Chereads / Fairy tail and the Abysmal slayer(remake) / Chapter 11 - [Difficulties]

Chapter 11 - [Difficulties]

Sleeping Haruta was at rests end from all the surfing, blacked out on the bed he had no idea of the commotion down in the casino or whatever was happening, as he slept sound fully without a care in the world till "hey Haruta get up, HEY!!!" waking up he saw it was Gray along with Juvia "what? im tryna get some sleep her" rubbing his eyes and yawning Gray shook him "we don't got time for that Erza was kidnapped and Natsu is tracking them along with Lucy we gotta hurry" hearing so Haruta was confused "(wait so this isn't a filler ep or...what the heck did i miss?)" seeing as they were serious he looked at Juvia "okay lets go but how'd she get here?" shaking there heads Gray spoke "like i said no time to explain" getting the gist of the situation Haruta grabbed Gray and Juvia diving into the shadows as he searched for Natsu and Lucy, finding them he appeared right by them as Gray and Juvia were dazed "alright where are they Natsu?" smelling and sniffing Natsu ran off towards the docks "give back Happy you cat thief's" realising that Happy wasn't with them Haruta too was concerned, as they got on a boat with Natsu refusing till (bam) hitting him on the head he fell in the boat "sorry but we don't got time for this Natsu i don't know whats going on explain to me on the way" as they set sail Lucy started explaining that Erza was kidnapped by people that were supposedly her friends from a while back, after telling him Haruta nodded "(so i really did miss a lot of the show, man now i wish i bought premium on AnimePlanet)" face palming for missing a few episodes he felt annoyed at himself "hey um what is that?" as Natsu pointed out the giant tower in the distance, the rest of them were shocked at the size "the tower of babble...." wondering what it was Lucy said its name well Haruta observed it "okay water girl make a water bubble and take us to shore" hearing this Juvia became depressed "water girl!?!" making the bubble they set for shore

a few moments later

"COME ON LETS BEAT THESE GUYS ALREADY" spotting guards Natsu was about to engage "no if we alert them then we may put the prisoners in danger we'll find a way around, come on" with Lucy and Gray saying that Juvia popped up from the water "i've found an entrance underwater" freaking them out Haruta scouted the rest "okay you guys take the secret entrance and try not be spotted k im taking the front entrance later" before they could speak they saw a shadow moving figuring out some more specks to his power "okay lets see where this guys going shall we" entering through a cave like entrance Haruta found it a slave fest with guards and people working themselves to the bone "i don't got time for this" going to another person through shadow form he started walking up a flight of stairs, into what seemed to be a hallway (boom) hearing an explosion Haruta sighed "you bunch of idiots, 1 job, 1, oh well might as well start" jumping out of the shadow the guard spotted him "GUARDS INTRUDER HE-" (slam) slamming his head into the wall a form of 12 guards came to his location, making 5 swords of black energy and coating them in lightning, he sent them at the guards (boom) (bzzt) (zap) as they were easily defeated he made his way towards a room however interrupted another ravage of guards came, a lot at that matter "damn my luck" as he coated his body in magic he filled his hands with lightning then opening his mouth "haven't done this in a while ABYSMAL LIGHTNING ROAR!!!" sending out a roar of black lightning shaking the whole tower and ending all of the guards in an instant black smoke came from his mouth

Back with team Natsu

"ahh i think were spotted" as Lucy found all guards looking there way "you think? well than time to cool some air of" as Gray formed ice in his hands "ALRIGHT TIME FOR A FIRE FEST" coated in fire Natsu was ready for combat "my Darling watch as i take out the foul enemy" Juvia still obsessed with Gray, they started attacking all the guards however after taking them all up suddenly they felt a surge of power and a loud roar thundering throughout the tower as it started shaking "what was that?" wondering what it was Natsu was confused "i gotta wonder it must be Haruta" as they got even more pumped they found an entrance right for them however it was starting to close quickly going up the entrance just making it, "Master who is that?" shaking was a blue long haired individual speaking to a man in a chair he was currently clenching the end of one of the arm rests "who is he indeed? no matter the plan will continue as per say however im sending you guys out early you and Fukuro shall take care of him" saying so another figure came out as he was a rather large ma-bird man with a pair of jets on his back this was Fukuro of the Deaths order and apart of the raven tail guild, as the long blue haired man suddenly changed and was now a sort of rock punk guitar wielding man this is Vidaldus Taka "ALRIGHT LETS SEND THIS FOOL TO HELL" as they both were ready for combat

currently in a homey and lively attitude was Natsu and the gang as they ate away in a room already prepared with food "WOULD YOU STOP EATING" with complaining by Lucy about them taking the situation not all too serious they started talking about whats going on and there next plan of attack to get Erza out of here however as they were suddenly a bunch of guards showed up behind them getting ready for a fight, however was cut short as the enemy was cut down with little to no effort by Erza as it seemed she broke out from the latches of this place worried and happy the gang ran over to her as Natsu seemed concerned about Natsu running off after Happy with Erza trying to stop him however he had already rushed off in a fit of anger "(sigh) i'll go get him you 3 stay here and wait for me" saying so in a weird tone they seemed worried about her "what how could you say that Erza were your friends alright, and friends don't just ditch out on each other and theirs no way im staying back well you go on by yourself damn it" with Gray concerned about Erza and the rest agreeing along side him, turning around she shed a tear that trickled down her cheek "please just stop" noticing this they became even more worried as she finally calmed down and explained her past with this tower as she was once a slave and Jellal acting different from how he originally was, after a few minutes of explaining what really happened someone came up from behind them

"don't lie, Erza don't you dare lie, tell them the truth, the truth about how you betrayed and left us behind Jellal told us everything" looking away Erza felt hurt seeing her old friend like this the once innocent kid she was friends with the blonde haired tan skinned kid Sho "don't try act all sympathetic with your lies Er-" as someone was by the large set of doors leaning on the wall with a hood and mask "shut your pathetic mouth" hearing the angered and annoyed voice they all turned to look behind Sho "H....Haruta.....?" as they all heard the clear anger in his voice Sho turned around also similarly angered "the hell you say, don't act like your apart of this just shut your mouth im talking to my long lost sister here" sending daggers at him he sweat dropped "sister? sister? who treats a sister like that huh? look at you acting all high and mighty, at least you got people you can call a family, at least you (bzzt) have people that care for you (bzzt) at least you still have someone that loves you (BZZT) at least.....your not alone" with a voice filled with sorrow and stopping he walked over to Sho making him retreat a few steps "if you think of her as family and you really new her than you would believe her without a second thought" as his lightning was retracted he went over to the set of doors once more "Haru-" as Erza was cut off by Haruta "im glad your safe i'll go on ahead i sense something coming or rather something directed at me" feeling the murderous intent he decided to take this on alone as memories past him once again clenching his fist angered and annoyed he disappeared from that spot "Haruta....." as Lucy and the rest were concerned seeing him like that there was nothing they could do but watch "sorry to appear so frantically but i missed my chance to show up" with the appearance of a rather large sized man with a metal looking helmet it was "Simon your here?" smiling and happy that Simon was there he explained everything that was really going on "will your friend be okay? i can't seem to pinpoint his location" worried they all look to each other with Sho angered and on the verge of crying Gray spoke "he's fine probably cooling so-(BOOM) yeah that's him" hearing the loud explosions they figured he was fighting "i hope your right Gray" with concern in Erza voice worried more for him