I pulled the stick back out. It was heavily charred at the end and on fire. He stopped mid-grab of my hand. We all watched in awe as the white and blue fire slowly burned the stick to nothing in my hand, not harming me in any way when the fire reached my skin. Their jaws were all agape. I rubbed my hands together to dust the ashes.

"I had to know what would happen", I started to say. Gray held a hand up, still staring in awe. He opened his mouth again, as if to say something but no words came out. I think he genuinely was at a loss for words as opposed to wanting to keep quiet. Arlan and Chase seemed dumbfounded as well. The gears in my brain started moving, faster and faster.

"Hit me", I said to Chase. His mouth flew open a second time.

"Why would I do that?!", he shouted.

"You really have lost your goddamn mind", Gray followed up. He rubbed his temples with his fingers. Arlan kept his mouth shut. He sat back; he obviously understood where my thought process was coming from. Why my curiosity peaked. I wanted one of them to make me mad. Very mad. Or attempt to withdraw any strong emotion from within me. If thinking about friendship sets me ablaze… I was almost scared to think about true, unadulterated anger. Raw emotion.

"Arlan. I command you to strike me", I said, my eyes locked on his. His body moved of its own accord. Before he could even respond, I was on my feet in front of him. He stood and dealt me an open palmed slap. It didn't even sting. I held my cheek. The look of pure horror at what he'd been forced to do against his will, bewildered him to his core.

"Harder", I said. I didn't even brace myself. I forced him to obey. He punched me across my other cheek. My head barely turned with the impact, but his punch was strong. Chase and Gray could do nothing but sit on their bottoms and watch, completely in shock. Arlan dealt me a couple more blows. He was growing tired, physically and emotionally. I could feel him holding back more and more, fighting my commands with his entire will, but unable to fully. This wouldn't prove or disprove my theory. I turned to Gray. I held him hostage with my gaze. He sighed and rose to his feet. He reached into his pack and grabbed a dagger. He slid his hair over his shoulders. We moved further away from the fire. Chase protested, but Gray had also caught my drift. What can we do to make this fire fully rage? What even happens when we do? Arlan took Chase's arms behind his back. Chase fought vigorously to be let go. I tried to control Chase to hold still and Arlan to hold him simultaneously. It felt weak but did work. Something to work towards if I'm to be commanding a full army.

"Are you ready?", Gray asked, flipping the blade between his hands. I gave him a quick nod, opening myself up for an open, easy attack. He took a running start, jumping into the air, holding the dagger in both hands. He plummeted towards the earth with me in the way. He caught my mark dead-on in my chest. The white light exploded out of my chest, wrapping me like I'd jumped into water. Gray ended up flying further back than where he had started his run with. The light had tossed him like a ragdoll. He rolled a couple more times, getting covered in dirt and sticks and leaves on his tumble. His head quickly popped up. Chase let out a yell, ripping himself away from Arlan barreling headlong towards me. I let go of my hold on Arlan. He ran in our direction, veering off towards the right. Arlan checked on Gray while Chase approached me. I was still standing. I hardly felt the dagger enter my body. It was more of an annoying pressure. Odd. As Chase reached me, I put my hand out towards him indicating he should stop. I didn't have to control him to accomplish that.

 My whole body was enveloped in a single white and blue flame. My hair floating high above my head; my dress had burned away to nothing as well. It charred the ground where I stood, also lighting the small grasses around it on fire, charring the dirt as well. I was standing on embers. I wrapped my hand on the hilt of the dagger, extracting it from my chest. Hot, molten metal dripped onto the ground as I pulled it away from me, puddled. The handle also melted at my touch, turning into a bright yellow liquid. Significantly higher than its melting point. It moved like sand through the cracks of my fingers. Arlan gave a single whoop, his hands above his head. Chase gave him a look that could kill.

"I felt nothing", I reassured Chase. He looked like he'd seen a ghost. He rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"Why can't you just be normal…? Normal, Boring…" he trailed off, pained. He stepped closer, immediately glistening from the heat. He retreated immediately. My fire lit up the trees and the surrounding ground. I was a beacon. I felt like a god. I could see how you'd get a power trip; I probed the daydreamer. All I got in response was an amused huff. I couldn't be mortally wounded by just any old weapon anymore. It'd have to be magic, or something stronger. That was a huge advantage.

"How is Gray?", I shouted over to Arlan. He held a thumbs up. Now... the trick was putting me out. I turned to Chase.

"Will you grab a large bowl of water?", I asked. He threw his hands into the air, exasperated.

"Slap me, stab me, get wrecked, get rag dolled, get me water", he said, his voice fading as he walked away, talking with his hands all the while. I couldn't help but laugh. I felt so good. This fire made me feel so warm; special. I wonder if this was the essence of the Day Dreamer the elder had talked about. Chase returned shortly. He came way closer than the first time, dumping a cup of water over my head. The fire went out almost immediately, spare my core. I could have skipped and jumped. It appeared that high intensity emotions or life and death situations unlock the majority of my power. It was like a barrier. We just need to hone it. I pulled Chase by the arm into a tight hug. I was high on the rush. He hugged me back, patting the back of my head, wincing at my touch. I released him, turning to Gray and Arlan.

I stood over Gray as he came around again. Then my vision came true. He looked around, confused. When he saw my face, his smile lit up. His hair and face were covered in small pieces of grass and mud. Light scratches covered his face. I had a premonition. This was beginning to all make sense. 

The Day Dreamer lives in different dreams than the Dream Walkers. He lived in their daydreams. In their actual consciousness. It all started to click. I held a handout to Gray, hoisting him back up to his feet. We discussed what happened to the blade. I turned back to Chase, who now had his arms crossed and a huge smile across his face. He realized too, that this meant I was practically untouchable by anything physical. I trotted over to him, grabbing his hand. He yelped, pulling his hand away. He rubbed it and smiled even brighter. I must still be hotter than sin. I was finally able to dress in my boring human clothes again. We threw our bags over ourselves after I had cooled off to a non-combustible temperature. I called my horse, giving him a loose cookie. He nickered, and while I had my hand on his forelock, I told him I'd be back, I just didn't know when. He bobbed his head, understanding. I told him to tell the others. He whipped his tail, and I slid my hand along his strong back as he passed by, headed into the clearing. We made our way back into the town, gave our thanks, and said goodbye. It was bittersweet to leave this place, but I knew I'd be back. Very soon, as well.

. . . . . . . .

The train was barren. We caught the second to last direct train. I couldn't sleep, I was still so elated. We made it back home at a relatively acceptable time. Too late to bother Miss Hima though. We entered as quietly as possible. How the hell were we going to explain Arlan, anyways? And where was he sleeping? I shook my head. Now that I was home again, I could definitely feel how tired I was. The odd timeline in the dream realm had worn me out. No wonder the boys were always ready for a nap after we returned. What was two and a half days there was only six hours here. I set my backpack down next to the couch. I plugged my new phone into the charger. I looked at Gray. Our eyes met and something felt very different. He looked at me so differently now. Like... I was something to eat, but also to protect. I brushed it off and turned my head away quickly. I cleared my throat, getting all the boys' attention.

"Who's sleeping first?", I asked. I prayed that one of them suggested it be me. Chase and Arlan shrugged.

