Chereads / ROCKET BRAIN / Chapter 13 - Chapter 13 : Shock on shock

Chapter 13 - Chapter 13 : Shock on shock

Second round of quiz competition began it was timer round. Now the first team was team 1. Host started to ask the questions and within 5 secs they could not answer most and only 11 questions were answered. Other teams were getting nervous. When strong person like Kiran could answer only 11 among the 20 questions, so what will be there position in this round. Groups were finished and most of them could not answer more than 6. It was now turn of group 6. Everyones eyes were on Laksh. The hosted started with questions and it was answered, after 4th question by the time the host completed half of the question, Laksh use to answer it the host was a bit taken back. It was too quick to answer with half question, when people take the entire 5 sec after question asked and could not answer it.

Laksh answered the entire set of 20 questions with no negative marking. Everyone in the hall were full of shock. For the Finals the groups selected was 6, 1 and 5.

Round 3 that is the final round begin. It was the time for shock. This was the buzzer round. The person who presses the buzzer the quicker will get to answer the question and others even knowing the answer will lose the opportunity to answer and win the marks. It is a kind of opportunity round. The round started. The first question was asked and 3 buzzer sound was heard. The screen displayed the group 6 to be the first group to press the buzzer, hence they answered it. Later on all the buzzers were first pressed by group 6 and other teams could not get the opportunity to even answer the question. All the questions were only answered by group 6.

Now the time was to announce the winner of the competition. It was group 6. Next was to announce the list of top companies. List was announced and to the shock Laksh was on top fifth list. Kiran and team was still on top one list. AP was shocked that there company was on fifth on the list.

AP spoke to Laksh and congratulated her for the effort and everyone was happy. The Bhaw spoke she started again to provoke her and said " you just won the quiz competition, and not the competition. It is just a small part you have won, but the company has still lost it, as it is in on in fifth position". Before others could speak, Laksh left from there.