Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 297 - Chapter 42

Chapter 297 - Chapter 42

Help out the people they will need him more than ever and her final advise is treat his two daughters in law we'll or she will come back to beat him up david smiles telling his mom that he is so grateful to have been born to her and his father he will never ever forget them crying more saying he hopes he can make her proud of his future achievement that she will see from heaven and thanks for bringing him back to his senses and mess up reality he will handle the rest as magaly completely dissapears from the dream she tells david I love you my junior calling him by his nickname the whole world breaking apart behind david who says he will end this now smiling and wiping off his happy tears as nagi picks him up by her tail about too devour his flesh david power's up firing an air roar into her mouth blowing her up getting away from her grip nagi ask in shock what the he'll happen why isn't he under her illusions like before david smiles saying he had some help but nagi just say enough game's he will die tonight but david powers up more flying behind nagi without her noticing what just happen landing a couple punches and kicks all over her unable to defend herself from a stronger and faster david.

She ask what happen inside the dream illusion that made him this much strong david say his family and friend's but nagi say no way she has always stood in the top no matter who she killed family and friends alike are all meaningless to her rule and she is stronger because of it david says nope she is weaker because of it flying towards her and hitting her with a air blast in her face blinding her giving david the chance to go behind her back and wrap his arm around her neck and back putting her in a headlock whike wrapping his feet on her side taking this moment of her confusions to lift nagi into the sky with all his speed reaching the clouds in matter of seconds david say he still needs more distance from the ground the twins and alexa finishing off the remaining naga while some leave into the endless forest nagi yells out from the top of her lungs too save her now or she will die but the naga say they don't have the forces to save her as david tell her this ends tonight powering up to his aztlan force finally reaching 50% he uses his own energy inside him as a bomb to blow up both him and nagi together nagi sees this happening before her saying to david she is so sorry about hurting.

The village people she will go back to the endless forest if he show's her mercy just this once she won't return ever but david say liar gathering more and more power and energy almost creating a sun like orb in midair over the naruto village both paros and mayor milled watch in awe as they see david taking down the nagi elder for good cheering out his name outloud along with the villagers who have come back home from the cave david hears this smiling saying now is time to end this letting go off all the energy he had in stored inside his body blowing up both himself and nagi as both get overtaken by the bright light david begins to smile while nagi screams in terror and fear saying before being killed off completely leaving no trail of her body or soul no more david let himself get overtaken by the huge blast and bathes in the bright light closing his eye's saying goodbye too everyone as the bright orb dissapears from the sky everyone from the village begins to smiles and cheer loudly for their survival and win against the nagi pack celebrating their new savior of the naruto village saying his name david david david all through the night.

As the night passes by quickly all the villagers going to sleep inside the underground cave safe house while the guard's and mayor milled help fix the home's for the villagers spending all the night working nonstop until they have finish atleast half of the repairs to the village as this is happening alexa calls out to the twins asking them to bring a healing potion from either the temple or from their own inventory oldre say he has just one in stock right now so david is lucky he didn't need it after fighting the wave after waves of naga pack none stop giving the bottle to alexa who uses her mouth to take the top of and telling david to open his mouth and drink this potion but he isn't responding to her or the twins so alexa drinks the whole potion and holds it inside her mouth before putting her lips into david lips so she can get him to swallow the potion with her help as this is happening both twins look away saying wow she actually didn't hesitate to find a way to kiss david even though he's out cold at the moment he won't be able to remember this nice kiss from her as alexa finishes pouring all the potion down his throat she gets up giving him some space to wake up.

But a couple minutes passes by with nothing happening youn ask oldre is david by any chance dead alexa turns to him with a strong glare scaring him saying he is sorry about his comment he will make it he has a strong will to fight no matter what as they all continued staying by his side waiting for him to open his eye's as this happens back in the endless forest the naga pack pick up the remains of their nagi elder after finding her body in the lake who is near death and really wounded leaving only her small part of her body alive and her head with the brain still intact saying it's a miracle she survived the explosion but she will have her revenge against david aztlan asking her children to give her their flesh and bones so she can heal properly but a voice from the shadows tells the naga children to not even think about reviving her back she is dead to his master plan as they leave her on the ground backing up the dark silloute figure revealing no other than erik himself with his general azul who received her signal asking the naga pack is this all that's left of the naga pack a naga responds to his question saying yes sir erik point's to him saying now he is the pack leader and he better not reveal.