"I'm not tired. I'll keep watch", Arlan proposed. I sighed. Very well. Gray was on the second watch. I headed into the bedroom. I was slowly getting over the modesty issues I previously had. I ripped my pants and shirt off myself, throwing them against the wall and making it into the hamper. I stretched and hopped in bed. Ahh, bed. A real bed. With pillows and a thick down blanket. Thank God. I swaddled myself. I felt Gray sit on the corner of the bed I was snuggling my pillows on. He placed a hand on my calf through the blanket. I turned to look at him. His eyes were a soft orchid but glowed deeply. So were his markings. Smoke billowed out of his crevices, as if whatever he was feeling was growing stronger and stronger. He moved himself up the bed, now hovering straight over my face. He leaned down, placing a hand on my cheek covering my ear. I was whiplashed by his boldness, but I wasn't able to move from the shock. His eyelashes fluttered, brushing my cheeks. He pressed his lips firmly against mine. My eyes were wide in absolute shock.


He released my lips slightly, parting his own, inviting me to return the passion. I drew in a ragged breath, and he continued to brush my nose, my cheeks, my eyelids with his lips. He leaned more forward until his chest touched mine, pressing his lips against mine again. For once, Gray didn't feel room temperature. He felt as hot as I did while I was on fire. I came back to reality quicker than I would have liked. I placed a hand on his chest, gently pushing him away. 

His eyes fluttered open. He searched my face. His expression was somewhere between surprise and pain. He opened his mouth to say something; I held a finger over my lips. I wasn't mad; I was definitely shocked at his move, but Chase and Arlan were not to find out about this. Not now. I glanced down at his naked chest. His markings were glowing deep, fluctuating with his heartbeat. His brand was white and stark against his dark gray skin. As I stared, it grew brighter and brighter. The white started to leech over his skin and enter his purple markings. He looked down when he saw my eyes wide and mouth agape.

"Well, that's new", he said somewhat sarcastically, dragging his fingers through the light. Chase peeked his head in the doorway, through the beads. I motioned for him to come in. Arlan was close behind.

"I wonder why it's doing that!", I exclaimed. I looked between their three faces. It was shock and excitement that beamed from everyone. I gently pushed Gray aside to look at Chase and Arlan's; plain white, like the day I put them there. Why was Gray's acting so erratic? It was practically consuming his whole torso now. Maybe that's the reason he kissed me? He physically couldn't help it. He said it himself I felt like 'gravity'. As the light grew stronger and spread further into his marks, his eyes slowly began to turn white as well. Only a trace of purple was left. His behavior was stable again though.

"Why do you always get first dibs on everything?" Chase asked, a sour expression crossed his face. I was almost surprised he wasn't stomping his feet like a toddler. Gray shrugged.

"Actually, if we're keeping score, Chase met me first, Arlan pledged himself first, and Gray kissed me first", I gasped at my words. They had just slipped out. Chase's head whipped to face Gray, anger and immediate fight imminent.

"It's not my fault you're a late bloomer", he said, matter of factly. Chase groaned, absolutely livid. I shooed the boys away. I was tired. I wanted to sleep forever. If they were going to fight, they could go outside. Chase and Arlan left the room, Chase being dragged against his will. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Chase glance back at Gray and I, suspicious.

. . . . . . . .

I woke to the sounds of light arguing in the living room. I knew it. I felt like I hadn't slept long. It was better than nothing at all. As I stirred, I was trapped. I attempted to sit up but was absolutely dismayed to find that I was held hostage. Gray's face on the top of my head, his torso partially over mine, a leg holding both of mine down, crushing me. It was hot under the comforter, so I partially blamed my new body temperature. I whispered his name. Nothing. I tried to get my hands free to shake him. I couldn't escape. Frustrated, I remembered that the boys had said that their "essence", the glitter they breathed, could awaken people as well as put them to sleep. But how do I do it? I had never properly gotten to ask. Maybe it's simply about intention? I closed my eyes, envisioning a white, misty glitter. I took a deep breath in, exhaling slowly, aimed at Gray. I opened my eyes. A small trace was left in the air. At least I was onto something. The arguing stopped abruptly. Gray awoke; his eyes popped open. Chase and Arlan threw the door beads aside, marching in.

"What did you require?", Arlan asked, holding a hand over his chest. I stared at all three, dumbfounded. I stuttered. Chase looked at me expectantly.

"I uhh, I was trying to wake Gray up and I couldn't move because he was too heavy, and I remembered you guys saying that I can wake and place people under sleep with our… essence. The glitter. I tried it but it sort of only worked...", I trailed off uncomfortably. I was still pinned under Gray's weight. He lifted his arm that was the bear trap holding me to him. For all the strength I felt I had earlier, it still did nothing to help me move him, even an arm. I sat up, fidgeting. Their gazes all said the same thing. I wanted to prove my theory though.

"When I did that, what did you all feel?", I asked. I looked between all their faces.

"I sensed danger. Something between a warning and a cry?", Arlan described. So, it was true. I looked at Chase.

"Yeah, pretty much the same. There was an urgency I couldn't explain. I just had to come see that you were okay", he said, blushing. I looked at Gray, giving him a bit of a stink eye. He sheepishly pulled the rest of his body off of mine. He looked between the other two boys. He shrugged, offering no explanation. I rolled my eyes. In any case, at least I knew how to summon them. I wondered if I could summon them individually. Food for thought.

"Now that we've rested, I vote we go to the realm of lightning today", Gray said, changing the subject not entirely from himself. I held my head in my hand, pondering him. Why the urgency? We just returned home! I decided to play along for his sake.

"I mean I'm technically a small part of every clan, right? It couldn't hurt to gather all the intel and warriors we can, right?", my line of questioning directed at Chase. He scratched his face thoughtfully.

"Yeah, I mean what could it hurt. The realm of fire can wait. Matilda isn't going anywhere anytime soon", Chase said, conceding. Arlan looked around at us. He looked so lost.

Chase and Gray filled him in our plan. Also taking the time to explain our last few days; how Chase and I had met, how we figured out some of the nightmare's plans, how we discovered what I was. Arlan soaked it up like a sponge.

He kept his eyes on me. I studied his face as he took this all in. I concentrated as hard as I could, forcing my eyes to shift back to my human vision. It came flooding in, like a sixth sense added to my arsenal. I felt the room change as well. It seemed darker, more ominous. His skin was as pale as Chase's, but he had freckles. His hair was a dusty gray, as well. Long hair, just like Gray. Now kept in a ponytail. I wonder why Chase kept his hair short? Was it a status symbol to grow it long? The same burning, emerald eyes. His white eyelashes framed his slight, cat-like eyes perfectly. A strong nose, a strong jaw. He resembled Gray in almost every way, minus his clan's markings he shared with Chase. I tilted my head to the side, propped on my hand. I closed my eyes as I listened to Gray. When he was done, I opened my eyes to find all the boys looking at me. I suspected they wanted a game plan. My new power granted me that authority, I suppose.

"I say we go to the realm of lightning after we eat and regroup. I don't think it unwise to unpack most of our valuables here and set up a home base if we're going to be going back and forth between realms. We will set a magical barrier to protect this complex and its residents from any more nightmare attacks. Miss Hima seems to like you two enough, but she doesn't know about Arlan. Chase's younger brother is the best story we have, here for a visit because of the break in. Gray, you will be in charge of surveillance. Take in the scenery, scout potential routes. Chase, you will do weapons. Bring only what you deem necessary. I have a feeling we may receive the same hospitality as the Nature Realm, so let's pack light and let's pack extra empty bags. Arlan, you will be at my hip, stuck to me like glue, should anything happen from here on out. You are my right hand. Your presence is an utmost necessity to be my second pair of eyes. We should definitely stuff ourselves on food while we're here, pack light, and head out this afternoon", I finished.

