Chereads / The dragonets book 1 / Chapter 8 - Chapter 8: the first queen

Chapter 8 - Chapter 8: the first queen

"Scarlina my friend good to see you!"Said Fefe opening her wings to hug scarlina, "My.....pleaser" stated Scarlina pushing fefe away from her,"lets make this quick time is death.","I found the dragonets and they are in the changewing forest as we speak"Said fefe,"Take me to them now"Growled scarlina then they flew off

-With the dragonets-

"I dont like this place its creapy"Shivered sky looking around the forest,"Dont touch the trees or the plants.There's a reason its called the poison jungle"Growled blue looking at the plant around them,"What!?!?! That's so cool you cant touch these "dangerous" plants when im standing on them just fine!!!"Growled a voice in the trees,"only afew plants are dangerous so dont worry touch anything you want just be careful for the-... mushrooms.....".Then suddenly purple eyes looked at the rabbit eating some tiny mushrooms,but it disappeared after a white light."H-Hey!!! Who are you!!! C-Come out now!!!"Roared tsunami putting her wing over ash making sure she is safe,"Well listen im not here to hurt you."said the voice"im here to join you but if not i will tell you something that can save your life!!","Well what is it?"Growled Ash,"Well fefe is coming and she will kill your friends if you dont yourself but i can save you guys if you wish!!!"Said the voice,"Well we dont wanna die so who are you and we will let you join us...."said Ruby then suddenly the dragon hopped down with her beautiful white scales and purple eyes,"Im ice nice to meet you dragonets!!!"she said smiling," now listen do you really think that the DRAGONETS OF DESTINY would let y-"then sky was cut off by ruby,"Of course you can ice we can keep you safe","R-Really?OH THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!"Exclaimed ice but with her tail she sliced a few trees in half.

-With Scarlina and Fefe-

"Where are they fefe!!!"growled scarlina,"t-they were here i swear!!!"whimpered fefe,"You wouldnt say that if you knew that I WAS THE ONE WHO STARTED THE CLANS!!!!!! I WAS THE FIRST QUEEN!!!!!"Howled Scarlina