"Her name is Leah Smith. She has prior experience working in Ward Corp. in Denver. She originally applied to be Mr. Ward's assistant. But I won that one. So good luck." Zack said as I grabbed the folders.
I walked back into my office and placed the folders down on my desk. Leah choose to sit in a chair that she could easily see Leo. I laughed as I sat down in my chair. She still didn't look my way as she continue to stare at him. I grew agitated at her disrespect towards me. Then it quickly went away as I knew I couldn't blame her for looking at him. I knew that I was going to have to move my desk so that I don't end up doing the same.
I grinned as I asked her, "He is quite a sight isn't he?"
She snapped her head towards me with a smile on her face as she said, "Yes he is."
"Well Ms. Smith lets get this done now should we?" I asked as her gaze returned to Leo. "Do you have any experience with engineering or architecture?"
"No." she replied as she kept her body and gaze turned towards Leo.
"Why did you apply for this position?" I ask er her now annoyed.
"Because I want to work close to Leo so maybe I can get a chance to make him mine." she said with a giant smile.
I grew angry at her answer as I dialed Zack on the phone. "Get her out of here now. Ban her from this office and make sure that she never works for Ward Corp. again." I snapped.
She quickly jumped up to her feet as she yelled, "You cannot do that!"
"Oh she very well can. Now I suggest that you show you self to the door before I call security." Zack answered for me as he stood at my door with another candidate behind him.
I greeted the new candidate as Leah left. The following three candidates were great people and actually focused on me instead of Leo. Some of them helped me move my desk so that it was facing one wall of windows with my back against the one solid wall in my office; and my couch, two lounge chairs and coffee table across from my desk. My last and final question to them was me asking them to just walk into Leo's, without knocking or checking with Zack, and grab my backpack that I left in there. I informed Zack and Leo of the challenge I presented them and they gladly accepted the chance to play along with it. The first two made it to the doors before Zack convinced them to not go in. The last one made it as far as into Leo's office before he ran from the room scared to the bone.