Chereads / City Plunder World Crazy / Chapter 31 - Episode 30:Rhino beetle 16

Chapter 31 - Episode 30:Rhino beetle 16

Ivan:Sune the point of teamwork is working as a team

Sune:And let you get all the credit as if

Ivan:Yea well I wouldn't have taken credit anyway scum

Sune:I'll take this guy out all by my self you guys watch

Mask jumps from a tree trying to catch Dongo off guard

Dongo:I sense you boy

Sune:Mask I said I got him!

Mask stops moving in midair for some reason

Sune:How is he stopped like that?

Ivan:No idea

Dongo jumps in the air and 9 millipede Mask in the stomach,Mask flies through a tree


Sune/Ivan:*Mind blown*He sounded!

Sune:Ha told you he talks

Ivan:It was a sound not a talk idiot

Dongo:Don't act like I'm not here"Banzai"

He hits Sune taking him right into the side of dung castle

Ivan:Jeez god odin!!!!

Dongo:Just you now Ivan

Ivan:Actually my friends here to"Zai"

Dongo deflects it

Ivan:Ah jeez I really need to learn banzai

Dongo:Too bad you wont live long enough to learn"Banzai"


Ivans zai collides with Dongos banzai it's not a match and Ivan over powered gets hit in his arm

Ivan:Crap krrrrrr shit my arm

Dongo:Hurts don't it

Ivan looks up at Dongo

Ivan:Fuck you(you're a lot bigger up close)

Dongo:"9 Millipede"

Ivans hit in his jaw, he flies in the air twirling then falls down to the ground hard

Ivan:Kkaaakkkkk*Spits up blood*

Dongo:Welp my work here is done

Cyrus:(He took out three people with ease)

Dongo senses Cyrus

Dongo:I know you're here little hunter

Sune begins to get up

Scar:You ok?

Sune:Ugh y-yea I just landed wrong

Lucas:Did he....just throw you over here?

Sune:Of course not I.....I jumped

Lucas:You jumped?


Beret:*Doubt*So you're gonna jump back over there then?

Sune:Yea just as soon as I locate Dongo

Sune looks around then sees Dongo

Sune:Ha I found him!

Sune cuffs his hands around his mouth then yells

Sune:You may have knocked me wayyyy over here but you didn't beat me!!!!

Lucas:I thought you jumped

Sune:I did after he threw me

Dongo hardly seeing Sune says

Dongo:Huh?I can't hear you!

Sune gets mad at this

Lucas:You gonna jump back over?

Sune:Actually I thought about running

Sune jumps down from the dung castle then runs over to Dongo

Dongo:What did you say?

Sune:It's unimportant now let's fight

Dongo:Fine with me

Sune:"Maximum power"

Sune disappears from Dongos vision

Dongo:Speed won't save you(I'll find him)

Sune:[I have to use dads move at the right moment]

Sune keeps moving around while Dongo waits for an opening

Dongo:There"Dung fist"

Sune hardly dodges as Dongos fist slowly goes past his face

Sune:(Now!!!)"Prince claw"!!

Sune hits Dongo right in the chest piercing through his armored shell


Dongo falls face first to the ground

Sune:*Out of breath*Ha ha ha took alot of mana to use ha ha

Ivan:*Coming to*Uhhhhhhhh

Sune walks over to Ivan

Sune:Ivan get up come on we won

Ivan:Thank Odin but I can't really move my body at the moment,carry me?



Sune picks Ivan up giving him a piggyback ride they start to walk toward dung castle when a banzai comes shooting pass them barley missing Ivan's head

Ivan:*Screams*Ahhhhh what the hell

Sune looks back

Sune:N-no I b-beat you

Dongo:*Out of breath*Gaha ha Strength comes from ha ha endurance to....

-To be continued