As soon as Mr. Palmer ran off I ask Kristen to help me get the class together. We managed to get the class setup in their sections on the gym bleachers in our assigned area before the first classes started coming in the gym. Mr. Palmer still hadn't returned and Kristen said that it had something to do with the sound setup, we all knew that if this was true it might be a while before we saw him again.
So, I realized that I should start warming up the choir. I didn't want to do it on my own so I asked Natalia to help me (she is the leader of my section, the Alto section) she agrees and we both start trying to get the group to settle down. What ended up happening was we were running up and down the bleachers telling kids to be quiet but to no effect, so I was done. I stood at the bottom of the bleachers and shouted "Alright Choir Cult, Listen Up! Mr. Palmer is busy right now and I was told to make sure we warmed up. So if you want to keep talking then go ahead, I don't care if Mr. Palmer gets mad or if we sound like dying geese when we sing in front of the entire school because I am doing my job in this mess!"
After I said that I stopped, motioned to Natalia, and had her clap her hands to a beat. I waited to see what the choir would do. They stood quietly for a few seconds, then all of the choir burst out laughing (including me). When everyone calmed down they clapped a beat identical to what Natalia had clapped. Then I clapped a rhythm that they repeated and so on, we did this a few rounds until Natalia gave them a hard rhythm they couldn't repeat. I then sat at the keyboard and with Natalia using hand signals we did our normal solfege. Next I gave every sections a different note and they sung that note while saying "Ma Mey Me Mo Mu", we did three rounds and I gave then three different notes each time. After three rounds of the choir harmonizing correctly I asked Natalia what we should do next because Mr. Palmer wasn't back yet.
"What should we do?" I asked, "We have completed the normal warm up yet we have 15 minutes and Mr. Palmer isn't back."
"We should just get them set up for the first song, and have them stay somewhat quiet." Natalia answers.
"Good idea" I say, then turn around to face the class. "Alright guys, just sit down in your section and be ready for the first song. We are just waiting for Mr. Palmer."
Then Natalia and I go sit down in the Alto section, next to Bailey and Kristen, in the front. We talk quietly until Mr. Palmer gets back.
"Alright guys," says Mr. Palmer as he sets the microphones down. "Sorry that took so long, I heard you are warmed up so I will just briefly go over the assembly plan. Principal Skyper will introduce the reason for the assembly then will give some examples about the festival, that is when we will come in and sing Thriller. Then he will finish talking about the Festival and the Dance and we will sing This is Halloween with the solos. Any questions?"
No one raises their hand, so Mr. Palmer continues, "The soloists will stand in their assigned spots", he says motioning to the two other soloists and me, "when we start singing the song and it is their turn to sing the solo, they will be able to step down and stand by the microphones that have been placed near them. Got it Em, Kristy, and Meg?"
We all nod and he finishes by saying, "Alright that is all, please sit quietly until Principal Skyper starts. I know we will do well."