"Nice this forest isnt as bad as i thought it would be!!!"yelled sky,"SHHHHH WE MIGHT NOT BE THE ONLY DRAGONS IN THIS FOREST!!!!!!"Yelled tsunami in a whisper then suddenly the trees started to shake,"huh?thats odd the wind isnt blo-"Ruby was cut off by getting hit in the neck by sonething sharp then the same thing happend to sky,"SHOW YOURSELF!!!"Yelled ash then she jumped when a dragon popped out of nowhere,"hello weird dragon I am flutter and this is blue,who are you?"asked the changewing,"o-oh right im ash,this is Tsunami,and those two up there are my sister Ruby and sky the cloudwing!!"said Ash with her body close to tsunami just to be safe,"nice to meet you ash and tsunami also im sorry about your friends the lastime we had a visitor they weren't friendly...."whispered flutter,"oh well im sorry to hear that it must have been really hard on you...."Claimed Tsunami,"can we stay at your village for the night?","Yes miss tsunami you and your friends can stay at our village with us!!"Exclaimed blue,"ok I will catch up with you guys!!!"yelled Ash while they were flying off then suddenly two male dragon screams where heard and ash ran to where the screams came from and she found two claywings laying on the floor dead.
-at the changewing village-
"WHAT!!!!!THE ONE TIME I HAVE TO PASS OUT I HAVE TO PASS OUT WHEN THERE WERE DRAGON BODY'S!!!!!!!!!"Exclaimed sky stretching her nonbroken wing,"Uhm flutter I have a question!! Do you know where the flutterwings, flowerwings, and beewings are?"asked Ruby,"Uhm im sorry miss ruby but no there havent been any of those dragon in the village's in about 20 years...."said flutter,"Wait wait wait so your telling me that the one thing we came for besides to meet princess glory is not here!!!!!"Yelled tsunami "princess glory? You want to meet the princess?"Asked blue,"Yea why do you wanna know?"Asked Ash getting her venom ready,"No its just...something that is really bad....."Replied flutter," Blue one last question...what is the flashwing prophecy?"Asked Ruby,"Wait you really dont know!?!?!"Asked Blue,"See they wont be a problem to us they just will be a fly in our face*Laughs*"Laughed one of the flutterwings,"well untill they find the dreamstone.....then we can take them out...."Said the female flutterwing,"Dont worry fefe they wont bother your plan and I will make sure of it"Said one of the other flutterwings