The shaking in the area of the Palace was tremendous. Rielen immediately fell down and was unable to stand even with reinforcement magic. She was helpless as she watched the Palace fall into a half-pile of rubble.
Tears were falling from her eyes as she watched. Time passed and eventually the tremors stopped, but Rielen couldn't move. At some point something snapped and she rushed to the rubble. She was digging through the rubble in the direction of the Royal Office.
Not caring how much magic she used, she picked up giant boulders and dug further and further into where Eon had been. Her hands and fingers began bleeding, but it didn't stop her from her mission. Soon guards and others began helping her dig.
There was no doubt in their mind what she was looking for. Not one of them believed they would find him alive. They just knew she wouldn't stop until she knew herself. It would be too much if he died. He had to have survived somehow!