Chapter 3 - Bloody scenes

Kevin arrives at the house of the first victim shortly after leaving the police station due to how fast he can float, and also because it wasnt that far to begin with. Once kevin gets there he see's a man with bloody clothes walking out and grinning evily, it seems the murder has just taken place. Kevin phases through the door of the house and his ghostly eyes widen a bit, good thing he doesnt have a stomach yet, because he would be puking non stop right now if he did.

Before Kevin is a mangled out corpse that has all its limbs chopped off and spread throughout the room, there are several blood splatters and Kevin hopes that only these ones are all he needs and he doesn't have to go to another murder scene. Kevin thinks 'H-Hey system, do I need to get the blood from four different people or can it just be this person since there are multiple puddles?"

{The user must absorb the blood of four different individuals, you have the systems condolences since the first scene you have seen is extremely brutal.}

Kevin clicks his ghostly tongue at the last thing the system said because it didn't sound sincere. Kevin sighs and then thinks 'Well might as well get it over with, I just have to touch a blood puddle right?'

{That is correct, just touch a blood puddle and the system will absorb it.}

Kevin then walks over to one of the blood puddles and places his ghostly hand on it.

{Absorbing blood and storing contents in system for later use}

The blood puddle seems to be sucked into Kevin's hand and then disappears completely, leaving behind a nice looking clean wooden floor in the spot where the blood puddle used to be. 'Well I guess that's done now, time to head over to the next one, hopefully its not as bad as this one.'

Kevin then goes to absorb a blood pool from two of the other victims, each one was, unfortunately for him, as bad as the first one. Then Kevin gets to the fourth victim's house and notices that the murder hasn't happened quite yet. He also looks around the house and notices that chief Tyler from the police station is inside watching the front door from behind a wall for cover with a gun drawn from and the victim is hiding in a bedroom.

A few moments later the murderer walks up the the house and opens the door slowly. Once he is inside Tyler jumps out from behind his cover and says "Freeze your under arrest Jameson, it's back to prison for you!" Jameson grits his teeth and clicks his tongue before pulling out a knife and running at Tyler. Tyler doesnt react fast enough to avoid getting hit with the knife and is just barely able to put up his arms to block the knife from cutting his throat.

Tyler is then kicked into a wall by Jameson and his arm is bleeding a bit, Kevin then relizes something. Tyler dropped his gun and it is now right by Jameson's feet! Kevin thinks 'Oh shit, this isn't gonna end well for him.' Jameson notices the gun on the ground and picks it up with a grin. Jameson points the gun at Tylers head and says "Well, I guess I'm not going back to prison yet after all."

Just as Jameson is pulling the trigger someone bursts through the door and tackles him making his shot that was going to hit Tyler's head, instead hit Tyler's body. The person who burst through the door was Charles the detective that was at the police station. Tyler coughs and says jokingly "Bout time you showed up." Charles grin's at him and says "Would you rather me not come at all?" Jameson is a big guy so its not very suprising what happens next, nope not suprising at all.

Jameson gets up, pushing charles away in the process and then pulls his knife back out since charles already took away the gun when he tackled him but nobody realized until this point. Jameson rushes at Charles and manages to just barely graze his leg, making Charles stumble backwards and fall over. Things arent looking good for Tyler and Charles right now, but its at this moment, once charles leg is grazed by that knife, that the blood splatters into the rest of the blood from Tyler on the ground.

Kevin notices this and then grins before thinking 'Well I guess I know what to do here' Kevin then floats over to the puddle of blood and places his hand on it.

{Absorbing blood...This is the last required puddle of blood for the user to gain a new body, would you like to form your new body now or wait, if the user chooses the wait option the user can just say "form new body" at any time, and the system will ask this question again.}