L.Y. 651 Inu 13 8:23 L.Q. - A clear lake near the Stormy Outskirts
While heading to the source of light Twilight's comrades and himself began taking up camp. They had found a small Secluded area from which they were able to fish and fight.
"We should do some more hunting before we go to town tomorrow."
"Nah, I can't handle any more training. At this point I won't be able to even make it into a citadel. "
[Obitiga - Rubbing his soreness]
Well I'm down.
[Temti - Contempt]
How about you Twilight? Would you like to join in?
No thanks, from how I'd rather see who this Nion is overall.
Alright we'll meet you at some point I think we will be there around maybe 6 S.Q.
Sect 2: Temti, Liam, Aka
L.Y. 651 Inu 14 8:33 S.Q. - Somewhere in the distance from the campsite
As sandy dust clears we come to see a Liam on top of what looked to be this pile of creatures that seemed to be humanoid. You see Liam covered in this black oil like substance. Return one of his arrows from the skull of the defeated monster. Temti then proceeds to approach the others with a few small health potions.
"So it looks like we killed a total of 2509 of these so far."
[Liam - staring into the dust cloud a couple]
"We could head into town now. I think we've got a few hours to make it there anyway."
"It looks like we've got four more Quarters till our exact meeting time."
[Aka - As he checks his lightsponder]
"Alright we've got just 112 more before we go. I think that should level us all up to a better point. I just don't need anything like what happened in Sanshu as well as Frodimon."
[Liam - As he sees another sandstorm approach]
With the cloud approaching closer temti. Sent out what seemed to be these light shaped versions of Wuve. While Aka uses his skill from when we first met, apparently it was a more ancient skill from during Ruko lifespan. It was called Vitra. Once Temti light was in his spot exposing a Horde of monsters the arrow Aka hit the luminous creature. Turning not just into a Vitra like what was seen previously, but into this vortex that consumed both the light and the creatures themselves.
"Well that worked out better than we thought."
[Temti As him and Aka make a fist bump]
"It looks like our combo skills are actually making an effort."
"Yeah we are now at three out of twelve of those working out, and overall they have been a success. It seems if we keep this up we can definitely level it up."
[Temti - Writing it down in his lightsponder database]
"What is the kill amount now?"
[Aka - Grab his arrow off the ground]
"We are now at 1,091."
"Well that's not too bad, that's about 200 per cloud storm we have battled now."
"I wish y'all had missed more if we can be honest that way I could have gotten some more practice in time."
"Honestly with the amount of time we've consumed we are lucky that we were able to get through this many."
[Aka - Confused]
"Ehh if you say so anyway what is all that Data even for? "
[Liam - As he stretches out his shoulder]
"Honestly I use it to see how our progress increases. Since Twilight and I were kids we spent most of the time training together, so I would usually keep track of our progression instead."
[Temti - Flipping through different different Data Gems within his bag]
"You should let me see mine sometime then. There's this new ability I want to try and finish up. I was wondering just what I would need to complete it."
"Oh I can give that to you now."
Name: Liam
Class: Shinobi
Lv: 39
Attack: 116 (+15), Defense: 40 (+24)
M. Attack: 30 (+0), M. Defense: 48 (+2)
Agility: 76 (+39), Luck: 74 (+34)
Bonus Stats: 31
Sect 1: Twilight, Obitiga, Sirisa, Gixoh
L.Y. 651 Inu 14 8:32 S.Q. - Within the Citadel
[Random Citizen 1]
"How are you?!"
[Random Citizen 2]
"Good day to you."
[Random Citizen 3]
[Random Citizen 4]
"Hurry to the square, we're going to miss the announcement."
[Random Child Citizen says pulling a younger citizen alongside]
"Oh sorry, my fault."
[Stanger says bumping into you]
"It's okay we were distracted as well."
[Twilight, noticing the strangers resemblance to Lima]
"What's all. The commotion for?"
"Oh you must be new in town if you haven't heard. Come to the square and you can find out for yourself. Bye."
[Stranger, fleeing in a hurry]
"Welcome riders of all, to the annual Luminous Regional. This
Year, will be like no other. The race will be held a week from today. The rules are the same as always: one racers can use any of their animals other than those that have been Ascended, two killing is not permitted, and third and last anything else goes. As always the winner will be granted the title of Exo Luminous and the right to learn the ancient spells of light, under the current Luminous Grande. So enjoy the week of festivals and prepare for the Regional."
As the player goes to find a place to stay they will run into two of the racers.
"Do you think we're ready for the race?"
[Racer 1]
"We would have had no problems if we went to Nions shop and got a Regional set."
[Racer 2]
"Well raising your own set is always better in the long run don't you think."
[Racer 1]
"Well whatever, we should get to sign ups already."
[Racer 1]
"I think they're discussing the signups, let's ask them for help. 'Excuse us we couldn't over hear you talking about signups.'"
You will then get a rundown about what Regional sets and what they are, and where to find Nion. As well as where to sign up for the race is located.
After the player signs up, the two racers who had helped earlier will notice him again. They will then introduce themselves. One will be named Crystal and the other Empat, Empat will look somewhat familiar to you.
"So you really are signing up. I guess I have to ask now, what's your name, my name Crystal."
"So what kind of familiarity do you have?"
"Don't answer that kid, that's how she gets you. She acts all sweet and slowly extracts information on you before the race."
"Shut up Empat, don't tell him how this works."
"We'll have someone to look out for the newbies, and it's all the better when it's the future winner right. Hi, my name is Empat."
"Yeah I think we've already met, you were the one who told us to go to the square to begin with."
"Oh that was you guys. Haha sorry I have really bad memories at times."
[Empat says nervously]
"Well with that said we should all go eat, I'm starving. We can talk then instead."
[Crystal says smiling]
Somewhere in our conversation Crystal explained how to find Nion's workshop. Apparently it was in the slums of the Citadel. I wouldn't have even expected this town of light to have a slum, but I guess everywhere has a dark side. She also told us about an inn we could possibly stay at once for the week. Eventually we all parted ways as it was getting late, and I wanted to make sure I could make it to Nions.