Chereads / Fairy tail and the Abysmal slayer(remake) / Chapter 14 - [Maybe? Maybe Not]

Chapter 14 - [Maybe? Maybe Not]

"Etherion canon ready to fire, sequence firing in 3, 2, 1, Fire" (boom) shaking the councils cathedral, with rubble as the building falling and crumbling, everyone became of panic, rushing for there lives out the door

"damn tired" panting and having trouble moving Haruta has over used his magic, leaning to rest on the wall he sat down looking at his hands, memories passing him, blood covered his hands "why, why did you do it" remembering that very day "tch, what a pain (hyup)" getting off the ground he was about to start moving till suddenly (BOOM) with the tower shaking abruptly he was wondering what happened quickly rushing towards an opening he discovered that something fired at the tower however as he looked around he realised it was instead of made out of old metal, branches and debree he saw shiny bright blue crystal "ether-nano? what's it doing here?" wondering he broke a piece off "damn, i better get going" starting to head upto the tower he, started hearing a commotion off something like a battle "(what's going on up there)" with fighting up top and an exhausted Haruta he finally saw the cause of everything, it was Natsu and Jellal fighting "(the hell did i miss....)" standing there not caring about the commotion he was currently in a thinking position, sitting down on a flat piece of ether nano crystal, he began pondering on what the situation could have possibly been "(hmm....seems i forgot a whole arc on fairy tail, i wonder what else i forgot)" with no one noticing he was there they carried on there battle, that was till Jellal sounded angry "I'LL END THIS HERE NOW SALAMANDER!!!" as he put both hands crossed over each other he started summoning a rather suspicious type of dark looking spell, spotting this Haruta found his source of energy till he saw Erza step in front of it, even more confused "(it doesn't look that strong....)" however the only reason it seemed that was to Haruta was because his power comes from dark kinds of spell and darkness it self, as Jellal released it he saw someone else step in front of it "(now some big dude? oh what ever, i am so not letting them steal my food)" disappearing from his spot there was now a fourth person there as Natsu and Erza spotted him "HARUTA!!!/ GET OUT THE WAY DUDE" (BOOM) as smoke engulfed the room everyone shut there eyes except Erza "Harut-" (munch) (munch) "wow thats actually pretty tasty way to recover my mood, yup foods always the go too(hmm i guess being on an empty stomach does affect the mind, who would've known)" as he stood there eating the blackish like magic every one else awed at the sight "Ha....Haruta?" turning around he was still eating "yeah?" answering with a straight face Simon and Erza fell back to the ground with her being exhausted and Simon out of pure shock and fear from that spell "YOU WHO AND WHAT ARE YOU?" interrupting his eating session Jellal was curious along with angered "(munch) (munch)" however not knowing that he was being talked to Haruta just finished eating "man that was pretty go-" rubbing his stomach and satisfied "im talking to you, you dare ignore me, LIGHT BURST" disappearing Jellal rushed towards Haruta quickly hitting him back, Haruta flew into a pile of etherion crystal "what, your too weak" (boom) with pieces of etherion being flung away Haruta stepped out with only a few marks " like cheap shotting people huh, thats fi-" with steps heard someone showed up "Gray?" appearing he seemed more or less similarly exhausted "yeah im here, and this guy it's time for you to be (sigh)" falling to the ground he sat there resting "(to be what?)" pondering on it only for a few seconds till Haruta felt an ominous feeling on the side of him quickly defending himself his arms were hit sending him a few feet backwards "hah you may have eaten my spell but your still nothing" hearing that Haruta grew annoyed "the hell dd you say you pesky annoying fly?" remarking back Jellal flew at him quickly sending a flurry of relentless hits at him "oh yeah, pesky fly huh? well this pesky fly is about to cause your death" defending himself Haruta was trying to find a way out till he noticed Natsu "HEY FIRE BREATHER A LITTLE HELP HERE?" hearing that Natsu was too tired finally taking a break he couldn't get back up after using all his magic energy "what the....useless, Gray? what your out too damn how about the bi-" (bam) being sent into the floor a few feet away Jellal stopped "hah, your nothing but a useless fool along with your fairy tail friends" hearing that Haruta looked at them "(friends.....? i have friends....? no if they new the truth, if they new than i....than i)" (bam) (boom) being hit again he was sent further in the ground "HARUTA!!!/ get up, we need you/ COME ON YOUR WAY STRONGER THAN HIM/ please Haruta, don't fail us" hearing this he felt more guilty "(i haven't told the truth, so we can't be friends, if i say it, if i do will disgusted,tch who cares i've been alone forever this won't change anything)" (whoosh) flying at Haruta again Jellal sent another hit towards him till "enough" disappearing from his spot Haruta was behind Jellal (boom) "im sick of this so get up you little fly, this fight i'll end it soon" being sent into a wall Jellal was in a little pain but so was Haruta however filled with adrenaline he couldn't notice it "hurry up i don't have patience right now" annoyed at his remark Jellal started dashing at Haruta with another flurry of hits however harder and faster than before Haruta couldn't keep up with the constant attacks "you still dare to flaunt such arrogance to me, you'll end this, how will you when you can't even touch me, before was all luck, nothing else" blocking and dodging Haruta started to feel for his insticts "(sense him, feel him, the magical energy he produces the speed, the sound, everything)" (grab) as Haruta grabbed Jellal hand surprising him he quickly flipped him onto the ground getting on top of him he quickly unleashed a large amount of magic energy (bzzt) (boom) "" falling to the ground, he took a rest with Jellal unconscious next to him everyone sighed in relief as they lay back down "(that was a real pain)" looking at his guild members he wondered "(could they handle the truth? no only the master knows, i shouldn't tell them)" taking his time, after a while he stood back up along with Simon and Gray "thank you friend of Erza for the help" bringing out his hand for Haruta to take, Haruta took it "no problem big guy, anyway we should leave Gray you carry lava brains i got Erza" hearing that Simon stepped up "no need i'll carry her" nodding his head Haruta started walking over to Jellal "as much as i hate the idea, Erza seems to know you, well from my standing point so i'll let you live" grabbing him they left towards the exit till suddenly

(rumble) (shake) with the tower shaking again bubbles started to appear "damn were leaving grab on to me now" wondering why the decided to trust him, grabbing onto him Haruta searched for the boat through the shadows, disappearing he appeared at shore "jump in" with everyone jumping on he threw Jellal on however he realised not every one can fit "damn just grab me for whoever can't fit im trying something that may or may not kill me" worried they all grabbed him slowly (rumble) (shake) "okay here goes nothing"