Chereads / The legend Of The Creator / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

I name my son Pyrios and my daughter Keles I gave them random name, or did I. For as what they rule my son will rule heaven were people who have gain great power shall ascend to if they reach the limits of the physical realm, my realm for Keles, she will rule the cycle of reincarnation called the realm of re-birth that it official name but most would call it hell for one who go there will hear the scream of the dead

As for true hell for were evil people, the on that goes against my will, I haven't consider because if one is strong enough they can accended to god hood evil or good..But I have made plan for the few good people who will be form depend on one karma the good and the bad.Let say if one was a poor farmer but did good and helpful after they die in their next life they can become a village chief,become wealthy or have a good life, for does who have done evil it the opposite.

The two realm were equally powerful,with different purposed,Pyrios and keles can't enter the mortal realm if they do the power their body would leak and can destroy the place,as for me I don't leak stuff out.They are like the old truck from cars cartoon from earth and I'm like those race car.

I was pondering what direction I should go,magic,cultivation or even chakra or some bloodline after some intense thinking I wrote on a piece of paper that appear out of thin air and wrote my plan it took a few days or weeks

I teleported to my castle or my treehouse my building skill is low very low my son and daughter were here because there nothing in their realm to be done untill creäture with soul started forming, for reincarnate and for them to ascend that clearly not coming soon especially the latter.

I place the huge paper at the front of board ''So guy's this is my plan for the future,as your creator I apologies I wasn't born with good IQ what your taught's??''

Hearing my question, Keles smile. "Theoretically, you could make any kind of world system you wanted since you're the creator but since you said your low on IQ your intellection daughter shall help poor father.''she said proudly,Pyrios glance at her with distrain and continue looking at the plan.I myself felt nothing only regretting not reading novel and friction and only watch movies series but luckily I played some game,like GTA ..I fell more depressed now

''hehem.'' Shall I continue than' first After creating humans or wait for monkey or ape to evolved.And a good Idea I taught of is they can began developing powers of element that their environment consists most off.A example for my dear brother is if a species with soul let say human,was born and stay in a cold climate their body can absorb and control the ice or cold element better than one who live in a tropical climate.''

''While with this father can figure what powers would appear in that area.''she said proudly like a little girl she glance at me for a present.But this was a good strategy it will be like avatar but they can learn the main element or even other but they are proficient at one or more. After all element are not magic,magic are more mysterious and profound with magic one can summon the soul of the dead, control gravity but element are just the basic law but if you use both at the same time and control the element with magic it will be like adding fuel to flame [author:::guy got anything better to say than this line]

The second planet I plan on creating as a futuristic one, complete with space travel and fire-arms. Although they can't advance to god-hood a man with a good gun can kill a thousand-year old cultivator,but that for another time.

"Oh....well good girl kele dad will give you a present soon,''...lowering your IQ is a good present ''Pyrios got any taught on the matter ?" She didn't mention anything about the present but she was happy, Pyrios was the silent one but most of them are smart maybe he can be my schemer the brain such a thing would be good, right?.

''Father well since you clearly didn't state technology you want a magic or cultivation system all your plan are good and I think the 'Game system' is the best with it we be able to keep a tight hole on the inhabitant of the planet but I say we mix it with cultivation so that they can absorb true essence and ki to re-forge their body and the system to choose a path to walk on.''he said with a calm face after thinking for a while.I didn't thought of that.

''oh...well that what I have in mind, good lad your clearly my creation.''I laught and gave him a big huge because this boy and me had the same mind-set or a similar one Pyrios didn't know what to do and hug back.''dad were my hug.''keles said and flew away in rage ''well...should I chase her or not.''after following her and apologies to her, she came back oh and I gave her a hug too than we discussed for 1 hour more kele gave some crazy idea like making people gain bloodline magic but there would be incense involve I should protect myself against her devilish charm...

''Since it settle we will mix the game system and the martial cultivation,when they ascende they will not have the game system and only their cultivation and martial ability will stay.''I said

''Will they lose their power they gain through the system dad??'' kele inquired.At lease she leaning ''well all their point and skill remain but to get stronger killing monster for exp is no-no only training will make them stronger and even if I want to keep the system I don't have the power to control the heaven realm law nor I want to change it.''I said like I wise man it sounded wise in my head but in voice it was weird...I should create my body I'm tired in this soul state.

