Ivor Invincible: Reincarnated as a reduxed beetle

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Chapter 1 - Snot & Tears

A purple blue metallic, heavy bodied beetle erupted from the ground on a cold foggy morning.

It's robust sharp shelled outlines and 6 sharped toothed legs, clearly dwarfed the pebbles next to it but not the strands of grass. It shook off any debris on its shell after all the legs had touched the ground and started scampering along.

It moved it's curved horned head, side to side as it's orange topped antenna's, helped search for breakfast. The beetle's legs quickly picked up the pace, as the soft ground started to transition into sand.

It climbed to the top of a nearby dune and waited patiently with its back raised in the air. After a few moments, a thick layer of fog rolled over the dune, hiding the dark orange sand grains.

The beetle's back started capturing water droplets from the fog and it drank away till it had its fill.

The beetle then, rolled down the other side of the dune, until it reached a dry plain with sparse long grass. The beetle could almost feel the wind trying to pick it up when it rolled down.

With haste, it ran across dry rocky ground under the heat of the rising sun. It came across a crusty mound of food with ease, though there were plenty of competitors at the table.

Not fazed by the amount of brothers and sisters around, the beetle rubbed it's legs at the sight of the dug mound and It quickly climbed on top of it and began carving out it's own dung piece.

It took it's time to carve out a ball piece and shape it using its hind-legs and horn. As time went by and the ball neared completion, the beetle pushed it away from the main dung piece.

After putting the finishing touches after the separation, it climbed on top of its dung ball and carefully began studying the casted shadows from the sun, trying to find its way home.

The beetle stood tall on the dung, lost in its own world. When it was about to descend, a brown beetle came rushing in from the side,bashing into the ball. The brown beetle tried to grasp the purple beetle with its pinchers and pull it to the ground.

The purple beetle recovered quickly from the bash and grasped the attacker under its shell and forced it backwards into the air and immediately started rolling away on its dung.

As it started rolling a loud thud shook the earth, nearly causing the beetle to fall off.

As the beetle stabilized itself once more, a large black beak pummeled into ground, taking some of its brothers away in its clutches.


Hover around a piece dung in the sky, was a small white bird scanning the ground for breakfast. Upon spotting the movement of beetles, it dove down to the ground.


The beetle tried to force its way through the ordeal by scampering faster with its hind legs but the beak of the bird kept blocking it's path.

The beetle jutted left and right dodging grass blade after blade, until the ground gave way and it tumbled downhill with its dung.

It's hard shell bounced off the dirt and rocks as it plummeted down. The descent was only stopped, when it's shell slammed into a boulder.

Raising its head after its rough landing, it found the dung nearby and rubbed it's orange antenna's in joy. As it neared the dung, it found itself being thrown upwards, along with some earth.

All it could see was layers of white approaching. As it prepared for its fate, it felt a strong gust of wind sweep under its shell and watched red liquid trail into the air, as it was blown away.

As the beetle was being blown away, a large golden brown feathered bird could be seen flying over dunes with white feathers stuck in its beak.


When the beetle woke, it found itself surrounded by large tall trees and shrubbery. It chirped in pain upon noticing that two of its legs where missing, along with parts of its metallic shell when it tried to move.

Steeling it's resolve to not become prey, It dragged itself across the moss covered ground and started digging, seeking refuge next to a thick tree root.

As it dug deeper into the ground, it suddenly fell ito a set of small underground chambers, big enough to fit 4 of its brothers.

It was forced into an uncontrolled roll, following the path of the winding chamber, until it dropped into a larger space.

Barely being able to stabilizing itself, the beetle took a while to get it's bearings.

Inside the chamber, the beetle could see that there was a collection of 6 identically sized dung type balls in the middle, each emitting a different colored hue.

The beetles antenna's rub in joy as it slowly moved towards its new found food. As the beetle moved, the balls let out a soft mist that seeped into the surrounding balls.

Soon the chamber started glowing with a mix of colors, and the collective mist had begun to fill only the chamber. With every step the beetle took towards the balls, more and more mist poured into its body.

Long after the beetle had stopped moving, the mist carried the body of the beetle into the middle of the balls, and kept on with its invasion.


In a dense green forest, where trees stood over 20meters tall. The sun's ray barely managed to sneak past the top leaves.

Beside the thinnest tree in the whole forest, next to one of its thick roots, the ground started to shake and part.

The ground parted to two sides and from the opening erupted two pairs of small chubby purple arms, followed by another pair and finally a baby's head.

From head to toe, the babies skin was covered in a hard purple blue metallic armour in the places were there no joints.

It's face was covered in the same armour with only it's blue eyes being visible. A tiny horn that was pointed upwards like a sword, grew from the middle of its forehead.

When the baby had finally crawled out of the ground. It sat upright, with its head scanning it's surroundings. After a brief moment of noticing that nothing was around it, it broke into a ear piercing wail.

The surrounding trees were quickly uprooted by soundwaves created by the wails. In the sky, the barely visible sun was abruptly hidden by dark clouds.

Blue lighting started dancing in the sky and descended down with a vengeance. Laying waste to the trees, creating craters, starting fires, destroying all in its path.

A ball of dense of air formed a few dozen feet around the baby, pushing back the growing the fires, spreading them around to other areas of the forest.

The baby hiccuped, the crying stopped.

It titled it's head in confusion, whilst snot and tears ran down its face. Only when it hiccuped again, did it let out a tiny giggle and start clapping it's four hands together.

The dark clouds and lighting receded as fast as they came, the fire died within a moment and the ball of air broke apart.

As the wind from the air blew in all directions , it caused the baby to sneeze and immediately, 4 pairs of purple translucent wings popped out from its back.

Curious about the new development, the baby started tugging on the wings that were nearly equal to its foot and a half body size and began sucking on one.

In a dense green forest, where trees stood over 20meters tall. A large area of derooted trees, craters and fire marks could be seen from the skies. And in the middle was was a purple 4 armed armoured baby with translucent wings playing away under the evening sun.