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Tom Marvolo Riddle met his father in the most unlikeliest places

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Chapter 1 - borgin and burkes

tom riddle was putting the materials of shady stuff in one of the shelves in borgin and burkes when someone was caught on his peripheral view , they were so alike except the man was older than him and a noble probably

tom took no mind of the man and focused on what he is doing ,tom riddle stood up and picked up some of the stuff to place it somewher else when he is suddenly called by mr. burkes

"hey tom come 'ere boy, can you place this on that shelf right there" said mr. burkes pointing on the eight shelf on the far corner on the room, he saw the man that he saw earlier looking at him with pure curiosity

" and tom can you also help that man right there to go back out of here in knockturn alley, " said mr. burkes once again smiling , tom look at mr. burkes as mouthed him a word 'a muggle' and tom just nodded,

tom works here to gain money for his third year in hogwarts and since he was an orphan he has to work his arse off to be able to afford the books and other stuff that is needed in hogwarts

tom riddle saw the wandering man about to touch something dangerous , he came to the and stop him from doing what be is about to do"sir you mustn't touch those things it's rather cursed , you will be in pain if you touched that" said tom touching the man's shoulder

" and why is that?" said the man who look like him with utter confusion " are you sir perhaps a muggle" tom questioned

" what's a muggle" said the man still thingking , his expression changed as if he remembered something

" are you alright" said tom as he place the thing on the eight shelf just behind h

" oh sorry just thingking of something" said the man nervously

" sir i'll accompany you to where you're from, because if you wonder longer you will be in a much more dangerous situation, the people here aren't pleasant " said tom coldly prompting the man to follow him , wich the man obligue , tom iris is a color so rare only few has ever known about it , crimson red is what they call it , only pureblood families from the slytherin lineage have this rare sort of eyes , and thomas riddle sr. was bewildered of the colore of tom as this is the first time he saw such eyes or probably not because he remembered his ex wife having the same eyes as him from little hangleton ,

" where are we going young man?" said the man following behind him trying to keep up with tom's steps

"to where you're from " said tom specifically as he walks faster missing steps ahead ,the man was having a hard time following him,

" can you please slow down?, " said the man ,tom slowls down a little and just walk ahead his eyes focused on the direction of the road

" not a talker are you?" said the man nervously

once they arrived there and stopped the man tried to catch his breath , they were infront of a wall,

"i don't talk to mudbloods " said tom coldly as he counted the blocks he pushed the block forward ,the wall opened surprising the man completely " what was that " said the man stuttering slightly amused

" you should get on your way someone might saw you" said tom prompting him to get out using his fingers as a sign

" before i leave may i know your name?" said the man nervously , tom just noticed that the man was wearing a rich men's cloth meaning he is a noble

" Tom Marvolo riddle " said tom as he pushed the man to the gate the man expression changed into fear and all at the same time a feeling he can't rather explain , the man was finally outside as

tom pointed his wand to the door and cast a spell to close the door leading to london

" wait, tom-" the man attempted to say something but failed because the door closed before he can even speak , the man saw tom's eyes glisten bright red

" that was rather troublesome" said tom as he walk his way back to the borgin and burkes ,he can feel the ladies hungry gaze but he paid it no mind and they are only a nuisance for his plan, for his big plan


tom riddle sr. was following a man in an alleyway when the man walked through a wall he never knew existed it look normal although it looks like a portal , he goes in too, losing sight of the person he was following but when he looked behind him the wall was already closed scared of what happened he goes down the road and saw a lively place filled with girls that was gawgling through a window of a shop called borgin and burkes that's a wierd name, thomas sr. looks at the commotion and look through the window to see a young man helping an old man with his items , but tom exclaimed in surprise to see they're splitting image of each other only theman inside was younger and much more youthfull , the ladies looks to tom sr. with amazement because of some odd similarities the young man and thomas sr have and they started drooling over his looks, tom riddle sr. goes inside the shop and looks around , the place was extremely shady bones and other things can be seen ,is this the black market is what he first tought,tom sr. saw the young man from earlier now fixing the shelves with proper caution ,

" hey tom come 'ere boy, can you place this on that shelf right there," pointing on a shelf he cannot quite follow

" and tom can you also help that man right there to go back out of her ein knockturn alley " said the old man pointing at him and the young man just nodded he saw the old man mouthed something to the young man wich he cannot understand ,

the young man wiched name was tom placed the said ornament on the shelf the old man pointed to , tom sr. was about to touch a wierd looking stuff on one of the shelves when he was stopped by the young man with a little frustrated look on it's face

"sir you mustn't touch those things it's curse , you'll be in pain if you touch that" said tom holding his shoulders

"why is that" tom sr. replied with a curious look on his face

" are you perhaps a muggle?" questioned the tom young man to him

" what's a muggle?" replied tom sr. then a memory came up to him ,he remembered his ex wife telling him that a pureblood must not marry a muggle because it wa sa rule between slytherin and that time tom sr. cannot understand anything she is saying, his wife told him that a muggle is what they call to those who has no magic or who lack thereof , and tom was confused then, that is the time he learned she has magic he accepted her as if he's in a curse of some sort,, but then on his feelings for her was gone and the woman beside him was begging him to forgive her for giving him a love potion ,she even exclaimed in sadness that she was with a child in her stomach that was yet to be born , how can he believe her when she already lied , and so he left without looking back nor saying a word .

and now right in fornt of him was probably his son , his son he didn't believe was alive , breathing the same air as him

" oh sorry, just thingking of something" said tom sr. trying not to stare at the boy's red eyes

tom look at the man infront of him with a cold glare then he spoke

" sir i'll accompany you to where you're from" said tom prompting him to follow him each steps tom jr. was walking faster and faster thomas sr. was having a hard time trying to catch up to him

"where are we going" said thomas sr. trying to catch up but tom jr was far too fast

" to where you are from" said tom on his usual monotone voicea hint of coldness can be felt on his voice ,bitter even

" can you please walk slower" said tom sr , trying to walk as fast as he can almost running when the boy slow downed " not a talker are you" said tom sr. trying to catch his breath on each step he take

" I don't talk to mudbloods" said tom coldly was he supposed to be offended by that ,then they arrived in front of a wall the same way he came from before ,young tom counted the bricks then pressed the middle then it slowly opened one by one ten by ten , as if opening a portal to another world

" before i leave can i kindly ask for your name ?" said tom sr combing his hair iwth his hand

"Tom Marvolo Riddle" the riddle was emphasized they hav ethe same last name , tom sr was suddenly filled with terror and all at the sam etime happiness he just can't believe he saw his son , without even confirming it he was certainly his son..same chiseled black hair ,same defined nose , same cheekbones., and same height...

tom jr pushed thomas sr. through the wall for him ,and faith they shall never meet again , but faith is an evil son of a bitch , faith will bring them back together not as strangers but as family.

tom sr saw his son one last time from the otherside of the wall letting out a wooden stick and poiting it toward the him as the wall slowly ceases and closed .