I wanted a physical body and now was the time…''how did you guy create your body.''I ask the both of them who were lazily rolling on the flow of the tree-house

''Just imagine your self dad,that how I was form I think but I wanted to be a flower.''she cry but me and Pyrios ignore her ''cruel hearted fellow!!.'' she flew away again ''being a father is hard,''I said slowly end even Pyrios feel pity toward me and soon I flew toward her and apologies again and gave her a big hug''your the best dad.''welll she 1-year-old even if she a god

When we return Pyrios said ''Dad just imagine your body and how it look or what you want it too look like.''he said not sure it may or may not work

Oh that straightforward let try. I closed my and saw my back side ''fuck.'' focus futon you can do it.I simply did my best to picture a godlike body can't have my son be better looking than me. now, so I may have...some muscle should add some abs 7 is good but coku has 11 so eleven it is than but that be odd I be better than coku than 12 it be.A handsome face will do I kept some of my original body features as a way to remember my old self.

After imagining the body,some flesh started growing on me from my cell to cell tissue to cell organ and soon organ system skin stated forming pale white shiny skin and long black hair a prince charming face that I stole from some famous people from earth,they probably dead now.My body shape was slim looking with good muscle structure with muscle my self-esteem reach god level right from the bat.

I look around and saw my son Pyrios looking at me with his big eye.I made eye contact and he look away it was odd and I taught don't tell me did he get some of my gay genes, heaven forgive me I felt pity and I pledge I will bring him to a trip-club and change him once and for all but that will have to wait but I hope his symptoms don't get worse.

While all these taught were going on in my head,keles has fled away from the disturbing sight of the creation of my body everyone would ''Pyrios were your sister, did she ran away again''?? he had a dumb expression and look around ''I'm sorry father but I do not know.''he bow in apologies''okay..than no problem,maybe she took a piss.''I clearly know that once one reach god hood you don't pee and shit..but I was lazy to look arround

I appeared out-side the tree-house near a big mountain I was in heaven realm which was colorful with trees and plant no animal could be seen better than my realm.I wanted to test the strength of my new body I could feel the un-imaginable power that my flesh contain,the surging power the pure muscle alone contain I soon made a fist and stood in a horse stand with both hand near my 12 abs and with a breath I gather all the essence in the surrounding 10 miles it was like a hurricane the could be seen from space

I felt the energy digesting in my vain greedily increasing my strength and I stop after 10 minute.I than only used my muscle and physical strength.I put a strain on my body muscle veins appeared on my arm and face the rock and bolder as big as hills started floating defying gravity which was 100 time stronger than earth gravity

The tree's and plant's started shaking and with a shout''harrhhhhhh.''A powerful push force send all the vegetation with-in 1 mile flying away with only physical strength and then I stopped and release the muscle left-over energy steam flowed out of my pores like smoke ''hehe he I'm quite stronge.''Pyrios who was near nearer by laught.What a bitch I taught he was good, well he can easy destroy a giant continent with a single punch but that only because he use his godly essence if you take away that essence destroying a mountain will be a far-strech for him

Let continue, I pure all of my strength into my right hand,away use my right hand to do stuff.With all the strength pure in it space around it was bending I let out deep breath with all my body strength my punch flew toward the mountain in front of me ''boom.'' countless sound of destruction was playing like a melodies and when the dust settled

The mountain was no more not just that the mountain behind the mountain was no more as well in stretch for more than 100 miles.I espected as mush not even saitama can compare with me' 'ha haha'' Pyrios saw me and look disturb for why was his father laughing did he like destruction will follow father path than I make him love me more than that witch keles.''Light and darkness aways contradict each other .

Okay… who among you destroy my flower garden!!''A scream were heard in the direction of my punch ''Pyrios see you and take care you know what to do.''I ran away yes I am a coward sometime and yes I sacrifice my son to the devil.I apeared 1000 miles alway be safe now.''

The wind change ''daddy'is that you,''goosebumps appeared as the creepy voice spoke behind me''I was betrayed damn you Pyrios''!!.nooo no no nooo...only my scream could be heard and untill the end I couldn't feel a think maybe it tickle a bit

After all that had happened,It was time for the physical realm first life.

A/N I forgot about this place