Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 568 - Chapter 27

Chapter 568 - Chapter 27

Everyone from both team start to run towards the potatoes trying to catch them and stick it to the enemy so it can blow up in there faces felix gets one throwing it all the enemy boss karl who catches it midair before throwing it at carl who is seen dodging potatoes left and right trying to not get hit by them as he see karl ball come to him he catches it with his bare hand noticing the timer countdown to already twenty seconds telling his team they have to make this work fast for there favor telling them throw it at them now as they all do while karl team have potatoes on them also throwing them at felix team who use the colosseum strong building as cover blowing up causing a huge explosion to knock them all back and cover the whole arena to be covered in smoke plus dust coughing up felix sees many more potatoes show up in the arena while king and queen talk about what is going at the moment saying this battle can go either way saying ten more minutes so hold on strong before the third game is over for good as they continue on with the hot potatoes game's with each member doing there best to not fall behind or let the team down.

King and queen talk about the play by play saying fourth round game will be great now since there's only two team left to decide once and for all who will be going go the fifth round with each other until it's time to fight captain droon in the final two round felix smiles saying he is having so much fun princess talk about each person from each team finally landing on felix character description where she takes a deep breath saying while smiling that he is a weird guy but he has heart and spirit to keep on going until the very end no way in stopping him or his will in order to be the strongest in the whole world as everyone looks at the princess who is turning red on the cheeks before telling her parent's to start talking cause she is done with commentary for now as couple more potatoes show up every thirty seconds making it harder and harder to avoid them all together saying without power this is all meaningless getting worry about the more bomb potatoes almost reaching them while they keep the opposite team away from them altogether as the countdown continues for couple more minutes with king festol saying this is the last minute and half the arena is cover with potatoes.

All hitting zero at the same time right about now the explosion knocking everyone back against the wall or anything they hit there back against as the smoke clears out making everyone who is watching this get closer to the screen to see who has survived or who was knock out the game as the smoke clears out once again with forty seconds left in the clock with even more hot potatoes that show up inside the arena counting down from one minute felix and his group get up at the same seeing the other side karl and his group have already gotten back up and are holding onto the hot potatoes on each hand smiling at there defeat saying any last word felix says just two actually drago art dragon wave hitting the ground with his own strength alone knocking the karl team group out there own feet and falling to the floor letting go off the hot potatoes in there own view as they have there shock faces with fear only felix group all smile pointing to the clock timer that hits zero turning off the ten second countdown on the potatoes bombs saying they have won all two team members king festol says he can't wait for the fourth round to start in about thirty minutes.

So they can have some break to cool down and celebrate there wins on today round as the two team transport to the huge town area full of shop's and tents completely full of tents house's with small game's or supplies to buy from all over the world region karl group leave soon as they arrived at the town saying they have thing's to do alone so no one bothered them until the time hits zero to let them know the fourth round of the dragon king festival game's has started got that felix says he can't to see them in the next round waving at karl proudly karl sees this saying don't worry our fight gonna be legendary one to remembered felix group pull on felix arm telling him let's go enjoy ourself while the king family go out to eat delicious treat or see the many stuff they could trade for since they don't much travel the world unless the injustice order calls all leader meeting into the council room inside the floating island called the holy kingdom region rule by none other jester humane once having smith as his last name but now it is humane weird he says but queen festiana say don't worry about that princess festia agree with her father saying hopefully they won't get called by them any time soon.

King festol say they will he had gotten a reminder email about them all gathering to have a meeting in the council room with all known leader for the injustice yearly talk they must do every three year's since the attack happen on twenty-sixteen and now they are using it as there date for twenty-nineteen festia say she hates having meeting with them cause it always go sideways for anyone who disagree with ruler jester across the town felix can hear there conversation saying so two year's from now will have another meeting hopefully they have forgotten about them continuing to have fun with both nuon and carl eating while playing smaller games for not so good price's along with horrible cheating involved as they have seen half the store's felix groups have taken a seat on a park bench to enjoy the hot weather with a smooth air breeze saying that drago art move help them out at the last minute before the timer ran out now curious what will the fourth round be the king says carl he was actually glad that there was two team's and not more could it have to do what they are playing next round nuon say maybe but what game's have need for whole two team's.