The boys nodded along as I went, obviously committing what I was saying to memory. It was nice to be held accountable; to feel valuable. I rubbed my hands together after I was finished talking. The boys set out on their tasks. Gray went to see Miss Hima and make up a story but was keeping eyes peeled for nightmares along the way. Chase unpacked our bags and sorted weapons into piles, picking and choosing what we would take along with us. Arlan sat and watched me as I changed into an outfit given to me by the nature realm. A low-cut top, flowy in the arms, with a string laced across the chest to hold it closed. Thick, deep brown leather pants. Perfect for riding horses, resistant to knives. I tucked the front of my shirt into the pants. I turned to Arlan, holding my arms up.

"Is this too much?", I asked, slightly uncomfortable in my tight-fitting pants. I slid my fingers along the waist, adjusting them higher. He shrugged. He blushed and it seemed way more pronounced on his paled skin than his gray. He looked away, scratching his neck. I rolled my eyes. Not helpful. I walked out into the living room, where Chase was sorting swords and daggers. He turned around, his mouth turning up at the corners.

"I didn't pin you to enjoy and wear the pirate attire, all you need is an eyepatch", he said playfully. I smirked. His eyes searched mine, looking for something I knew nothing about. I released my mind from my human vision, settling back into my realm vision. His face glowed under the light of his eyes. His eyes had started to turn white as well as his mark bled over his skin. I gasped. He raised an eyebrow. He must not even feel it happening. I pointed to his chest. He looked down, surprised as I was. He looked back up at me, pulling his shirt off to get a better look. It looked the same as Gray's marks. Green with a white overlay. I held my chin, perplexed. How and why was this happening? Why hadn't Arlan started? He was the first to pledge. What was Chase's mood swing going to make him act like? Can we stop this or is it better to let it run its course?

Lost in thought, I stared at the ground. Chase stood, approaching me. I met his eyes. There was something off about them, just like Gray's. Something calling him back to me. I felt the intensity of his emotions via the new mental communication we had. Again, the same as Gray's. He looked down at my face, my lips in particular, his lips slightly parted. Arlan was quicker than he was though. He placed a hand on Chase's chest, a hand on my shoulder. He got between the two of us. Chase met his eyes; a hand flew to him and ripped it away from him. He took Arlan protecting me as a challenge, an obstacle. Arlan got in a stance, ready to fight. The front door opened and closed again. Gray was back.

As Gray rounded the corner, he saw our odd trio. Me, behind Arlan. Chase ready to pounce. Gray cleared his throat, unappreciative of the growing tension. Chase looked at him through eyes that were not his own. Gray looked at him in surprise, bouncing between his marking and his eyes. He quickly put together what was happening. He chuckled; he understood Chase's aggression towards Arlan. He waved Arlan away from me. Arlan's hands dropped to his sides and moved away, but not far. Chase relaxed his posture too, still walking slowly towards me.

"He's not himself right now, in his mind. He knows exactly what's going on, but it's out of his control. He's probably fighting it hard. I'm sure you'll experience it too. It's the male portion of the Day Dreamer's essence. Because the soul has a female host, it appears he can't... help himself. Jas is slowly instilling the male portion of the Day Dreamer in us with every brand she gives us, his previous retainers included. His servants that came before us are all attempting to claw their way out in the presence of a female, especially a warrior. It might sound stupid but... it is instinctual. Hormones are hell, man. The same thing happened to me", Gray explained to Arlan. Chase closed the gap between us. His hand wrapped around my waist, almost picking me up with the forcefulness of it. He took a handful of my hair at the base of my neck in the other, gently pulling my head backwards. He sealed his lips against mine, quickly sliding his lips down my jaw and onto my chest. It was barely a kiss. I wasn't even embarrassed anymore. It was like having to train a dog to walk on a leash, he had to learn to dance the line himself. I couldn't control him right now if I wanted to.

"Only he can stop him and snap him out of it, like dispelling electricity on metal after friction", he said. No sooner than he finished his sentence, Chase clasped hand onto his mark, making it light up even brighter. It sparked at his own touch, throwing glitter in the air. Chase released me, falling to his knees, clutching and scratching at his chest where his brand was. His eyes turned green again, the white being pulled back into the mark. He exhaled a rattled breath, panting shortly afterwards.

"What the hell just happened to me? I had no control over that!", he said, unnerved. He finally looked up at me apologetically. I shrugged.

"It looks like you can't help it. I'm not worried", I said, wiping the corner of my lip with my finger, removing his saliva. He grimaced, looking down at the floor. Gray laughed heartily, followed by Arlan.

Gray placed his hand on the back of my neck, giving a light squeeze. "I know we planned on heading to my realm today, but… If Arlan is next, perhaps we should seek Matilda. It's only going to get worse before it gets better. Central Kingdom won't be ready for us until we're more put together, I have a sneaking suspicion." I nodded in agreement. Arlan was the youngest and well… lacked the centuries of self control Chase and Gray had on him. That could make things… dicey.

"Come on, let's get ready", I said, laughing too.


As we were leaving, I grabbed my new bow. I figured it might come in handy. Maybe I'd even find a string in the unofficial Realm of Fire. I sighed, tucking it between my back and backpack. I walked from the bedroom into the living room. The boys rose at my approach. I smiled, gesturing towards the door. They all shuffled out silently, leaning one after another against the wall, waiting for me. I closed the door and locked it. I turned to Gray. He nodded, sliding a piece of paper over the lock. He held up his palm, the writing glowed purple. The paper became one with the door, disappearing entirely. Good. That gave me peace of mind.

 "So, how are we supposed to get there? Do we have a portal human-side?", Arlan asked. Chase brought up the rear, Gray in front, Arlan close to my side. His arm brushed mine as we walked. I assumed he wanted to be sure of my position at all times. Arlan turned to me, and back to Gray.

 "We do have a portal human side, less than three miles from where we are now", Gray said. Chase and Arlan exchanged glances, ready to watch Gray use magic again. We reached the bottom of the stairs. Gray passed through the door, turning to hold it open for the rest of us. We all gathered, watching him closely. He threw a handful of salt over the front steps. He knelt and slid another piece of paper under the crack in the wooden steps. He stood, dusting himself off.

 "That will buy us a few days most likely", he said, clapping his hands free of the leftover dust. He turned to us, his gaze falling on me. 

 "But with your presence, they're likely to return. Like bugs to light in the dead of night. They'll continue to come back, more and more each time unless we can curb this soon", he said, crossing his arms. It bothered the boys. Arlan and Chase both shifted uneasily. I shrugged. 

 "We'll be ready", I said, prying his hand from under his armpit. He smiled, turning his head away. He nodded, his raven hair bobbing. We began our walk to the portal. I wondered where it could be, if it was so close. We passed shop after shop, heading deeper into the city. The daylight washed away all remnants of the vibrant nightlife I knew of this city so well. It almost didn't seem like the same place. As we continued on our way, it was getting odd. We turned a corner into an alley. We came upon a building; tall, skinny, and ornate. I looked between Gray, Arlan, and Chase. They all shrugged, letting me take the lead. There was a circular front door. I could see with my second vision; this was the portal as well as the human entrance. Clever, hiding it in plain sight. You'd walk right past it if you didn't know what to look for. I grabbed the enormous golden door handle. It creaked under its own weight; it finally gave way.

