Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 14 - Chapter 4

Chapter 14 - Chapter 4

As they return to the base david tell gramps yango why he send gabe to the mission if he knew he had no experience in fighting the supernatural gramps turns to his computer where he types something it shows 51 pictures of children's including theirs as they look around the file david speaks up by saying what is the worst prodigies project as gramps explains to them that they everyone in the worst prodigies project are related to him by blood and that they were turn into their race to help protect the future as the three brothers tried to gather everything that their grandpa told them david speaks up saying how many warrior race are there in this planet grandpa yango tell them truthfully that in total they are 54 of them but he tell his sons that him and the other two are nothing to worry about.

As the three brothers tried to regain their compusure they ask why not the three of them protect the future he tells them that when he was younger one night he had a sudden vision of the world been destroyed by an evil entity, but after that dream he discovered that fate can be changed to he decided to ask a powerful witch for help as they did the ritual he realized that he saw a bright future for the planet earth by creating more of them at that very moment he started to experiment using the technology given by her goddess friend that allows someone to charged someone dna after he just needed to find decents host to implant the aztlanians seed into the 51 children's so they can become into strong warriors and gain the dna from the seed changing their whole body system as gramps finish the story he looks back at them wondering if they have any question but no one seems to raise their hand as david ask when will the project prodidy commence grandpa yango looks back at his computer and sends a message to the other recruits telling them to meet up in the underground base.

As time passes by gabe realizes that it gonna be morning soon so he ask grandpa if he can skip the meeting with the others to go on a date with a girl he promise to take out to the movies surprise by his answer gramps tell him to be back soon and be safe gabe turns back asking if it's possible to used the transport machine to go home faster gramps turn in the machine and send him directly in front of his house as david and tony wait with their grandpa for the others recruits tony ask what are there race like yango tell him that back then before their race went extinct he tell them a story of how they had a whole galaxy colonize with multiple planet's david along with tony are awww by the tale of their mighty race he ask how strong they were he tells them that everyone had the same abilities to choose a attributes but he looks them in their eyes telling both of them that even though they can have attributes powers the real strength that each person had was that once u choose a attribute to inherit they become forever yours and only yours one else had the same attribute in their life.

As they continue asking more questions of their race yango tell them to go ovet to the training ground and he will send the other members as he stands up to open the door and bring them in david and tony decide to get their ready to used to they change clothes then head out to the training area and wait as gabe gets ready to go on a date after a warm bath he decides to put a light blue button shirt along with some gray pants and he about to head out he tells his mom that she will see her later the mom responds by saying to have on the date with rose she kisses him in the cheeks as gabe breaks free of her strong grip he grabs the car keys and head out on his date as he goes to his car he start it up then heads to rose house to pick her up as he knocks on the door rose dad opens the door to see him dress up and he ask gabe if he the one who ask rose out on a date he respond with a yes sir rose dad tells him that he's glad that he the one who ask out her daughter on her first date.

As rose dad ask gabe where they might be going on this date he tells him that he gonna take her to the movies and watch probably two movies and then take her out to eat then bring her back home rose dad starts to chuckle for a bit gabe ask if there a problem he says he not laughing at him but at his daughter confuse he ask what about rose her dad tells him that her daughter is a handful when it comes about food as gabe hears rose calling her dad telling him to not scared gabe rose dad tell him that he actually likes gabe an sees him as a good kid as rose shows up next to her dad gabe sees that rose is wearing a beautiful pink dress and he is left speechless by her beauty rose dad tells him to have her back by 10 30.

He says he will bring her daughter back home safe and with a smile as rose puts a arm around gabe arms he takes her to his car opening the door for me and closing it after that he gets on the car and drive off taking rose to the movie theather after couple minutes they make it to the theater they get off he holds her hand all the way to the entrance showing everyone that his date is the most beautiful as they pay for a ticket and get some snacks to eat while watching the scary movie as they watch rose gets scared gabe been smooth he tell her to grab on to him and don't let go she gets comfortable in his arms as she relaxes she grabs his hand and whisper to his ear telling him that she's happy and having fun been together like this.