Chereads / City Plunder World Crazy / Chapter 40 - Episode 39:Alter city 8

Chapter 40 - Episode 39:Alter city 8

-Marthas plunder

Martha:Aelius your brother still hasnt made contact with me...

Middle aged man:This will be one of your last missions with us?

Aelius:Sune will be here after Thorn kings tournament I swear..

Martha looks uninterested

Martha:Fine so be it.

Zhane:Why don't I just kill him?

Aelius puts his forearm to Zhane then pushes him into a wall

Aelius:*Smiling*You probably shouldn't go near my brother!

Middle aged man:Ey ey enough you stupid children.

Zhane:You can't talk to me that way Zel(stop pushing so hard on my throat)

Aelius:I was just telling him to leave my brother alone.

Aelius let's go of Zhane

Zel:I don't care we need to get ready to take down a lord crew,especially since we failed to take Scioto

Kick girl:Can't wait!

Aelius:Where is Tsuki?

Zel:He went on ahead said he could handle it,I

doubt it though

Martha:*Yawn*Let's head out(Let's not fail this time)

Marthas plunder begins walking through a forest


Tsuki:*Out of breath*Gah ha ha

Barry:Useless,you're apart of Martha's plunder?

Tsuki:*Grunt*Grrh Shut up!

Barry:*Smile*So am I to just amuse myself with you until reinforcements get here?

-Blackbands vs Rola

Rola:He can't even protect you Foxxy

Foxxy:He just beat Vivian

Sune:Not to mention she's apart of our crew now

Rola:You'd stay with this scum rather than your own blood

Foxxy:I don't want to be a hunter,I don't want to eat last every meal out here I'm free,y-you use to talk about being free all the time Rola

Rola:I was younger then I have responsibilities now

Foxxy:Like what?

Rola:Like taking over the Deerhound throne,finding the right husband for all my sisters,keeping our family royalties!

Foxxy:*Upset*Rola you used to tell me everyday how you disliked responsibility

Rola:I'm just thinking logically I have to carry the weight you left for me

-Somewhere around five years ago

Rola would be fifteen at the time while Foxxy would be around nine or ten


Ren and the other sisters are looking for Rola

Rosie:Hurry deers he is on his way

Ron:*Stressing*This will be a big moment in the Deerhound history find Rola will you Foxxy

Foxxy:I'll try daddy

Foxxy turns into her werehound form and goes sniffing,this leads her to a small pond with a few trees that leads off of a cliff showing the inner cities

Foxxy:Stop trying to hide yourself I smell you sis

Rola:*Annoyed*Foxxy why are you so good at sniffing people out?

Foxxy:*Happy*Daddy said you have to meet your future fianancie(I have a keen sense of smell I'm told)

Rola:It's fiancé stupid,tell him my life wont be judged by a boy with money

Foxxy:*Smiling*Ren said he was cute!

Rola:She thinks everyones cute

Foxxy:Can you come down from the tree now big sis?

Rola:Climb up here first I want to show you something

Foxxy struggles to get up the tree so Rola jumps down and gets her

Foxxy:Ok I'm up here what do you want me to see(So high)

Rola:You see the tallest building over there

Rola points in the distance at an odd shaped building

Foxxy:If I transform I could

Foxxys face grows fur

Rola:Past that is King Sun Wukongs territory

Foxxy:You mean the monkey who saved you?

Rola:Actually he just happens to be a furry,I wish to one day save him like he did me

Foxxy:I don't get the point

Rola pats Foxxy on the head

Rola:*Smile*The point is what was a king doing over here far from his home,saving a noble girl who deserved what was coming to her?

Foxxy:*Uninterested*Whatever I'm going to go tell father

Foxxy jumps down from the tree

Rola:He's a king who's free to do whatever but I'm a member of a royal family,my life's decided for me!!

