Chereads / City Plunder World Crazy / Chapter 26 - Episode 25:Rhino beetle 11

Chapter 26 - Episode 25:Rhino beetle 11

-Sune and Mask

Sune:Ok so here is the plan we sneak all the way to where ever this Dongo guy is held up then we..

Ivan:No we can't forget about Putsy


Ivan:I'm the only one who has ever seen his power and it was sheer luck

Sune:Alright then you take him,me and Mask can take the Dongo guy

Mask:*Nods his head*

Sune:Now just to find where they are located

Ivan:It should be the biggest dung ball that is where he stays

Sune:Aha I see it,I now have a idea stay here

Sune dashes off

Ivan:So you gonna talk or was he lying to me

Mask:*Looks at Ivan*

Ivan:Yea let's just wait in silence[Sune you liar]

-West rhino

Lucas:Ok most of them are down I think we can call this a semi victory

Bird:The head of the village is severely injured and half our soldiers are injured we won the battle but not the war

Lucas:Or you could see it that way

Scar:*Whispers to bird horn*Go find Curva

Bird:Are you sure you don't want me here with you

Scar:*Looking at Lucas*I trust this human to protect me

Bird horn runs off

Robo:Stay still

Scar:Trying to..

Lucas:Robo bandages,where are my bandages huh?

Robo:Your injuries are minor I told you to be careful

Lucas:Rust you dumb bucket of bolts

Scar:Don't be so mean dumb human

Lucas:Ahhh whatever we have more important things to worry about

Bird horn comes back

Curva:I found some leaves and these two



Scar:I'm sorry Yuta I haven't been such a...

Yuta:It's ok I already knew you didn't mean anything you said

Scar:Once I'm healed I'll go get Ivan(my life flashed before my eyes)

Lucas:Ok I'm starting to think the dung beetles are our enemies here

Scar:You would be thinking right

Lucas:If I can find Sune and Mask we could handle them

Scar:Human if you can speak on behalf of your friends I'm willing to make an alliance

Lucas:I can speak for them,bolts success rate?

Robo:Alliance with the rhino beetles equals 100% success rate

Lucas:Yea let's make this alliance happen

-Dung field

Sune on the side of the dung castle tries to open a door,its a bit high so Sune had to climb to get to it

Ivan:That's the idiots plan open the side door is he retarded

-Inside the dung castle

Putsy:Great we have visitors

Flea:Can we handle them

Putsy:Us no but Dongo can

Flea:Dongo isn't here or Half


Putsy creates a copy of Dongo

Flea:How did


Putsu:Kill the ones trying to invade

Foxxy:(I'm feeling the early signs of the black moon)

Dongo breaks a hole in the dung castle

Sune:*Surprised*What the!

Dongo grabs Sune landing on him as they smash into the ground then throws him into another dung house

Sune:Ahhhh disgusting

Dung beetle:*Screams*Ahhh intruder!!!

Mask jumps out of nowhere and kicks the crap out of Dongo,his head turns all the way left

Ivan:You broke his neck.....?

Dongo looks perfectly fine after his head turns back to normal,Sune starts getting up as the dung beetle starts kicking him

Sune:What uhh what is going on here?(Stop kicking me)

Dongo grabs Mask arm,Mask jumps up and drop kicks him in the face forcing Dongos head upwards

Dongo:"9 mill....

Ivan:"Grass blade storm"

The grass blades swarm Dongo,who let's Mask go because he has to block

-To be continued