Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 628 - Chapter 18

Chapter 628 - Chapter 18

Leaving nothing but only the bone itself as oscar saw wow he's full just as the hostess arrives through the outside door spotting oscar having finished everything in his plate only a big piece of bone left behind as she ask oscar would he like anything else or is that all for today he says no that's would be enough to satisfied him about a couple hour's as she bring in the huge receipt for the meal they just had she ask oscar if he wants this meal could be free for him and his friend so they won't have to pay oscar ask why would the meal be free to him and his friends hostess reveals that anyone who can do the huge chicken leg challenge get to choose a free meal whenever they visit there restaurant like a coupon to say so will he like to use the coupon today or another day to come oscar say another say please the hostess gives a small coupon to him saying here you go so who will be paying the bill for today formu say me raising his hand up in the air the hostess gives him the bill as formu sees how much he has to pay today saying if only oscar would've used the coupon today what a horrible student he has taken under his wing taking out his credit card.

Saying to the hostess take out twenty-five dollar tip for herself she has been a kind waitress to them as the four of them get up from there chair leaving out the outside gate with formu being the only one to follow the hostess to the inside of the building to get his credit card fast before everyone leaves him behind oscar and the other two walk away from the restaurant there belly being huge saying okay that hit the spot oscar then ask tion will be really show him all his known aura techniques for tommorow battle tion say of course he has too and will gladly do it since he has proven himself worthy enough to tryout the moves against the officer's who will be launching a full on attack to the nearest village and cause even more harm to the villagers than before tion say to conn will he like to practice a few aura techniques with them so he can be good in supporting the villagers defense from any enemy monk's willing to cause them harm for no reason whatsoever conn say okay when they starting to practice advance aura lesson then tion say right now lose the fat they just gain by working out with training formu reaches them sounding.

Out of breath saying why didn't you wait for me you bunch of assholes he was calling out to them from the very beggining as they walk up the snowy mountains and the long flight of stairs reaching the big metal doors letting them in as they see one of the monk runs up to them in a hurry but urgent way holding on to something in his hand that looks like a scroll having the injustice believer insignia on it formu ask the monk where did this come from the monk explains he was cleaning outside earlier and suddenly out of nowhere a man wearing a cape hood on making his face undetectable drop off the scroll saying to him it's for formu he says thank you brother monk who walks away as he starts to open it he see writing on it he begins from the beggining paragraph saying how he already know one of his own disciples have betray there cause and temple he says he wants them to bring him to the village tommorow for a trade he leaves them alone for a long time and he gets to give punishment to his former pupil saying he had high hope's for him that he was not a liar like many have told him conn ask the group will they turn him in for a couple day's.

Of freedom or without worries about an enemy attack formu say no he knows that this fotone is already lying if he's a huge believer like he says he is then he will not disappoint his master jester and attack tomorrow afternoon as plan along with the trade off that will most likely be a trap with the first officer waiting for them to arrived formu say there's more to the scroll reading down the second paragraph formu says fotone knows all about them hiding one of the chosen one name oscar perez from the injustice order like a bunch of cowards they are he wants his head on a platter to show off to his king for a chance to meet face to face also they will not let them surrender to him cause it wouldn't be any fun at all since his men want a battle to the death so please do enjoy your last couple day's alive and the third paragraph says only the strongest will survive so anyone who is alive will be under his rule or they can die like prisoner's formu burns the scroll with his aura energy saying really threats what a weasel he is can't come to the front door to tell them in person he has send a messenger wow formu walks out through the hallway telling tion.

He will come up with a plan to help them in this past coming day's so he will taking his leave to his own room so no one bothers him got it tion say yes sir with conn and oscar staring at him saying so one to ten how fuck are they tion lies saying they will make it through just believe in the temple master plan okay oscar and conn say fine they will trust his judgment but deep down tion say it's close to nine about to reach ten on how fuck they are as the three of them go to the training ground with the open ceiling that reveals a beautiful snowy day lighten up there battlefield for them tion gets to his side of the field with both oscar and conn taking the other side preparing there stance with tion saying they know about sensing and hiding there aura energy right both say yes but tion say wrong there's another level to it he's about to show right now as he start running toward the duo clashing all over the battlefield with such intensity that can be heard from formu room who's bowing down to the same old bronze statue asking the man who's his master what or when will the time arrived that he would be able to become his right hand man again.