Chapter 4 - Garfield

I read the other chapters this time, and I gotta say. I'm a genius.

The wet throat, textured tongue, the goopy saliva, it's all Whattsisfce could ask for. Excluding a fourth Toyota Corolla.

As he was enjoying his Time sliding down the weird orange dog's throat, Whattaburger had a thought. "I couldn't think of a thought, and I'm not closing the quote. Screw you. Anyways, he's currently passing where the RLN would be if this two-legged dog was real.. and human. Funny thing about the RLN, look it up.

Westerburg is slipping down into the stomach, and is preparing to feel the stomach acid on his.. body? When suddenly everything goes black and he blacks out harder than I do when I play the older Pokémon games.

Digimon does what pokedont. They gave their creatures fully functioning digestive systems. And they're pretty in pink, unlike Amy whose really just awful in everything she's in. Sticks is best girl.

If you're wondering where I've been, why? I'm writing a thing about a guy who gets eaten and shatted out multiple times. With a bunch of random garbage and references in for no reason

Nobody gets my humor

Also chapter 2 is my favourite so far.