 I opened the door wide; faces sitting at tables met me with a mixture of shock and awe as the lingering sunlight bathed them. Tables of cards, tables of money, tables of weapons littered the poorly lit ballroom. I glanced at Gray, unsure of what to make of this. They were all from other realms. A collective of misfits and rejects. All different colors spotted the tables. No other white or yellow though… I'm sure the Central Kingdom dealt with their misfits… differently than banishment. I swallowed the lump in my throat. I finally started to put it together, where we were and where we were headed. As I took a step inside, a man threw his arm out, stopping me in my tracks. I looked at his arm, up to his face, my disgust obvious. Day Dreamer welled up inside my chest. Even without my brand, I told him in my head, "MOVE". The Day Dreamers voice was the only one this man heard. He swallowed, struggling to keep his opposing figure. I let my eyes meet his, burning with anger. I felt the fire in my chest rise, hotter and brighter. He gulped again, dropping his arm to pick it back up again, crossing his chest. He bowed, removing himself from the immediate doorway threshold. Chase and Gray cleared their throats simultaneously, pulling more attention towards us. Gray gave me a nudge forward. I held my chin high, returning my attention to the room. 

As I walked past the tables, some people averted their eyes, held a fist to their chest, or stood at attention. I worked my way back through the crowds, finding a main hall leading to a staircase. It was red, painted with gold dragons and samurai locked forever in epic battle. Someone had eclectic taste. I love it.

"I can guarantee he knows we're here by now, probably that we we're in the area, none the less his home. Think he misses you?", Chase asked Gray, nudging his ribs with his elbow. I shook my head, not understanding who the 'he' was. I was still confused about the mixed reaction in the main hall. Gray gestured for me to continue up the stairs. I slid my hand over the gold gilded paintings, they were smooth as silk under my slight fingertips. Chase stuck to my left, Arlan stepped closer to me from the right, our shoulders brushing again. Gray hung back, bringing up the rear right. We came up to two intricately carved wooden doors. Silks and gauzes hung along with lanterns, casting an eerie red glow over the walls already redder than blood. I held a hand over my chest as the door opened, unsure of what we were to be met with. Two men hauled the heavy doors wide enough to allow my party through without even knocking. 

Two girls fought in the middle of another large, circular, red room. Blood was spilled over the floor, light grunts coming from both girls as they continued to deal hits between each other. They didn't seem phased by our entrance. A man sitting on an elevated platform with too many stairs for my taste across the room held his hands up as I did. My palms glowed white, his red. His eyes glinted as my light overwhelmed him. He conceded. He motioned the girls off of their battle; they went separate ways across the room, both panting and bleeding. I looked between them both; neither bore the same marks as the boys, but both bore red glows and red skin. They both nodded to me, dropping to their knees and crossing an arm across their chest. I let my hands drop but let the embers glow within my palms. I was ready for a fight if that's really what it was to come to. Chase and Gray both tensed as the man got up from his seat. He imposed such a threatening aura that it made my knees weak. I hoped and prayed he couldn't tell. He sauntered over, sizing me up. He stood taller than Gray, much more muscular if that was even possible. I kept my chin high. He dropped to a knee, as well. Chase and Gray both dropped to their knees, Arlan quickly following their lead. I stood as tall I could, allowing a bow to acknowledge him. The mystery man had gray skin with the same knots and twists as Chase used to, letting red light seep through. He stood, his male retainers closing in on us from behind him. They threw a large shroud over his shoulders. He adjusted it, returning his attention quickly to me. His face was horribly scarred, but that didn't make him any less attractive. He had almost ethereal features. The same, thick black locks of hair as Gray. They were held in a high bun. The slightness of his facial features didn't match his rough exterior. 

"A pleasure to be in the presence of another greatness like me", he said, casting his red eyes down to mine, grabbing my hand, not wincing at the heat I propelled into him. How narcissistic, he'll be a joy to deal with. I blinked rapidly. He brought the back of my hand to his lips. Gray and Chase stood, again followed by Arlan.

"What have you brought to my palace for me to play with today, boys?", he asked the three of them. His eyes crinkled at the edges as his smile grew wider. The scar perfectly centered over his lips whitened as the skin tightened. Although it was positioned perfectly from his cupid's bow down through the bottom of his chin, it didn't seem intentional. Gray stepped forward.

"We come with an offer that I don't see you or your mother passing up in this lifetime", Gray said, smiling as well, matching his energy. The man slapped him on the arm. 

"Well then, join me for a drink or two. I'm always down for a trade", he said, winking at me. Chase let a low growl escape his lips. The man sucked his tongue at Chase, turning the corner down a hidden hallway leading away from the circular arena room.

"Everything for an equal price, you of all people know that", the man said. Chase grumbled, turning his head away. The man met my eyes again. I raised an eyebrow at him, he smirked and turned back to Gray, linking their arms.

"So, what brings you and the Day Dreamer here today, old friend?", he asked Gray. Gray gently rubbed his neck, not quite nervous but definitely unsure. 

"Well, I brought her to you to see if you or Matilda could help her learn and control her powers", Gray said. The man stopped in his tracks. He turned to look at me, his eyes wild with red fire.

"You mean to tell me, she's entirely untamed, unbridled, untouched raw power right now?", he asked, growing more excited and interested in me. I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. I grabbed the strap of my backpack. Definitely a masochist of some sort. He looked me up and down, literal head to toes. He stopped at my eyes again. He dropped Gray's arm, picking up my hand again. I politely nodded, but pulled my hand away.

"It's polite to ask first", I said, asserting myself. He guffawed, almost in shock. He bowed, asking my pardon.

"It's not every day that a war friend brings me the Day Dreamer, you'll have to forgive my excitement", he said, returning upright. His stature changed once we were out of sight of his retainers. His shoulders relaxed. We followed him to another ornate door. This man obviously lived for flare and flex. He opened it and allowed us in. I should assume a private meeting room. He motioned for us to sit in a circle around a small tea table. I set my backpack and bow down behind me, using it as a rest for my back. His retainers quickly joined us again, holding trays of alcohol. One was set down in front of each of us. 

As Gray and the man continued talking, I pondered my last few days. Everything happened in such a whirlwind. Arlan slid a hand over mine under the table on my knee, glancing down at me without moving his head. He gave it a quick squeeze, quickly letting it go when we both noticed the man staring blatantly at us. He cocked his head to the side, putting fingertips to his chin, smiling dryly. 

"How long have you two been an item?", he asked, pointing between us as Arlan took a sip of his drink. He choked on it, spitting it back into the cup. I gasped at the question, appalled. 

"Oh, they aren't-", Chase began to say while chuckling, before being cut off. 

"Let the girl speak for herself, she's owed it", the man pressed, leaning in with his face in his hand. I couldn't look away, but spoke with absolute certainty. I hoped to god he bought it.

"All of my warriors are kept close to me. That has absolutely no reflection on romantic feelings", I stated, also leaning forward, challenging him. He sighed deeply, leaning back, defeated and unsatisfied that I wouldn't crack. 

"So you're available for the taking then? I'm shocked that Gray hasn't claimed you, knowing how he is though, it isn't surprising, I suppose. Always so… dry", he continued on. His eyes darted between Gray and I. Gray looked like he could crawl in a hole and die as he let his hair fall around his face. I spoke up first.

"Gray is indeed special to me, also very close. But again, all of my warriors are. I rely on them to be my extra ears, my extra eyes, extra hands, my extra everything. Without them, I am nothing", I pressed. The man rubbed his chin again, nodding. It seemed what I was saying was sinking in. I leveled my head again. I wouldn't be had or used. Not today. Gray and the boys looked at me, almost shocked at my response.

"You seem to have the answers people would want to hear. You're good under pressure. You have the tact, you have the delivery. Maybe a decent tactician. You definitely have the sex appeal", he ran a finger over his lips, contemplating or plotting; I couldn't tell. 

