Chapter 5 - Another

I've always been so useless, that's why I try to be nice. Nice to be excepted, I don't have anything that I'm particularly good at. I'm average all around. I'm not talented and I don't work hard to be good at something, plus even if I do it doesn't matter.

People who are talent love the things they are good at. That means they'll practise more and be better. People that's not good at that thing won't practise. What's the point? People who got the running start is most likely to win.

"To start, as long as you can use magic any elements are accessible by you, but you'd have one element that you'll be exponentially better at. Hmm... what else... right! There are 7 elements, fire, water, earth, wind, dark, light and magic"

Magic is an element? Weird... usually it's just the main four or six. What would you even cast if you have magic as the main element? I'll worry about that if I get it. How do you know what element you are?

"How do you know what elements you are?"

"Hard to explain... there are colours to your mana. You don't seem to be letting out any. Have you ever used magic or do anything supernatural before?" Ara looked doubtingly

Don't tell me... I can't use magic... don't... don't! I've always been average! Nothing special, a worthless piece of trash that doesn't even have a good personality. In the game, everyone was good because they had talent. Jack's level is lower than mine, but he still plays better than me. No matter how much I try I can never beat them! Maybe... maybe with magic, but if I can't...

"It's not that he can't use magic, it's that his mana's hidden, hidden beneath the ring your wearing" A blue-haired guy came from the back of us "Name's Delta by the way"

He stared at me with his frightening light blue eyes. When I looked him in the eyes back, it was as if his eyes were glowing at me. It was terrifying, it was like when a predator was really to kill its prey.

"His mana's high. Higher than me. His main is fire, you don't have to see the person's mana to know. Just look into someone's eyes and you'll see what they want"

Ara seemed surprised and pulled out an enchanted spectacle from her purse. I think it's a spectacle that allows you to see someone's stats, but I thought we only needed to stare really hard at the person. Wait...

"Can't you see my stats without the spectacles? It feels like your piercing me with your eyes" I said trying to laugh it off as a joke

"Of course not, no one can" Ara didn't get the joke did she... oh well I got the information I wanted

I grabbed Delta's shoulders and quickly pulled his ears down to my mouth "You're from Earth aren't you"

With that single sentence, I scared the crap out of him. His whole body was shaking to the point of him falling down to my knees

"H-How did you know?" He stuttered

Alright! I'm right! That means he's either from our class or from other places that also got transported

"What's wrong Delta!" The wolfman came

He scared me a while ago so here's a payback line "I am absolute". Nailed it! Always wanted to say Akashi's line!

He was trembling even more than before

"What the hell did you say to my friend, you scum bag!" Wolfman cried

"A simple question, if some can't answer something like that they're more stupid than a brat" That was a bit mean. Think I got a little caught up into my character. Oh well, the only way now is forward. I'm not sure if that's a good thing, but I can BS my way out of most things so whatever

It's a new start, I can do whatever I want now.

"You're from Earth, right?" Liz sneaked up on wolfman from behind

How did she get there? Why is Ara now with Jess. I'm confused...

"Ahh! You know?" Wolfman looked like he almost pissed himself or something. You know when I really look at it wolfman has good protagonist materials. Plus meeting my group makes 2 more victims for his harem. Although... Liz is gonna be really hard to capture for the harem.

"How did you get here so quickly?" I asked

"I was the best rogue in the game. By the way, I forgot to say hi to both of you in the carriage, Kai and Daniel" Liz laughed after that, but...

SERIOUSLY?! THESE TWO ARE KAI AND DANIEL?! HOW COULD SHE HAVE KNOWN? I'm not the only one, both of them are paralyzed. They look scared of what might happen, but I'm just outright surprise that she figures them out. With their reactions, they're differently them alright

"You don't remember me? It's Yours Truly" Liz continued, she always called herself Yours Truly. I can never understand why she does what she does. Maybe that's why we're friends.

We explained our situation, but they still don't believe the part that I'm Rainer...

"There's no way! Rainer's nice and he'd never insult anyone, you have to be Mitch or someone like that!" Wolfman or I guess Kai doubted me with the most hurtful insult ever.

"I'll never stand as low as someone who openly watches hentai at school. I mean the name Mitch doesn't even deserve an owner that bad" I reassured

"It's true, he's Rainer alright," Liz confirmed it

After a long while of explaining and insisting that I was Rainer, he finally bought it because Jack came into the conversation and helped Liz argue the thing. I honestly feel bad for Ara. People are talking non-sense over there while she's explaining to Jess what the hell magic is.

The horse finally finished taking a break and we all got into the carriage again. I looked at my left shoulder:

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Groups Completed: Mokusei's group 1,320 views

Yours Truly's group 1,100 views

Delta's group 1,006 views

Cool! Can't believe there are 1,100 people now! I don't know who Mokusei is, but I think the reason we reached a thousand was partly that we kinda did a collaboration between groups since we're now with Delta and Kai.

It was getting dark. Ara and Average 1 and 2 slept, Ara seems to be quite cautious when she sleeps. She's holding on to her staff real tight. I guess it's a good defence mechanism in case someone attacks in your sleep.

Kai told me that he was in a group of four, but they split up

"Wait so you were in a group of four too? Why did you split up?" Liz joined in. She just likes to come in conversation uninvited, doesn't she? When your friends here this long, I guess you just either become numb to it or never mind in the first place.

"Because we had different ideas on what we should do in this world. They thought they'd just do whatever they want with their newfound 'powers'. I still don't understand how everyone's stats are different" Kai remarked

This is all of our avatars from FB2... to think about it. FB2 just came out of nowhere. It all just appeared on all of our phones. We could make unique avatars so most of us did, but only our group and Mitch's continued playing the MMORPG. Naturally, we were better at the game than them since all they wanted to do was get girl gamers in their party.

"We all had avatars from FB2 so it makes sense that it's this game's avatar that we're all stuck in, but..." I opened my menu then continued "We're all level one here, just with our original stats"

Liz smiled and said "That means we can get stronger and stronger. Ara did say that level 100 is your limit. In this world menu bars, levels, stats are common things that everyone has. Also, you probably didn't finish looking at your stats. There's one that says 'Ability'. Mine is a big question mark and I assume most of ours are the same, but I asked Ara about it and she said you'll discover it along the way of learning magic. I think it's like discovering your quirk from my hero academia"

That was a long explanation... I get it though. In any world, some people are just born better than others...

"I'm gonna sleep. Good night" Kai lied down and immediately dozes off

"Are you gonna go to bed?" I asked

"There's no bed to sleep on" Liz joked and I chuckled a bit.

"Well... I should sleep and you should too"

"I can't... that's when they'd argue and they'd bring me into it if I sleep" Liz curled into a ball

Haven't seen this side of her ever since I met her again... that damn orphanage. It made such a kind girl sharpen her fangs and cool her heart to ice. I used to call her Lizzy... the innocence of youth fades away so fast.

"It's alright... I'm here" I reassured her and she lied down, putting her head on my shoulder while hugging my arms

"Thank you... brother Rainer!" She smiled

"That's a name of the past" So I smiled back, she's pretty cute when she's not barking insults to me... ha! What am I thinking? She like a sister, not the anime kind, and as the law, we all share as men... WE MUST PROTECT THE MOI CHARACTERS. Even though, she's more of a yandere/ tsundere.

"You've been strong for so long, you need a break so just cry your heart out" I'm just saying the things I needed to hear most on those moments.

"My tears dried a long time ago"

She fell asleep and so did I...