Chereads / The legend Of The Creator / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4

I stood there and watched in much anticipation as Eve give birth to its new-born kid.I glanced at the baby it was a baby boy,Eve face lost it painfull expression to happy one a wide smile appeared on her chuby face

Then, Adam took the baby from Eve arm and with his other hand he pull Eve up and opened the hut door, went out, and carried both of them to the golden tree, it was dawn a beautifull day it was as the golden light shoned on the new born baby with the colorfull snow surface the give a silver luster

''Futon we did it.''

A cheerfull voice was spoke, they stood their waiting for something. I should give them a gift huh. I reach my hand to the sky the snow started melting the cold wind became warmer the surrounding tree begain growing leaf with colorfull colors and this was spring I sped it up

''Are you ready Eve.'' Adam ask

''No regret.''

''Little one you will be name futon.'' Eve said smling

I stood there shock, keep in mind I was transparent' invisible' I can easly do it, A level 80 Assassin skill tree have it.I'm not dead why name your child after me Cain or abel will work well we' not on earth.

I have successfully help them It time to go.

Futon flew up. Along the two sides of the long golden mountain, there were closely fitted prisons, caged with tigers, dogs, cats, lynxes, bears, and other wild animals. As he walked past the animals, they roared madly, and some even charged towards the cage doors but how can they brake a silver with level 1 strenght

Every animal had been labeled with a serial number, together with their race and gender. he was planning which would become the very first generation of the beast kin; they would form the beginning of the Noids.

Futon was planning on creating the first half human race it was not his first attempt creating intelligent Creature he checked the health conditions of all the creature.

The various races of Noids that had been born included wolf, fox, tiger, cat, dog, bear, sheep, and several others. Including some reptilles, there were a total of 22 races. However, this was far from enough.

It was time I waited too long, I went to golden wolf cage with golden fur one of my upgrade I done. I glance into his red eye full of anger,''little wolf.'' it jump at me but the cage was closed sad thing, I open the cage and released a powerfull dark energy called the death mana

The wolf that was angry a momment ago was rolling on the golden sand like a innocent child.I reach my hand which touch the wolf head, The wolf didn't move or breath out of fear.I was currently inspecting his inner body''All good num 99.''

Futon pour his power into the wolf a little bit, and it started changing it body first was the inner body it heart started growing bigger his DNA was getting intangle with human ones.This was the 99 time he tried but it was harder than he thought

Some just explode, some become monster even difformed most of the time but this time I have conffident I can do it, The wolf body became bigger it face became in-ward untill it look human it was standing one two leg with less fur then before it paws became hands with a musclar body plus that golden hair

Even Adam would be jealous ''hello.'' the Noids didn't respond but look arround not knowing who he was or what he was or anything, Of course I removed it wolf memory which I had my reasons to do but all in all I was happy this was harder than Creating Teraut by alot and that was a planet

I soon created another wolf Noids which was female after Creating Kravas I got the hand of it for the wolf so I have a 100% fusion rate between the human DNA and the wolf DNA should I call it a Warewolf

I gave them the basic thing about making fire and hut sand the weather changes just like the first human but I didn't want to teach them any langauge I wanted them to create their own that would be interesting

My job is not done, there 21 other creature to Noids them!

It's been 10 year the first human made another 6 children 2 boy and 4 girls all in all including the first child Futon 3 boy and 4 girl. Adam is now level 23 and Eve is 17 because of taking care of the children which take most of her time she was lowest

Krava also did some healthy thing his lady made 12 children, They can easy get 2 or 3 baby in one pregnancy which is a wolf trait that ramain but was lower by alots, they now live near a small lake in the desert somewhere with has no name

And one good thing All the other 21 other species got created each with has a current population arroud 4 to 9 the lowest one is 2 that I just Created about 1 hour ago which are blood sucking bats which I made them similar to the so call vampire form earth. I spread them not to far from each other but not too close some were place near the middle boreder of the the north and the south

The thing's about the Noids that humna doesn't have is that they can transform to their ancestor but stronger depending on their level, which is not a adventage as not all of them can control it their primal instink to hate me just joking..

I had grown tired of living in the human realm and wanted to go to my children but didn't. now that my job is done for a bit I go take a look at there realm and them, during the decade all I did was prank Adam or play with futon in hiding and the other and troll kravas with some medical plant he pick in the wild like the plant I called the pink weed I made it to make one body hyper and a bit crazy.

The number of animal had increased significantly, from the initial hundred of thousand to now tens of millions. The original small pack split off and spread throughout the entire northen half of the continent., the animal in the south were developing as well gaint like worm and even sand whale with Developed on it own do to the magic system

Animal do level up but different, the more they kill the stronger they get but they don't have a status window only level 50 and above have one or may have them and also monster or the evolve animal have core inside of them with is made form their gather essence

Before I leave I went back to my old tree house which I lived in for year's but it was invade by the insect ants , they started appearing,forming growing in number but I counter attack with poison gas and grenade bomb I created, but that was bad Idea since the tree-house was blown-up

I pick up a rabbit fur I had in my secret bunker which was a hole in the tree I made, it was the one I kill back then with Adam it still look good as new, My first killed my First cloth I made with my own hand after staring at it for a long time, I left the house

In the jungle a 9 to 10 year old kid was sitting on a tree branch glancing at the vast sky ''Would I be able to conquere it one day.'' that a dream no way I be as stronge as dad or that ghost guy, if only a hot girl appeared that girl that came out from Eve is 1 year younger than me she pretty hot maybe I make her mine

''Who the ghost guy hhuh.''

''WHO THERE.'' with a shock the boy fell from the tree ''My ass.''he screamed in pained. Well man need strong ass futon, just like mine'' Hearing the voice Futon smile all his pain went away

''Mr ghost not anyone has ass fetish like you.''He stood up and walk toward me

''What should we do this time hunt some boar or steal some honey like last time,'' I didn't tell him who I was and made him promised not to tell his parent about me I just said I was a wondering ghost well it still work it been 4 year since we started hunting and playing just when I'm bored

But this kid is going the incest path well since I only gave them basic Knowledge I wanted them to discover on their own, I only thought them that when A kid come form you it your and the one that do that to you as-well to Eve and Adam and nothing about brother and sister let just forget what come next.

I wanted to create more human but, I wanted all the human will originate from Adam and Eve and if you think they lose to the Noids if they fight or even meet this world is not the small earth

''Nar none of that I came to give you this.''

What this ...a rabbit fur seriously, Well it is red those are rare ''Thank's I guess''

Well it very pressious to me keep it as memory of me I be leaving soon, got it kid.'' I said slowly like a wise man at leased what I thought it sound like

''I knew this day would come, no way a crazy ghost can stayed here for long, Adam told me,'' When someone die or something their soul or those that contain one will be pull out from the world forcefully at leased the weak one but the one that stayed the more they stayed the harder the pressure becomed

''Well this is goodbye for now, I see you soon at that time you be a man right,'' I reach my hand for a hight-five ''brotherhood'' we both said ''CLACK''

'hahha hah ha that was stupid.'' I started laughing

''haha well you thought me this.'' futon said awkwardly

My body started flow-thing to they sky'' Well it time.'' Soon my body dissapeard from they sky I just turn Invisible and flew down again

''I see you soon.'' he put the rabbit fur as a cape because how big it was, and he grab his spear ''You better come back and at that time I be a man.'' he screamed at the heaven ''funny kid gonna miss him, since all is done the day of rest has begain 'heaven here I come!! Didn't I miss my kid's birthday huh...