Chereads / ROCKET BRAIN / Chapter 12 - Chapter 12 Second round competition

Chapter 12 - Chapter 12 Second round competition

The Competition began after 10 mins. The host made the group of 4 out 24 which came to 6 groups. Each candidate was asked to pick one chit from the bowl which had numbers from 1 to 6. Each candidate picked the chit one by one and disclosed there group number. Laksh was in group 6. All the groups were equally divided among the participants.

The host disclosed the rules " in today's second round of competition is quiz competition. Each question carries 5 points. It has 3 rounds in it. First round is of 10 questions to each group. If any question is not answered it can be passed to other groups and which ever group answers will get 5 points. The group will be chosen by buzzers, after pass of the question when the host informs the first group which presses the buzzer will get to answer the point. Second round is timer round. In this 20 questions of 5 marks each will be asked. It has to be answered within 5 secs of the question asked, if not the host will move to next question and the question not answered will get negative marking of 2 marks. No question can be passed to other groups in this round. Third round is the final round were the 3 groups will be selected and the 10 questions will be asked. Whichever team presses the buzzers first will get to answer the question. Wrong answer will fetch 10 marks minus and correct answer 20 marks plus. The highest score team will be the winner among the participants in this event".

Then the participants were asked to sit with there teams. People introduced themselves within the team and between the teams. There were around 8 people who where from AG and Company, among them Kiran was in team 1. He was extremely confident that he will win this competition.

The host started the competition. First team was asked and 8 questions were answered 2 questions were passed one was answered by team 5 and another by team 6. Second team only 5 questions were answered and rest 5 were answered by team 6. Third team only 2 was answered, forth team with 6 answers and fifth team 8 answers and rest passed wered answered by team 6, 5 and 1. Now the turn was of team 6. Everyone was very curious including AP , employees and Bhaw was praying that they don't even answer one question.

The host started asking questions, Laksh answered all the 10 questions and shocked the entire hall of participants. This was the first team who had answered without passing a single question to the other teams. It was the time was the score card. Group 6 was on top. Second was group 1, then group 5 , then 4,2,3.