Rola tried to yell her point across to Foxxy but she didn't listen

-Present day

Rola:You have to understand those were dreams that could never happen

Foxxy:Well lately I have been thinking about what you said that day and well I decided that one day I'll meet this King Sun Wukong to thank him for what he did

Rola:Alright are you done with your speech let's go(I already met and thanked him!)

Rola grabs Foxxy,Foxxy tries holding her ground but Rola just pulls her along

Sune:You're not taking her.

Sune grabs Rola by the hand

Rola:*Serious*Let go of my hand...

Sune:Leave Foxxy alone!

Rola:*Blank stare*Let go....Of my hand!

Foxxy loosens the grip Rola had and runs to the side of the Blackbands

Rola:Foxxy come over here willingly and I wont kill him

Foxxy:Rola you don't have to do this you can just let us leave,*Pleading*please sister

Sune:*Insulted*Kill me?*Angry*I'm tired of your trash talk

Ivan:Not a logical idea tell him Robo scum

Robo:Master has 1% chance of winning

Lucas:Sune her mana is filling the whole room let go of her hand

Mask swipes at Sunes hand making him let go

Sune:Damn you Mask,why you're never on my side?

Rola:Good,one of you is smart

Rola looks at Foxxy,who now understands she must go home

Foxxy:Rola let me please have the chance to say good bye to my friends

Rola:No you had enough time we're going now

Rola pushes Sune then grabs Foxxy and walks out,Sune quickly runs after them,the Blackbands follow

Sune:Hey I said you're not taking her even if I have to beat a devil hunter or royalty I don't care she gets to choose where she stays and she chose us

Rola turns around smirking

Foxxy:Rola please let's just leave

Rola:Give it your best shot scum

Sune:With pleasure"Tiger flame crush"!!!!!

Sune runs at Rola with tiger flame crush then falls to the ground

Sune:Why can't I move?

Rola:A simple spell Blackband thus being reason you could never beat me on my worst day scum!

Sune:*Determined*I don't know what type of trick or spell this is but it wont keep me down!!!!

Foxxy:Please Sune stop just let her take me

Rola:What the?(*Surprised*Did I underestimate him?)

Sune begins rising,Rola is super shocked from this,Sune can move again

Sune:*Out of breath*Ha I'm not giving up ha ha on you Foxxy ha ha! I'll win then we…Then we can go back to traveling together!!

Rola seems interested in what Sune is saying

Rola:You'll win? Blackband this has got to stop you are unqualified to-

Sune:Shut up! I'll break through this trick! Not for me but for Foxxy!! She's apart of my crew…She trust me…I'll win for her!!!

Rola gets chills

Rola:Hey scum what's your full name?

Sune:Sune Ifrit Night

Rola:Brother to Aelius of the Martha plunder

Sune:Yea that would be his name

Rola:*Squinting*....Younger brother?

Sune:....Older brother!

Rolas whole mood changes

Rola:Tell you what,if you can get ahold of Aelius and tell him to capture devil Magas then I'll give you Foxxy[Still doesn't explain how he broke my spell]

Sune:That isn't fair

Rola:I think It's totally fair,you could help him catch Magas to make it go faster

Sune:but he...I don't even remember where he said he is,he just said get him some of Bee queens honey and something about thorn king

Rola:Ok I'm willing to alter our deal a bit more but you have to understand I teleported from king Hamlets territory to here I'm not leaving empty handed

Sune:We only have the golden dung

Sune pulls out the golden dung trying to hand it to Rola

Rola:*Disgusted*Foxxy please tell me...

Foxxy:Don't worry I didn't touch it

Rola:*Relieved*Ok here is the deal when you lay eyes on your brother or Devil Magas you need to call me,Foxxy has my portal tab[I can nab both of them]

Foxxy:*Happy*That means I can stay?

Rola:Of course you can but the family requires you to call daily or you have to come back

Foxxy:Understood(you mean you)

Rola:Be lucky my sister is your friend scum

Rola let's go of Foxxy then uses a portal

Sune:*Angered*Why does everyone think I'm the little brother!

-To be continued