Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 291 - Chapter 36

Chapter 291 - Chapter 36

Who uses his attribute to out maneuver the incoming attacks david arrives just in time teleporting in front of lodicolo who's caught off guard taking the full attack of zeus cannon blowing up the whole area as david gets clear of the smokescreen he looks at himself first to make sure he doesn't have any mark on him but he senses an increase in power from lodicolo that makes him a bit unsure of the situation in hand as the smoke clears out revealing lodicolo with a new form bigger and muscular taller than him along with some familiar changes the hand and feet have webbed on them plus the tail like he's underwater but still on land david ask lodicolo what's this new form about and what does it do he is curious smiling lodicolo charges at full speed not leaving enough time for david to escape away from his tight hand grip choking him then pushing him across the bubble wall making david unable to take air being choke until he gives up or fall unconscious but he won't give up just yet asking lodicolo if that his final form saying yes to his question david power's up to aztlan force 49% pushing away his opponent after removing his hand away from his throat coughing up and spitting on the floor.

Saying that was close on his part cracking his neck both warrior laugh at each other hidden form that they kept hidden just incase they wanted to get serious or not rely on it david say the second part was for him he wanted to get more stronger in base form while not relying on this form so he can see how far he has risen since little lodicolo say this is just for incase he has to take a risk and fight for his squad david say he respects those who would put down their own life for other's with no hesitation smart or stupid decisions just the leap of faith david power's up telling lodicolo that they would have to finish this fight soon or they would be late to there home and they don't want that charging toward one another screaming with all there might creating a attack in there hand until they reach in the middle clashing with there attack creating a strong wave around them as the light calms down revealing both warriors floating on water on there back laughing and giggling about how much fun today was both giving each other a fist bump knowing they have become rival's even good friend's over the match david gets up standing on the water looking up at the sky with a sigh.

Saying so will they ever meet each other again for another sparring match like today lodicolo smiles still laying on his back say he hopes this was much more fun than doing bad stuff instead of stealing from incoming boat's or ship's david say so he lives around here lodicolo say no they would have to go way down into the sea to make it to there underwater city like real deep barely touch by the sun light but they still get some ray to help them out in the dark david marks the place with his gadget on his wrist so he know where to go for a rematch david ask so how many cities do they have in this sea area lodicolo explain that there's many city's all over the sea but the main one is the biggest and richest of all cities there people call it the long city of atlantis david gasp in shock and surprised saying so it was real all this time yep say lodicolo but it's not a city anymore but a massive kingdom with four major city's surrounding it like pillars to protect the people from outside danger the four major cities are own by former kings who have lost there sea kingdom thanks to the human killing off sea life and polluting the ocean where they live and grown so now they work under the king of atlantis.

To prevent the same thing that happen to there kingdom happen to this newly created home for their people and legacy david ask so they can go to atlantis kingdom any time he wanted yes say lodicolo he explains that the kingdom pay them good money to gather any valuable stuff or resources to help them stay hidden by the humans so yeah they would kill him if they see him coming to there kingdom and execute him as a threat to there people david say that sounds amazing another kingdom underwater they must have strong warriors right lodicolo say yep the strongest he can even hold a candle to them they just that strong but even if they can fight equally he will be in a disadvantage from being so long deep underwater and the pressure might do more damaged than he thinks so he has to rethink about going to kingdom alone he can come with him next time he has gathered some resources smiling casually knowing he will steal again david ask so is the king a good guy or bad guy he has to know if he treats his people and it's territory right lodicolo say he is alright but he can't focus all his forces to the farthest city's out their range.

So he has some squad of guard's sent to help them out for a bit then they leave lodicolo explain that the oceans are split up into four areas by the four former kings and queen to watch over so they help anyway they can but you know the humans keep on killing the sea with trash and harmful substance david say he feels kind of bad for not thinking about the people who live under the water lodicolo say it's what they do but they try to clean some area out for the children and elder david wow they are just helping each other out for their sake so they must be human like species in atlantis kingdom lodicolo say yeah they can breath underwater from there gills on there neck and move faster than he can when he changes his form underwater david say what else is living underwater he must know he is curious but before he can talk lodicolo say he will reveal some thing's and some that he can tell to an outsider got it david say yes ready to listen lodicolo say the atlanteans are normal looking human's with gills that just about it about them the four kings are made up of atlantean human also but there three kings and one queen who husband die so she become the ruler for her own people.