Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 567 - Chapter 26

Chapter 567 - Chapter 26

Returning back to the real world seeing around spotting his roommate carl on his own bed resting up already for tommorow festival game round as he takes his spare towel taking a long needed hot bath to clean his sweat and dirt off his body to be clean again like before as he rest his back on the tub filling it up to his neck after he has washed his whole body and hair he relaxes with his bubble cover tub saying this is what he needed all along he takes a deep breath of air saying to himself that he misses his own bathtub back at his room bunker base along with his crew brother's who we're his only family that he knew of saying he wanted to be like the second strongest aztlanian in the crew tony aztlan he is what he hopes to achieve in the near couple months or year being both smart and good at reading people through their battle as he falls asleep for a few hour's getting out the tub into the room he dries himself off picking up the pair of shorts inside the drawers and putting on some of his pajamas to sleep in as he goes to bed saying goodnight carl before closing his eye's falling quick asleep as karl and his group arrived at there temporary base finishing up there own preparations.

Before hiding out in there own hidden base with each person saying what they had done today karl smiles saying in two day's they will commence the attack against the dragon king and dragon queen alongside kidnapping the little princess over to there side without anyone knowing what happen to her since they will be busy dealing with two insane dragon's who are attacking there own kingdom and it's own people for no reason at all saying go to sleep because they are going to need it for tommorow game's as the night goes by making it morning already everyone waking up at ten or earlier like the king and queen also princess telling the worker's to get the stuff setup for everyone arriving soon the food tents and shopping tents while they work on the judge's commenters tent for the three of them saying they have thirty minutes before the people start getting here for the dragon king festival game's after the alarm goes off to let them know it will start so watch in person or from there home's as both carl and felix hear couple knocks outside there room door calling out to them to get up and get dress they have to go now they are twenty minutes late to eat breakfast.

So make it quick both warrior's fall off there bed putting on there set of clothes that they was wearing yesterday saying thursday morning feels not that bad brushing there teeth quickly as they head out to the door opening it all three get teleported to droon kitchen table who is seen waiting for them with food ready for them to eat together devouring it all droon telling them they have around five minutes before they get transported to the open town area for the festival news the king will give them about the third round game's along with a sneak peek about the fourth round game theme as they finish eating there food and drinking there own beverages droon teleports them to the big open town arriving just in time to hear the king talk about the start about the third game saying hope you guy's like fresh potato because that's today game theme every contestants look at one another saying potato it can't mean that but king festol finishes the sentence saying yes it's hot potato time showing off a bowling ball size potato that has a timer on it saying one minute but it's not counting down just yet telling them the three important rules one they stick to whoever get hits by it.

Doesn't matter if your a person or a thing so better dodge it while you can but they can still be removed off there own body before it blows up on them before time runs out on them second rule is that they will be more and more potatoes that will spawn inside the arena every thirty seconds until the twenty minutes are up and third final rule is no power's just your own skill and ability shocking everyone at the same time saying what king festol tells them to go into the pad teleporter to be transported into the arena as they all arrive queen festiana show's the eleven participants picture on the screen to show who is still in the game as they all hear the countdown before the zero three bowling size potatoes fly out the ground at the same time each player look at one another saying so who's gonna go chase after the potatoes on the floor seeing the one minute start it's countdown starting to scared everyone saying so they either wait until more show up or throw it to someone so it can stick to them right as the countdown hit zero three player's grab the potatoes seeing it only has about thirty seconds left on them before they blow up everyone jumps out the way.

While the three player's who has them throw it to the most crowded crowd scaring everyone who say dodge it now hearing ten seconds left till the countdown felix uses his strength to lift a wall in front of his team to defend them from the blast radius about to happen while karl and his team hide behind a huge pillar that will defend them the others player's who threw the hot potatoes try to hide best as possible but some are unfortunate who are caught inside the blast taking them out of the third round game king festol says wow almost four player's have been eliminated will you please enter the pad to be transported here thanking them for participating and reaching this far with there skills alone as queen festiana talks through the mic saying only two groups stand in there of way of victory and to reach the fourth round before the fifth round happening saying this is suddenly getting more interested saying three more hot potatoes plus other three will be drop into the arena so play ball or don't there choice as they see the ball once again start the countdown from one minute from now and the bigger clock hit just barely fifteen minutes as they see the ball start to appear again.