"I'll definitely take you on as an apprentice marksman, martial artist, knife fighter, whatever you want to learn….. if you could beat me in a spar", he said after a long pause. Gray loudly placed his hand on the table; followed by light protests from Arlan and Chase. They would just have to be unhappy. If this is how I was going to gain a following, they could be as upset as they wanted. Silenced by his raised hand, he turned to me, gesturing. 

"Deal", I said. I held my hand out to shake his. He smiled coyly, placing his hand in mine. I tightened my grip, pulling him up over the edge of the table. The look of bewilderment on his face was delectable. I got within inches of his face, letting my scalding white breath wash the stupid look off his face. I may actually have a chance if he's easily distracted by a woman who can do hand on hand combat. I thought back to the two women fighting earlier, their moves running through my brain as fast as they struck each other. I thought back to my test with Gray, in the field. I could totally win this with the element of surprise, his center of gravity was high off the ground unlike mine. I just had to be faster. His hand tightened back around mine, his face turning from shock to pure bliss. I could feel the horror and tension of the boys, who could only look on, waiting on my next words.

"But, in exchange, a favor?", I asked. I knew he wouldn't deny me. His eyes opened wider. He tilted his head, waiting.

"Pledge yourself to my cause, and to me personally if I win", I continued. He gave a quick, sharp nod. Hooked on me already, he most undeniably was. 

"This will indeed be fun, hopefully not just for me", I said winking, releasing him back across the table and standing to orient myself. I felt my fire swell, almost overtaking me. I had to physically work to restrain it, being naked now could be a setback if I burst into flames. He is the key to this operation working. I had to get him to pledge, I had to win. The entire unofficial Fire Realm would be swayed if he joined me. He stood as well, throwing his cloak to the ground. His huge muscles almost glistened in the dim lighting. I couldn't tell if he was wearing oil or if it was his aura seeping out of their place onto the rest of his skin.

"Shall we?", he gestured back out the door, both of us ignoring the pleas and begs of the boys. I nodded, bending down to grab my drink. I slammed it back, finishing it in mere gulps. I met his eyes, wiping my mouth with my thumb, taking the arm he offered to me. He leaned down and rested his head on top of mine. He had the same hot aura I did, unlike my boys, who seemed ambient. He radiated fire and strength. At the very least, maybe I could bring an ally out of this situation, nonetheless a friend. 


I attempted to wrap my head around what I was about to do. I couldn't tell if it was the alcohol or the heat coming off his body that was making me dizzy. He held my hand over his, rubbing circles into the soft skin on the back of my hand with his free fingers. There was something so inviting, so amicable, so warm about his aura. I almost couldn't contain my energy around him. He brought out something deep within me that I didn't have a name for. I glanced up at him, his eyes boring holes into my face. A wicked smile spread across his scarred lips. He picked up his pace, almost dancing me down the hall now. He used his foot to push open the large doors back into the main hall. My attention shifted from his face to the two female attendants, now standing on either side of us, perfectly symmetrical to their male counterparts. He lifted my hand into the air and spun me in a circle.

The boys caught up to us and the attendants moved from our sides to theirs before they could make a scene. They gestured to some of the stairs leading to his little pagoda he had set up in the plateau of the room. There were pillows and cups set up staggered along the pyramid. It seemed he frequently had spectators. Chase and Gray walked up to me, Gray decidedly putting an arm around my waist. Arlan was led by the hand by one of the girls to a seat. Gray met his eyes, and he bowed and kissed my hand before releasing it to Gray's care. 

"He will not be easily won over", Gray whispered to me. Chase nodded. I shrugged.

"He won't be keen to end my life though, whether he beats me or not, right…?", I asked, careful of my volume. Gray smiled lopsidedly. 

"He thinks a little too highly of you and your power and lineage to erase you. Besides, an old friend is still a friend, right? All you have to lose here is having him on our side. It would hurt, but it wouldn't cease our mission. Fight carefully and diligently. He only aims for places you are obviously trying to guard. Keep an open stance and when he goes for a strike, aim high or low. Give nothing away. You'll be fine", Gray ended flatly, sensing the man's patience wearing thin. He kissed my forehead, making me flustered. I winced at the public display of affection. I did my best to put it out of my mind. I'm sure it was for his own benefit, not mine. Men.

"You don't intend to fight me in all those robes, do you?", he asked. He shrugged his second cloak off, tossing it into the arms of a retainer that had reappeared. He wore nothing but billowing black pants, metal wrist guards and shin guards. I glanced down at my outfit. The pants, the shirt, my boots… they didn't seem like they'd hinder me at all. I shrugged. 

"Why does it matter?" I asked pointedly. 

"I just don't want to be held responsible if they are ruined, is all", he said rather uninterestedly, now articulately flipping a knife over his knuckles and between his fingers. I sighed.

"Is there something better that you'd rather see me in?" I asked, seductively. I had a feeling that was his downfall. His eyebrows raised in surprise. Bingo. I piqued his interest. 

"Why of course!", he exclaimed. I heard a plethora of groans and mumbles from Gray and Chase from across the large marble room. Arlan sat quiet in confusion. Figures. He snapped his fingers, and the two female attendants escorted me to a corner with a folding room divider. They threw me items haphazardly, but they all seemed to match. After I had secured the 'armor', I stepped out from behind the divider. 

The room seemed to become brighter from my white aura. The boys looked on in disgust at what they saw he intended for me to fight in. My hair tied up in a similar knot to his, very basic gold arm guards and breast plates, and very skimpy on the leg protection. Nothing but a thin white gauze wrapped around my waist and draped across my thighs and gold shin guards. What a taste in fashion, I thought to myself. "Do not lose", the Daydreamer echoed. How helpful, thanks, I responded. One of the female retainers brought me a case of weapons, showing off the collection as much as it was an offer for me to choose. 

I glanced at the man again, raising an eyebrow. He shrugged.

"If you'd rather fight hand to hand, I will be happily obliged", he said. He tossed the knife directly into a pillow where it stuck. He walked towards me. I figured his fire against my fire would most likely be an even fight.

One of the male retainers walked to the center design of the floor, having us meet in the middle. I touched my fist against his, feeling our energy ebb and flow between our skin. It was go-time.

We squared off and I immediately retreated two large steps back. I started to feel my body act of its own accord, Day Dreamer taking control. I felt electricity in my limbs again, just like in the field with Gray. I could almost pre-meditate his actions before he even knew what his moves were. A huge advantage. I kept my legs wide and my arms up and out as Gray had suggested. This seemed to frustrate my opponent, Gray was right. I easily dodged his first two blows. I landed my fingers between his ribs, twirling right out of his next swing. I was starting to understand that I needed to be in constant motion. The way I was going to win was to tire him out. 

We danced for what seemed like minutes. I glanced at the stairs. Gray leaned back on his pillows, drink in hand, enjoying my ability to evade and understand this behemoth's movements. Chase, on the edge of the stair, hands folded under his chin, pensive. Arlan was biting at his nail, nervous. I turned my attention back to my opponent… who was now gone. Not to the left, or the right. Only one place left. I ducked to the ground and swung my leg in a large circular motion behind me, knocking him off of his feet. The sound of his body armor hitting the marble floor echoed through the hall. Chase whooped and Gray laughed. I twisted myself into a backbend, placing my hands on either side of his neck. His eyes widened with shock, but now they held fear as well. I winked, pulling him towards my face. His eyes closed half expectantly, a small smile crossed his lips. I pulled his torso up off the ground while pulling my leg up towards his face. My knee connected with his nose, and I let myself fall off to his side, assuming a crouched position a fair enough distance to be out of arm's reach. His head bounced off the marble and a shrill laugh ripped through the air. 

