The men ran through seemingly abandoned rooms one by one. The anxiety was growing within the group as the fear of not finding their target popped into their minds. Greg, the leader, was especially anxious. What if we can't find him?
Thinking back, he would have never left such a high value target at a known location. I am so stupid. If I don't start thinking about my enemy more, how am I to avenge her?
Small glowing crystals were casting shadows on the walls as the men reached the final floor before what they knew would be the dungeon area. The stones barely had enough magic to cast light as if they had been neglected.
The hallway opened up into a small office type setting. Three men lay in a heap in the middle of the room. After examining the bodies bruise marks were found on the neck lines, as if they had been strangled to death. The men followed a series of open doors to a small, but dark cell.