Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 107 - Chapter 21

Chapter 107 - Chapter 21

As he headed down to the basement to look for any clue on the thing he was looking for as he search every inch of the basement as he let his guard down for a moment he was blasted away thru a wall hitting it hard as he try to get a good look on the attacker's he couldn't see there face since they we're wearing black mask and body armor along with many weapons and gadgets as he tries to escape a more bulkier armor person with a skull painted on his mask caught him by the throat and threw him in the ground hard leaving a small on it as rynx tries to get back up the bulkier man standing by the door in his way tell his men to get ready and leave the area now since they we're infiltrated by a pet as everyone grabs there stuff heading out into a portal the bulkier man smiles telling the him that he's gonna be stuck here forever throwing a small cube object in front of him as rynx tries to run the box open immediately sucking up everything alive into it rynx tries to beg for his life telling him to let him go free he is sorry to enter his home the man turns around showing his back to rynx saying he's kind are the reason what wrong with the world and he will exterminate them all even if it cost him his life.

As he leaves a child appears looking thru the door rynx tell the child to help him he's innocent as the child get closer to the stairs the man grabs his hand telling him to not get fooled by this monster or he will die the child shakes his head saying he's sorry to his uncle as they dissapear from the door too entering the portal rynx grip loosens up every time the box opens up more until he has one finger grabbing onto the ledge he gets pull into the cube closing immediately being trapped inside for eternity or until someone manages to let him out rynx says that his story on how he got stuck inside the cube that turn into a chest to conceal it's identity form anyone who might come insode to the cabinet and look in the basement david says he glad he didn't get fooled by the mind tricks of the chest he turns around quickly looking at the ruxn asking him how did he actually escape since he didn't touch or get near the box rynx says that he used the remaining energy he had to send messages to his head so that he will atleast get close enough to the chest to count as a physical contact as he was about to touch it but he back up saying he's not gonna get fool by a dumb chest.

As he upstairs rynx absorbed some of his energy to force open the chest since his power alone wasn't strong enough as rynx took all night to figure a way to force open the chest he was finally free escaping the hell hole once for all as he goes upstairs heading to david room to kill him as he got in front of the door he opens it slowly as he enters spotting the person who didn't help him escape he was about to attack him but he realizes that he's tired and wants to regain his energy so he decided to hold off the kill until later on the today and falls into sleep next to him david gets a little mad after hearing his so buddy wanted to kill him when they first met rynx says he was crying and screaming in pain for a whole day and he didn't nothing about it david says be was just following the three rules his grandpa told him when he was younger don't touch anything suspicious or try to open it since there might be something evil inside it rynx get up on his shoulder telling him thanks for helping him escape even thoe he didn't want to david just scratches his head saying anyone with a heart would've done it but not alot of people survive the cabin only a handful did because there we're monster's with raw strength.

And two human's survive also because they were serving under the female emperor he was working with they were looking for him they did but they couldn't find him so they left and told the bad news to the emperor david ask rynx who is this powerful female emperor he keep talking about and is she still alive rynx says she can't aged so she might be still ruling her own territory's unless they was a war between them and some other group but he doesn't know the detail or the daily news so they have to find a village so they can get the today's news and figure out what happening in the world and be couple steps ahead anyone so they won't get caught by the authorities and the royal family guards or any bounty hunters who might be tracking him to the bunker base david tell rynx that they will head out and explore the closes village and find anything good that they can take and grab the today news so they know what is the big talk around the world and make sure there not putting the team and his future family in danger rynx says so he just gonna defeat the android robot name neo who once was there good a.i friend who did everything for them in the old bunker base before the huge world changed.

And he turn against them to find a body and do whatever he pleased david says he right about that but he understands neo decisions he just wanted to be more and also free from the computer monitor that he was inside for so long but he will help everyone like his friend neo and his buddy right next to him rynx says don't make a promise to him if u can't keep it but david raises his hand making thumb up saying he will keep his words no matter what he is a honorable man who cares about his family and friend's alike so there's nothing to worry about rynx just says he will hold him responsible for finding him in the past as they both get dress in all black attire david ask his buddy if there's anything he could add to the outfit so that he would look mysterious rynx put a finger to his little chin and snaps his finger saying a cape would look so cool on his outfit he's wearing david ask him if he knows any place that sells cool cape rynx says no but he smiles saying he might know who have one this moment as rynx explains that his older self has a old cape in his room but they have to be real stealthy to get it without the three of them catching them david says maybe he can get it since he doesn't have a strong presence and won't be caught by their haki senses.