My attention turned to the large doors. A woman who appeared middle aged flew through them almost faster than my eyes could follow. She knelt beside the now unconscious man. Her cloaks settled long after she had stopped moving, matching the red marble of the floor perfectly as they came to a rest. Her hand fluttered over his bruised face. She turned to me.

"You must be Jasmine", her voice smooth and calm. She gave me a wide and wild smile. The same smile of excitement the man had given me. As I looked closer, she seemed to be a mortal, although something was… off. 

"I am, and you're Matilda", I said. I knew the answer. She gave me a sharp nod, her smile widening further. We both stood simultaneously. She sighed, looking at the man who still had not come back. The male attendants were attempting to wake him. She stepped to me, winding an arm in mine.

"He's always had a weakness for strong women, that son of mine", she said, lackadaisical. I felt my face change to awe, my mouth dropping open. She chuckled. I had so many questions. She patted my hand. 

"Aptly named Romeo, I did have a flair for the dramatic back in the day", she said, getting lost in her memories momentarily. She shook her head.

"I'm sure he'll join us once he's feeling… more up and at 'em", she assured me.

"But I must ask, what brings the Day Dreamer here, to my humble residence?" Before I could respond, Gray was at our side. Chase and Arlan quickly followed. 

"We wanted to know if you would be able to help hone her skills, but obviously not… in hand to hand. Her elemental", Gray said, gently taking her hand and kissing it. She smiled warmly. She gestured to a room off the other side of the main hall. She snapped her fingers, and the retainers ran to grab our things. 

. . . . . . . .

We sat in a circle around another table. Matilda and Gray talked, the rest of us listened. She regaled us with tales of times past, but not so long ago that there wasn't still a biological response to my presence in the surrounding worlds. Gray asked questions I didn't know had been burning his mind. How is this possible? How was a female chosen? Who was the intended victim here? How can we revert her human after this battle is won? Things even I hadn't considered. My mind wandered at the possibilities. An arm around my shoulder broke my concentration. I looked immediately to my left and was met with pectorals and not a face. Ahh. Romeo. The giant of a man. Good to know I hadn't accidentally killed him. Not that a knee to the nose really could, I pondered. I sighed and placed a hand under my chin, leaning forward with an elbow on the table. I tried to seem as disinterested in him as possible, so as to not give him false hopes but also to frustrate him. I only wanted to win, really, to ensure a diverse group of soldiers. Although, flirting with him was fun. I turned back into Matilda's stories and thoughts and opinions of my… state.

The whole situation seemed ridiculous. A finger slid between my hand and my chin, turning my head to face him. I looked up at his face. 

"Oh!" I gasped, a hand flying to my throat. Fuck me, is that my fault? His nose was crooked and black bruising surrounded the immediate area. His eyes seemed swollen, too. I immediately felt regret. As I opened my mouth to apologize, he laughed.

"Now, I was not expecting that out of someone so small", he said, bellowing. Gray joined him.

"She may be small, but she is mighty. She's nothing to be overlooked", Gray finished. He pulled his sleeves up and showed off the new cracks in his skin. I gasped at that too. He hadn't shown me the aftermath of our trial run in the field. 

"She is the one", Matilda said, closing her eyes and nodding, understanding something I didn't.

"We'll take her on", Romeo said, squeezing my shoulders tighter. It was decided. 


As the night grew deeper, the drinks grew stronger and more plentiful. I leaned back and stretched my legs out under the table, looking for any relief. Matilda cast glances over her shoulder to me, seemingly reassuring me of the company that kept pouring into the room. Faces flew past like snowflakes in a storm. It seemed like the entire town had crammed themselves in to pay homage or even just lay eyes on an alleged reincarnation of a once beloved warrior of the many tribes. 

Gray sat to my left, sitting close enough for our legs to touch. Chase was to my right, Arlan at the door with Romeo, standing watch. It felt nice to have so many new allies rally in support of my newfound soul. I could feel the Day Dreamer within me, resonating with activity happening around me. It was charging him up as much as me. It felt like a secondary pulse, rushing energy through my veins, not blood. I felt him start to take over, with every drink I finished. His energy began to overtake mine at an alarming pace. I laid my head on Gray's shoulder, closing my eyes, and letting out a breathy sigh. I felt his cheek rest on the top of my head, his fingers brushing my arm. It gave me comfort to know that my saviors were mere feet away. The new faces popping in and out of the banquet room barely bothered me as the night flowed on. I felt less and less tense, knowing I was not a target here anymore. I felt a little more than buzzed. I opened my eyes to find Chase kneeling in front of me. He brushed some hair out of my face, clicking his tongue in distaste. 

"You know, for being as much of a badass as you are, you can't hold liquor", he said, playfully. He rested his hands on his knees as he stood up and held a hand down for me to pull myself up with. Gray placed a hand on my back to steady me. Matilda and Romeo swayed as well. Not just me. Super. As foggy as my mind was, I still wanted to talk to Matilda and see what else she knew. I knew there was more to her than what the boys had previously told me. She could sense my urge; that I wasn't finished with our earlier conversation, either. She smiled and sighed, motioning for Romeo to leave her side and slid a hand over my shoulder as I stumbled towards the door with her. 

Chase, Arlan, and Gray all stood watch as we made our way down the hall, following decently far behind. It sounded like Romeo and Gray had some catching up to do from earlier. I figured as long as I was with Matilda, what harm could truly come? She wrapped her arm around mine, guiding me down a long, narrow hallway, which I figured led to the sleeping quarters. As we came to a stop, my eyes slid across the perimeter of another large, circular room. 

Mauves, reds, taupe, and rose-colored decorations adorned the walls, the ceiling, the floors. It would make sense that a person such as Matilda would surround herself in the tone of her element. She sat me on a large ottoman at the end of an ornate bed. The boys crowded at the door. She shot them a stern look, and they scattered further back into the hallway, out of view. With a sigh she eased down next to me and took off her outer ceremonial robes. 

"So, I'd presume you want to know one or two things then, my friend?", she asked. She didn't wait for a reply. 

"I am the first female knight of the Realm of Fire. No, I'm not sure what exactly happened to allow me to progress through the ceremony, as it was only male identifying warriors who were allowed. Yes, I worked and worked and worked to acquire the power I have today. No, my knighthood was not acknowledged until after the war was long finished and even then it was revoked," her gaze met mine as she finished and I was left entirely speechless.

"I was… unfortunate enough to be blessed with the element of fire as a young girl, taken from my home at sixteen and placed with… them", she said with venom on the tip of her tongue. "I was kept in the Realm of Night for the approximation of roughly 40 years, in human, Earth years. I was there so much painfully longer on Realm time. I had… I had my fair share of children for nightmares. I'll spare you the drama of details and of numbers", I winced as she said that word, numbers. She continued, "But when I had Romeo… my sweet boy Romeo, I couldn't let them have him. He came out a warrior, not a nightmare. I stole him and ran away in the night, tooth, claw and spell. They couldn't have him, not that one…", she trailed off. I had heard the stories from many other tribe leaders, as well as the boys, but hearing it from her mouth carried much more weight. There was pain, there was triumph, there was struggle, there was hope; many emotions crossed her face as she talked. 

