Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 108 - Chapter 22

Chapter 108 - Chapter 22

Rynx says find he will do it but he owes him a huge favor after this is over david agrees to his request saying he will do it after they get the cape from his future self in one piece as rynx enters thru the air vent david wishes him good luck and not get caught rynx says he got this as he crawls all around the vent looking for the right room after a couple of minute of exploring he finally finds the right room as he slowly opens the vent he slides thru it landing on there nightstand making sure they haven't sense him he watches them for a while making sure there not fake sleeping as he feels satisfied he starts to look inside there closet room finding the cape that he saw future david wear one day ago as he looks around getting mad and frustrated at the idea of not finding it he swings his tail knocking a bunch of clothes to the ground making a huge ruckus waking up alexa she stands up looking around getting off the bed she looks inside the closet a bit confused saying who knock the clothes down to the floor rynx is seen hiding under the bed making sure she goes back to sleep as alexa cleans up the mess rynx smiling watching her pick up the cape he saw older david wear.

As she put everything inside a drawer she folds the cape last putting it under the bed right next to him alexa whispers to him saying take care of the cape for her rynx comes out the bed asking if she knew he was here why didn't she tell the rest she put a finger to her lip saying that she can't stop david from exploring the world outside the bunker knowing how he is and she and steffy knew he would come looking for the cape so they decided to help them out a bit both smiling at each other rynx bows down thanking her and steffy for making this assignment easy alexa picks him up bringing him to the air vent so that he can go thru rynx enters before leaving he ask her why did they both fall in love with a idiot like him she laughs and smiles proudly saying that her and steffy know david ain't the smartest or brightest person in the world but he's the most caring person they have met and they wouldn't choose anyone else but him rynx senses that she is telling the truth and leaves waving goodbye with a smile on his face saying to himself he made a good choice being friend's with david as he makes it to there room david is seen waiting patiently on the bed.

For his buddy and the cape he was talking about as he hears something from the vent he goes to see if he has make it back safe and sound as he open the vent door rynx jumps onto his face clinging on with a cape in his mouth as they both fall down he ask rynx if this is the amazing cape his older self wears he shakes his head nodding as david grabs the cape from rynx tiny mouth he let him climp onto his shoulder too let him see it full view as david opens it completely he is amazed by how cool the cape looks saying it's the best cape he has seen in a long while saying it's better than the one his dad used to water when he was a bit younger hugging it tighly he says he can feel the presence of two familiar person strong love for him coming out the cape rynx says of course there wives are the one's who made it for him david says he is so lucky to have married them in this future timeline rynx says the same as david puts the cape over his head he cover his whole back and front side putting the hoodie on he ask rynx how does it look on him he says he looks like a real cool badass enemy to mess with when they explore the village closes to them.

So they can get the daily news and see what's in store for them as they sneek out the bunker opening the door slowly making sure the alarm doesn't go off and closing it behind them as he feels it safe to fly he flies toward the sky heading to the closes village in there area following the location that rynx is telling him making sure no one spots him in the air he land's by the village incase people get suspicious of him as he enters the huge village he sees around and is surprised to see a village full of monster's and so little human's in the same area as he puts his hoodie on he let rynx hide inside it making sure no one can see him as david speaks to him asking what does he know about this place and area because he's not from around here rynx explains that ever since the world order died along with most of the human's race the dark order took over the whole world and the old president leader jester spread his way of thinking to the rest of the his followers telling them to take over the world and make this planet their own since they been here since the beginning and they started a rebellion killing of the human's one by one and destroying what they have created.

David says that's mess up how long did the war last for this to happen rynx says that it might've lasted a bit longer that he know since he was trapped inside the box for most of the time david says it's okay he couldn't do anything while he was stuck as they keep on exploring the market and restaurant inside the village they ask a gentleman if he has the daily news for today and yesterday the guy gives him a glance with a suspicious look but he just ignores it and give him the daily news telling him how much it will cost david pays for it before heading out as they keep on searching further more trying to see what else they can find in this village as rynx ask david what was it like in his own timeline he says that it was like this but with more humans and peaceful atmosphere rynx smirks saying it sound really boring david laughs with him saying it was better than just seeing destruction and old civilization destroyed before his eye's as they continue walking along in the dark night he see a bar and decides to head inside to take a small happy hour break as rynx agrees with him they walk in getting everyone inside there attention but davjd just ignores them all just walking into a booth.