Chapter 2 - Chapter 2 Food and talk

Tom Marvolo riddle can't stop thinking about the surprised face of the man when he had said his name, as if he knew him , did that mudblood somehow know who he is , no that can't be because tom riddle did not have any friends nor associate outside of the orphanage , well tom riddle is pretty popular with the ladies especialy outside of the orphanage , that is probably how that man learn of tom's existance , yes that's it ... he doesn't have to worry if that's the case...

"can you stop pacing around mate." said abraxass with a rather annoyed look on his face

" malfoy can you gather the sacred 28 on the common room? we are going to have a meeting tommorow" said Tom coldly fixing his tie when he stop pacing,

" alright alright mate, glad i stayed over the holidays " said abraxass as he comb his golden hair he placed 28 Papers with something written on it already ready to be owled

tom readied himself and apparate to london ,he ended up in a bathroom stall filled with gaffiti, talk about a bowl full of shit, muggleborn such lowly creatures can't even flush their own shit,tom get out of the stall and went outside ,tom riddle is wearing his usual hogwarts uniform exceot for the robe of course ,only the shirt and pants with a tag "slytherin"and a serpent on the side of his shirt , his hair comb to only one side neatly and his perfect facial feautures wich is enough for thw ladies to swoon over him, at his age tom is already tall enough about 5"11 , wich made his stature perfect well thanks to his probably biological father that he gain its exceptionally good looks that he is able to get away with everything .

" oh hello there young man, here is my number if you want anything , i am mostly available at night" said a lady that look like a horse seductively , tom just snob her and continued his pace in a much faster way ..(why did that sound so wrong to me dang, GM), tom stopped on his tracks when he saw the man from yesterday , can tom mood just get any better, tom sneer at himself as he walk past the man only to be called by him

" tom young man come here" said the man prompting him to go to where the man is , making his brow furrow in irritation , " yes , you are that man from yesterday right? " said tom coldly to the man , he saw a rather beautifull yet old woman , probably in her 40's looking at tom with bewilderment as if it's her first time seeing him.

"he is the young man i am talking to you about " said the man to the woman rather coldly , are they not close?

" are you tom riddle right? " said the woman handing out her hands trying to have a shake hands with tom wich tom accept

" yes, i am tom riddle , i met this man yesterday " said tom letting go of the woman's hands , well tom still need to be polite even though he want to sneer and just walk away, welltom has a reputation to uphold

" you two look so alike , my gad i thought you are thomas on his younger years" said the woman gleefully patting tom's shoulder ,it annoyed tom more but when tom is about to talk ,thomas spoke up

" sorry but i stillhave somewhere to go to " said tom coldly walking away " young man will you go with us right now ,lunch " said the man smiling , tom's stomach grumbles since tom hadn't eaten any breakfast earlier

" Fine i guess it can wait for a few minutes " said tom politely , at leats tom get free food , he's pretty broke too since the money he's earning is for his school

tom followed the two mudbloods inside the restaurant


" i have a question young man where do you live?" said thomas while picking up his hors d'eouvres

"on an orphanage, but i am not planning to live there any longer ." tom noticed the man look at him with a sadden expression

" oh sorry to hear that , so where are your parents" said the woman picking up some vegies on the table

" mrs. cole told me that my mother died while giving birth to me , wellshe said she was inthe cold in the middle of the night when she knocked on the door of the orphanage" said tom rather coldly not even tasting only eating a few batch of the food , thomas look at him with pity and sullen look on his face

" so how about your um Father?" said the woman looking at thomas smiling a little

" i don't want to know about the likes of him being a mudblood , making my stomach churn just of the tought that my father is not pureblooded " said tom sneering lightly using his fork for the noodles

" oh so what's a mudblood " said the woman" even if i explain it to you, you wouldn't understand anyway" said tom rudely as he pick up the fork with noodles in it and ate it " oh alright.. so um why did you hate your father so much??" said the woman

" he is a mudbood , he left mother, and didn't even think about me at all , what a fucker " said tom cursing quietly ,tom didn't know what expresiion that thomas man is going to make

" well if your father ever came back and get you what will you do?" said thomas with a smile.

" well i'll reject him because i still have a lot of things to do and he is only going to get in my "Way. " tom said his iris turning bright red for a few seconds as he look at the two people in front of him making them shiver a little .

" oh alright then ..... so what is it you are doing that you think he will only get on your way?." said thomas

" oh its something big you'll never understand " because its muder for horcurxes ' he left the rest of the word he is going to say on his head.