"And yes, I did fight alongside the Day Dreamer. Well, the one before you. I must say, there is a strong resemblance in the face, dear. But as far as the personality goes, not so much. You're sweet, reserved, patient, creative; I saw you take Romeo down when he should have had that fight in the bag. But you lack the tenacity, the urge, the resolve… experience. I hope that's not too forward to say," her words trailed off. It was true, though. I didn't know what I was doing at all. I only knew what the Day Dreamed made me do. How to unify a nation. How to rally troops. How to cope with loss. What was entirely expected of me. I of course had texts and retainers and survivors to counsel with, but how far would that get me in a true combat situation? Experience is worth more than advice.

"As much as I don't disagree, may I show you why I think they're more closely knit together than we may have thought?," Gray cut in as he entered the room. He walked around to the other side of the ottoman, placing himself gingerly down next to Matilda. He took her hand in his, turning it over a couple times. He met my eyes, and winked. I knew that was my sign to show her everything we had found out so far about my powers. I concentrated my energy, squeezing my eyes tightly shut. I felt the fire swarm from the cavity in my chest, spreading outward to my hands.

I stood and let the fire consume me, feeling my vision to the realm's grasp tighten. The air felt heavier; darker. I opened my eyes, looking down at the floor at first. I felt my loose hair from my bun float on a nonexistent breeze, leaving my shoulders cold. The tile looked gray and drab, not pink and perky as it had moments prior. I lifted my head to meet Matilda's gaze. Her mouth was slightly agape, as if she was about to gasp or speak; I wasn't sure. I shifted my gaze to Gray, hoping for him to control whatever emotions she may convey. Gray spoke before she had the chance to decide what she felt. 

"This is why we wanted to come to you before we went to the other realms to seek advice," Gray said. He dropped her hand, leaving her sitting in awe. He walked over to me, brushing my floating stray hairs out of my face. The lengths of my hair floating above my head swayed with the gentle current of air as he came closer. My elemental marks flared and pulsed under his touch, growing brighter and weaker as he dragged his fingers across my shoulders, up my neck to my face. She stood, cautiously, and stepped closer. I closed my eyes as silent permission, an invitation. After a moment, I felt her hand travel up my arm; the searing fire of her element hot against my skin, mingling with my light. It felt caustic, lethal. Her thumbs caressed my eyelids, making the center of my element shift to my head. She trailed down my neck and to my shoulders, which forced my energy into my solar plexus. She let out an exhilarated giggle, seemingly excited by my unnatural elemental energy. 

"She… seems to have more of his energy than his personality, yes. But what do you make of her containing a combination of all the elements...?" Gray asked, sitting back down with a huff. I opened my eyes and the lavender glow of his eyes trickled across the floor, bleeding onto my skin, spreading like ink in water. I glanced at Matilda, her now alabaster skin crackled with an amorphous crimson red aura, just like Romeo. Not human, not warrior either. She seemed more like a painting than a person, she sat so still, pondering. Gray and I exchanged glances, waiting for her to speak. I leaned forward, sliding my hand into hers, settling them on her lap briefly. I offered a soft smile, not that I believed she thought of me as anything short of a friend. She opened her mouth after what seemed like the longest minute.

"I'm not entirely sure how I can help, if I can at all," she began," but I am willing to extend my help and resources to her cause." I felt my smile light up, physically flinging small sparks from my chest. As my excitement burned, so did my energy. Her reddened eyes worked their way across my face and down my chest, resting on and reflecting my sigil. A small smile spread across her face, as if she was laughing at her own joke. She slapped her hands onto her thighs.

"That settles it then, between Romeo and I, we will teach you everything I've learned about elements all these years, stuck here," she finished. Her smile faded as she spoke, but I didn't press the issue. I knelt in front of her, and offered her my hand. She took it graciously, leaving her palm open in mine. I reached into the cavity in my chest, producing a small shard of my energy. I slid it into her hand, not making a big deal of it as the rest of the boys filed in. Arlan and Chase came to either of my sides; Gray kept his post next to Matilda. Romeo eyed me suspiciously, but didn't say anything. I pulled my hands back from Matilda, smiling once again. I was so glad her reaction was nothing short of puzzlement as opposed to rejection. I knew not every tribe we visited would be as accepting, or hold as much knowledge as the fire tribe. I could at least revel in the tribes I did have on my side so far.

"It is getting late," Chase stated, patting Romeo on the back. He met my gaze, and I felt the elemental sight slip away. Things returned to their normal colors. I shook my head slightly, the drunk fog started to return as I stood again. I suddenly felt weak in the knees and Gray was quick to prop me up against his side as he ushered me towards the hallway.

"Is there any possibility for us to stay...?," Arlan asked Matilda, his voice gentle. She smiled.

"Of course, any friend of Romeo's is a friend of mine, dear," she said, patting his shoulder lightly. I caught on to Arlan's plan not too shortly after he asked the question. The time here would allow us to rest the night without changing the time by much in the human realm. He was smarter than he appeared. A few of the retainers swept in and started to move around Matilda, grabbing slippers, changing blankets, preparing her for bed. A young girl led me and Gray down another hall to a winding staircase. I groaned at the sight of the monstrosity of a spiral staircase, at least 25 feet down into the ground. Fuck, that's a long way to fall. I looked at Gray sheepishly.

"You know, if you throw me down, I'd survive and we could spare four minutes of walking," I blurted, attempting to lighten the mood and harbor some pity. He frowned at my suggestion, obviously not in the mood to commit human crimes even though I wasn't as mortal as I was before. I sighed, placing a hand on the railing. I shuffled step by step, his body ready to catch mine when, not if, I fell. My heavy-lidded and wavering vision was met with golden doors, not unlike those in the front of the house, as we turned the first semi-circle of the staircase. 

I tilted my head to get a better look. The light from the soft oil lamps illuminated the winding bodies of dragons and samurai locked in battle, their terrain different from the front doors and hallways. I noticed the samurai on this door had faces, intricate details. Odd, not like any of the other doors in the building. I wondered if this was truly Matilda's room, and she was letting us stay out of courtesy. Who knows. As we reached the last few steps, Gray's foot slipped under mine, sliding my leg out from under me. My breath caught in my throat, and I grabbed the railing in a less than graceful motion, arms flailing to find some semblance of balance and purchase. Gray's arm snaked around my waist, but the force of my slip had already thrown me onto the railing, facing away from him. I felt my heart skip a beat, my head getting momentarily clearer from adrenaline. My hands firmly grasped the last foot of the railing. When we made it to the bottom, I paused to even out my breath; it started returning to normal after a few deep inhales. At least I was keeping some human traits, I thought to myself. I shook it off, moving towards the doors after Gray unwrapped me from his grip. I slid the doors open slowly, revealing not one, but three beds. At least the boys could be within an arm's reach, literally. The girl who led us on our way bowed deeply, closing the door slightly on her way out. Chase and Arlan appeared moments later. I sighed, popping the metal armor off my body and tossing it onto a pillow on the floor near the doors. The lightweight robes were separate from the armor, at the very least.

"So… Who's sharing?," Chase asked pointedly, gesturing between the three beds and four bodies.

"What do you mean?," Gray asked, smirking. He rubbed his lower lip with his thumb, awaiting a snarky comment back from a now irritated Chase.

"We will take turns staying up again, obviously, you numbskull," Arlan interjected from his spot on the far wall. Gray chortled at his quick response, sitting himself on the corner of the bed. 

"Or she can pick whoever has done the least to annoy her today to share with," Gray suggested, looking me up and down. I stood with my hands now on my hips, tapping my fingers with an increasing pace.

