Chereads / City Plunder World Crazy / Chapter 39 - Episode 38:Alter city 7

Chapter 39 - Episode 38:Alter city 7

Hound drops a dead hunters body

Hound:More will definitely be coming(probably shoulda laid low)

Hound walks toward an abandon building

Hound:[Where is everyone?]

Lady:Hound right?

Hound turns around slowly

Hound:Who's askin?

Lady:"Husky strike"

Hound hit in the chest passes out

Lady:Today you got lucky(I'm not here for you)

-Xhanto city

Woman 1:*Angered*She ups and leaves without so much of a warning Ren how are you not mad at all?

Ren:*Calm*It's just us two for now let's see what the king wants Ranae

Ranae:Abandon me will ya....HOW DARE YOU ROLA!!!!!!


Robo:Master are you ok?

Lucas:Jeez Sune

Sune:*Shocked**Scared*Uh uhhh h a ahhh

Vivian begins to get up

Vivian:*Tired*Ha that's what you get

Sunes gets up showing his eyes being fully red

Robo:Masters lost it

Ivan:We should evacuate he could attack any of us

Vivian:*Taunting*Come at me fool

Crazed Sune rushes at Vivian grabs her face and smashes her head into the ground,he then jumps in the air coming down to drop kick her in the back of the head smashing her face further into the ground

Lucas:That was brutal

Vivian starts getting up again

Vivian:"Lightning spear"

Sune deflects it

Vivian:How is that possible(my beautiful face)

Sune grabs Vivian by the throat then tiger flame crushes her over and over in the stomach

Vivian:*Struggling*Ugh ugh ugh

Lucas and Ivan look at each other

Lucas:Um should we stop this?

Ivan:Yea we should

Vivian keeps coughing up blood,the spear disappears from Sunes gut

Foxxy:Oh my Odin someone stop him he's gonna kill her

Mask stabs Sune from behind,Sune seems unfazed,Sune let's go of Vivian turning his focus to Mask,Mask backs up as if he regrets his decision


Lucas hits Sune in the back,Sune flies forward into Mask mana fist which hits Sune right in the jaw,Sune turns back to normal from the shock of getting hit in the jaw


Robo:I'll use the honey dew on master first

Sune jumps up rejuvenated,Robo tends to Vivian

Sune:I'm back baby!!!

Ivan:We hadn't notice

Vivian sits up from the ground

Vivian:You won fair and square a deals a deal

Vivian gives them the mana chain key

Vivian:You should hurry before her sister gets here,with hunters here the plunders long gone

Foxxy:You mean sisters right?

Vivian smiles at Foxxy

Ivan:We wasted a lot of time in this city,let's hurry and leave

Vivian:I mean sister as in singular

Ivan grabs the key and unlocks Foxxy's handcuffs

Sune:Dang it we better hurry and leave

Sune begins to walk out then bumps into some lady

Sune:Oh my bad

Lady:Oh my pleasure


Sune suddenly come flying back into the building


Ivan:*Annoyed*Great now what?

The lady walks in,her and Foxxy look at each other


Lucas:Foxxy is that your sister?


Rola:Been awhile Foxxy

Lucas:[Rola as in rank one Rola,why didn't I realize before she's like Foxxy but times two however Foxxy Isn't my type could this one be the...The.One?]

Vivian:Um Rola if I could ask....

Rola:Don't worry Vivian you delivered me my sister,you have visitation rights to prison city for the month

Rola hands a badge to Vivian

Sune:Wait Vivian you're in my crew now a deals a deal you said

Vivian:Right I know...But I have some things I have to wrap up first if I give you a portal tab to reach me will that be alright?

Vivian throws a portal tab at Ivan,Sune looks at Ivan


Sune:Why do you sound like you're about to leave

Lucas:Yea Sune she left after she threw her portal tab

Rola:So you're Sune night or Blackband Sune

Sune:(Either is fine really)So you're Foxxy's.....

Sune looks at Foxxy



Rola begins walking toward Foxxy,Sune jumps in between them

Sune:Hey back off

Rola:You're nowhere near strong enough to stop me let alone hurt me out of my way

Sune:Is she calling me weak?

Lucas:Sune I agree with her,she's ranked number one

Sune:What in boobs?

Lucas:No idiot in strength she's THE ranked one devil hunter

Rola notices Lucas

Rola:Lucas the deserter?Luckily I'm not here for you especially since you seem to know some stuff,Foxxy these losers are who you choose to hang with?

Foxxy:These losers are my family and that one in particular is my leader

Lucas:*Happy*[I'm becoming known I see the ladies outta be all over me soon!]

She points at Sune


Ivan:If it makes it any better I'm not associated with their plunder screw

Lucas:Did you just combine scum and crew?

-To be continued