"Well, Arlan has barely spoken to me today, so he wins if that's the pissing contest we're having. My bed is his bed if he doesn't mind. I suggest you both get sleep and get ready to put on your big boy panties tomorrow," I said firmly. Gray gasped, genuinely offended. Chase let out a sigh, laying down on his own bed. Arlan waited for me to climb in before dulling the lamps to almost no light at all. He lifted the covers, sliding in directly behind me. I hadn't been this close to him since his knighting ceremony. As I began to drift, I felt his arm over my ribs, pulling me in tight. He slid his arm under my ear and neck. We were so close; we could have passed as one person. My mind went blank shortly after I saw the glow of green glitter roll over the side of my face and onto my lips.

. . . . . . . .

My eyes fluttered open to unveil a dreamscape I had never seen before. Stalactites and stalagmites of carbon black surrounded my horizon, the sky cut into portions of a deep jade green and crimson red and a galactic gray. They swirled like cream in coffee, sluggish and unyielding. Demonic faces seemed to be cut into the stone walls that quickly surrounded me, morphing, moving, writhing in agony. I had my head on a swivel, looking for any way out. 

I heard my name called from somewhere deeper in the cave that started to appear before me. I stood up, dusting myself off. The light grew dimmer and dimmer on the horizon of the now tornado infested sky. I willed my legs to run. They moved faster and faster, making me feel like I could fly. I figured what could it hurt, and propelled myself off the ground. My limbs felt lighter the further away I got from the cave of terrors where I started my dream. I imagined wings upon my back, carrying me closer and closer to the sun with powerful beats. I closed my eyes and willed and willed for it to happen until I felt the warmth of the sun on the back of my eyelids, staining the sightless black a vivid red, and I realized I wasn't moving anymore. I opened my eyes, to find myself floating off the ground, as if suspended in water. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw no wings holding me up. Maybe one day. I let myself drop to the ground, gently catching my bare feet against the earth. I wondered who's dreams I had entered tonight. A grove of trees to my right, mountains to my left. Chase? Arlan? There were only so many minds I could have entered given my proximity and talent. 

As I nosed around, I kept finding fragments of forgotten memories. Lovers passed on, friends sent to the other side, kin smote to the ground in the last war. The memories here seemed tinged by sadness and regret, although the sun was still shining. Red and orange and yellow seemed to be the favored colors of this person's subconscious. I pushed the clouds of emotions out of my way, heading deeper into the mountains I had come across. I kept bending down and picking up pieces, collecting them in a fold I had made in my robe; a makeshift pocket. Every step I took left a light lily yellow footprint behind, something I had never noticed before when hopping dreams. The same color as my aura. Correlation? Maybe. 

I wondered what demons haunted this poor person's mind. I also wondered; why weren't sandpeople immune to the nightmares powers? Was the veil between worlds growing thinner and thinner? All very concerning points. I'd have to tell Gray when I woke up. I directed my attention back to the side of the mountain. I willed it to open, and pushed my hand onto the thickest rock. It folded open like a curtain, allowing me through. The daylight began to dwindle, fading into night as I entered the side of the mountain. 

Here, the sky began to glow red, as if the earth itself was on fire. I looked right and left. I had found the central hub of this person's subconsciousness. The crystals grew in a circular pattern, forming a crown of a flower. Every facet portrayed a memory. I wasn't here to fix anything, but I figured what bad could it do? I had collected so many shards, just like in my own subconscious. Maybe I could restore an important memory? I started placing the fragments on the ground. They glowed white under my touch. Flashes of smiles, of blood, of childhood memories, flew by the backs of my eyelids as I touched the main spikes and fragments. They changed color with the emotions attached to them. Curious, I started sliding them into the main branch of crystals and they melded back together; forming one solid piece again. Why were these memories lost? Scattered? Shattered? Was it intentional, as if someone wanted to forget these important things? 

My mind raced at the moral dilemma I now faced. I slowly put down the shard I was holding as I pondered whether or not this person wanted their memories restored. I pursed my lips and rubbed my forehead. Maybe they don't want them restored, but I'll leave them here anyways, I thought to myself. Just in case they change their mind. They can come back, I did the hard work for them.

As I stood, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a mouse dart behind a far corner of the crystal. Were mice able to be here? Was it a hallucination? I pensively approached where I saw the 'mouse' run into, a small hole under the crystal. Just like a tiny mouse hole, like in childhood cartoons. How was that possible? I knelt down in front of the hole, again scratching at my forehead. I sighed, and reached my arm in as far as it would fit into the hole. I felt a sharp pain, as if something had bit me. I ripped my arm out, pulling the mouse still attached to my hand with it. The mouse was all an inky black. No real eyes, nose or mouth; a nightmare, no doubt. 

I grabbed it off my hand, squeezing it excessively. It let out a screech that made the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. I tightened my grip, and it squirmed in vain, struggling as its body oozed a nasty black goo. Between my fingers, it melted and disintegrated into a trailing puff of smoke, leaving only ash in my upturned palms, just as Chase told me they would. I sighed, brushing my hands off on my thighs. I stood, making sure there were no more mouse holes hiding anywhere else. But where there's one, there's many, like all infestations. Again, I decided to leave it be for now, and inform Chase and Gray upon waking. 

I walked out of the mountainside, to be greeted by Gray, to my surprise. I opened my mouth to talk, but he held his index finger to his lips. I rolled my eyes, approached his side, and linked my arm with his. We walked for what seemed like forever. 

Finally I reached a familiar flower field. It was the same one from when I met Chase! Was this his head peeking over the hill? I had so many questions. On the horizon, the same door to my apartment dropped into view. I looked from the door, back to Gray, confusion clear on my face. I pulled away from him, suddenly feeling not as sure. Chase walked up from the left side of the field, but he didn't seem quite himself either. Both started to decay before my eyes, turning black, moldy and squidgy. Their faces, what remained of them, distorted with expressions of pain and joy simultaneously. Their bodies morphed into long, winding messes of legs and arms; all black. I shivered, backing away. Fire surged to my hands, my chest; I was more than ready to use it. I understood why Chase and Gray referred to me as a walking weapon now. At the thought of both of the boys, the nightmares began to melt away, bleed out faster, turning into liquid rather than sludge. The harder I thought about their real faces, the faster the faces of the imposters sunk and dripped, revealing blackened, charred bones underneath the facade. I sighed, gathering a small flame in the palm of my hand. 

These shits will stop at nothing to get their hooks in that they want. I bounded it back and forth between my palms; it grew in size every pass. I wanted to lob it at the skeletons dancing in front of me. The thought occurred to me; this may be reconnaissance. Seeing how far my powers have progressed. "You were absolutely the right choice, I was right", the Day Dreamer chimed in my head, beaming. I saw a figure approaching from across the field. He was just taller than me, his skin the same charcoal black as mine. His hair was blond, and very long. He wasn't exceptionally muscular like Gray; his body type was akin to Arlan. Toned, but not overboard. His markings glowed white the same way mine did, but his eyes were yellow. I can see how people would say I'm an incarnation, not a carbon copy. The closer he got, the more details of his face I could see. Definitely attractive. Holy shit, are those… wings? I asked, in my head. He laughed loudly, in person. 

The nightmares screeched and charged us both. He jumped so goddamn high I almost lost track of him. He made a free-fall back towards the ground, now wielding a sword of silver and gold. He pulled his arm back, slashing back and forth. Light brighter than the sun blasted out of the waves he cut into the air. They evaporated with an almost blinding flash of white light, disappearing entirely; smokeless, traceless. I looked up at the top of the pillar of light now protruding from the ground and linking my arm in his, ran straight into the pyre; willing myself to jump high enough to reach the top. I had to report the nightmares and the Day Dreamer to Matilda, Gray and Chase immediately.